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Well, end of another year here. Hoping 2023 is gonna be something big. 

I checked my goals that I set last year and I see that I met none of them...

well, except for adding the new characters. I did that. And I got the scenes and transformation for Lucy in. 

So, goals for next year will hopefully be met this time. Mainly cause I'm gonna dial it back a bit. 

1. Get one more FMG transformation scene done. (either Erza or Seri)

2. get up to one more sex scene for a character.

3. Add in-location extra events. (idea I've had for a while, you'll see what I mean soon.)

4. Try and do more updates


6. More presentation updates. I want this game to look good. Cause I can. 

7. Work on getting either a concept demo or full on first version of the extra Landlady FMG game. (If anyone's got a title for that by the way, let me know. So far it's just "Landlady's new workout".)

I have other goals, but they're all for stuff that isn't adult content related, so I won't bore you with them. 

I hope to try and get a new update for OPAS out as soon as I can, but again, this takes a long time for things like the art to be done, and the code to be written. It's just me and the artist doing the work and we both do other things so updates have been rather... far apart. 

Again, I apologize for that, but there are other things I want to do and I can only do so much. 

Hope you all have a happy new year, and that I can give you some good news soon. Thanks again for all your support!


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