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I reeeeeeally like monster hunter... and I reeeeeally like earth-smashing wrassle-fucking!
So, here we go!

2:For once... they actually defy gravity!!!

3: In Iceborne, Paolumu's breast slam attack (And yes, it is just that) hits you for multiple strikes... and if all hit, (Unless your armor is godly) you're going to faint!

4: Bazelguease invades the hump!-- I mean HUNT!

5: Odogaron in a "fight... er... fuck for life"  mode! <3

6: Got 2 more pages with Baybay getting it good :3

7: An excuse to use the "stun" ailment!

8: Sorry for being off this week. I sprained my art-wrist(right) on monday and I'm only now getting back to condition green.

10: Woke up this morning with a funnier ending!




Lmao!! And they both hump and fly off into the sunset. Doc you're ridiculous, but in the best way possible. XD


And like any good movie, the loving couple rode off into the sunset... or int his case, rode each other off into the sunset. Heh heh!