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So, recently I got an idea for a short game I could do a single release of, or just two or three large updates, alongside OPAS. 

The premise is you help your landlady, a very easy-going motherly and smothering type (ara ara onee-san), lose some extra weight by buying her things like protein powder and workout supplements. 

the twist is that she uses so much of it, being aloof and all, that she grows in size. the supplements being an extra item that can cause a shift in her personality. (Normal, Confident, Shy, Feral/amazon)

So the game goes on where you raise money (via a mini game, not just endless missions I swear!), get items, landlady drinks them, works out, then at night she grows in her sleep. hijinks ensue. 

I kind of want this to be a rather small game, just focusing on one character unlike how OPAS has multiple. 

So yeah, that's sort of the small pitch of the game. Something I've toyed around with in my head for a bit, and it seems like something I can do to add to the small amount of FMG focused games. I haven't got an artist yet but I don't want to use the same one as OPAS. I have that artist on two other things with me so I don't wanna drain him. 😅

Let me know what you're thoughts are. and any thoughts/ideas you have for it. 


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