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Jenna watched with eager eyes as Nicole caved and ate more. Nicole ordered another round of fries and two more root beers. Despite everything she drank, Nicole held her burps back with a hand to her mouth. Those deep rumbles enticed Jenna. She wondered if Nicole was teasing her. She did it so casually, dabbing her lips like a princess with a napkin when she had crumbs.

They shared their love and hate of different condiments; Jenna not being a fan of ketchup and Nicole hating mustard. Food was always a good way to know somebody. Despite how much Nicole tried to eat well, Jenna loved how food like this was her guilty pleasure.

“I try to limit myself to fast food only twice a month,” Nicole said.

“This ain’t fast food. This is gourmet. This isn’t McDonald’s. This is true good real food.”

“But it’s greasy, obviously.”

“So? All you need to do is work out. You can really eat whatever you want so long as you get your steps in and do your push-ups.”

Nicole finished her basket of fries. Jenna handed her a couple of hers. “Treat yo’ self.”

Nicole made a face, but then smiled when Jenna waved them in front of her and said, “You know you want to.”


Nicole regretted having so much root beer. Those mugs were like beer steins.

How much of this am I doing because I want to? Or because I want to please her?

Jenna clearly was into how much she ate and drank. She wasn’t exactly subtle in her stares. She never told Jenna this but she suspected Jenna had a crush on her back when they worked at the Ice Cream Barn. It was rather obvious whenever she walked into the room, and she could even feel Jenna’s gaze on her when she walked out.

“Oh god, I gotta burp,” Jenna said lowly, struggling. “I think we would piss off that guy there if I burp out loud again.”

“Can’t you do it quietly?”


Nicole raised a brow. “What?”

“I can’t burp quietly. Don’t you know who I am?”

“Yeah, but, everyone can.”


“You can’t do the closed…mouth thing that I do?”



“I dunno. I just don’t. When it has to come out it comes out.” She grabbed her stomach. The gurgle was so loud that Nicole even heard it. “Ugh. God.”

They were done with their meal anyway, so Nicole motioned to the waitress for the check.

“Oh God…” Jenna heaved. “I feel like I’m gonna have a baby.”

“You’ve never been pregnant.”

“I know but it must feel like this.”

“I doubt it.”

They stared at the check when the waitress placed it on the table. They stared each other down for a couple seconds and then back to the check. Jenna was faster. Nicole whipped out some cash but Jenna said, “No. I got this.”

“Come on.”

Jenna smiled. “You can treat me to something else later.”

Nicole liked the sound of that.

Once they stepped out of Cary’s, Jenna belched out loud, and then continued to do so as they walked towards the amusement park. She had no qualms about burping mid-sentence in front of everyone in the boardwalk. Nicole was embarrassed to be seen with her. Nobody really said or did anything though, aside from typical dirty looks here and there. By the time night fell, the crowd was thick enough to have them bump shoulders with people constantly.

“My burps are literally drowned out by all the noise,” Jenna said. “See? Watch.”

“No, don’t—"


Jenna had let out a guttural, manly belch that had her seemingly stretch out her neck. Nicole laughed nervously keeping her head low. Jenna was unreal, like a cartoon character come to life. Nicole never heard any of the boys at school burp like that.

And then she slowly frowned, because she knew deep down that Jenna was trying to coax the fetish out of her, to burp for her in return, like some kind of bizarre mating ritual.

Is this all she’s gonna wanna do when we go out?

As if reading her mind, Jenna tugged her to a game of ring toss.

“Hey, I almost won this once. It’s so fucking hard but I really want to win one day.”

Ring toss was indeed the hardest boardwalk game of all. You had to throw a tiny red ring at a sea of open glass bottles, hoping the ring would land around the neck of one of them. It was notoriously difficult to land a single ring, and even doing so would only win you a mediocre prize. The weak payoff deterred Nicole from playing it, but Jenna seemed determined. She bought five rings and was already two in.

“Damn. So close.” She blew on the third one for good luck while rubbing it and then tossed it – only to curse as it bounced off course. “Do you want to try?’

Nicole threw the fourth, to no avail.

“Darn. Welp. One more.”

Nicole had started to feel another belch coming on from their meal. She wasn’t as adept as Jenna in terms of getting it out quickly, so she raised a finger and said, “Wait. Hold on!”

“What is it?”

Nicole mustered the gas inside of her as much as she could. For a terrible second, she thought it was going to get stuck, as her chest hurt really bad. She turned to Jenna, kissed her, but while kissing her burped in her mouth. When she drew back, Jenna had the most dumbfounded grin on her face.

“For luck,” Nicole said.

Without looking, probably to act cool, Jenna threw the ring.


It missed terribly.

They both went “Awwwww” and laughed at their misfortune. The attendant was amused enough to give them one last chance. He handed another ring to Jenna and said, “You get one more.”

“Really?” Jenna said. “Sick.”

She rubbed it in her hands and blew on it once more for luck, but this time (when the attendant wasn’t looking of course) Nicole burped on it. Once more, Jenna had a dumbfounded grin on her face. Nicole realized that she could get all giddy and shy too when faced with thing that really turned her on.

They watched with wide unblinking eyes as the ring spun across the bottles, and then---it caught onto one bottle…and started spinning round until it finally rested on the neck.

The girls stared in amazement. The attendant looked up from his phone and said blithely, “Oh shit. You won.” He pointed to the lowest rack of plush toys hanging from the ceiling. “You get one of those.”

Nicole honestly didn’t care which one, and neither did Jenna, but in keeping up with a theme Jenna chose a little dolphin.

As they walked away from the game, Jenna handed it to Nicole. “Here. Yours.”

“What? Mine? It should be yours. You’re the one who threw it.”

“You’re the one who burped into it for good luck.”

Nicole chuckled a bit and accepted the plushie.

They spent time in the arcade. Nicole revealed her fondness of cute Nintendo characters, and Jenna may have spent well over ten dollars trying to catch a Toad plushie in a crane game, only to bang on the glass and curse it for being rigged. Skee-ball was a favorite pastime for couples to play on a first date. Nicole started to finally ease into the night and forget about any of her prior anxieties.

The amusement park was a little too family friendly for Jenna’s taste. The only two good rides that offered a thrill for anyone older than 6 were a roller coaster with mouse-shaped carts and the Music Express – that one ride that had you go in circles as the latest pop music blared, and then went backwards.

The roller coaster ended up being more of a bust than they thought. The first drop was good but the rest was only mildly exciting. Jenna seemed embarrassed by saying, “We should have gone to Lakeview. They have a bigger one there.”

“Nah, it’s alright. I’m having fun.”

“Are ya? Or are ya just saying that?”

Jenna instinctively brushed a hand along Nicole’s arm. Nicole shivered. She developed goosebumps. A certain energy flowed through her body, wanting to share it with Jenna. Her fingers dangled by her side and found their way to Jenna’s, until ultimately interlacing. Tightly.

Jenna chuckled a little. They full-on held hands.

Jenna motioned towards the Music Express. “Let’s check out that one.”

She went into the seat first while Nicole sat second. As the ride started going in circles, Nicole realized that good old physics was forcing her to slide down the seat against Jenna. She immediately tried to fight this pull, blushing fiercely. Jenna laughed and put her arm around her, and Nicole ultimately let go, letting the centrifugal force push her against Jenna. Jenna grunted; Nicole became aware of the fact that she was heavier than Jenna. She felt as though she were crushing her a bit. Nevertheless, Jenna stayed strong and wrapped her arms around her. She felt warm. Nicole looked back at her for a second and they kissed briefly. Jenna appeared flushed.

Gradually, the ride slowed…and then started going in the opposite direction. People yelped and laughed. Nicole realized with mild horror that now Jenna was the one sliding down towards her. This time, it felt more comfortable being that Jenna was skinnier and didn’t put as much pressure on Nicole, though Nicole felt too timid to put her arms around Jenna.

Once the Music Express finally winded down, Nicole’s stomach gurgled. She stopped laughing and frowned. A terrible knot formed in the pit of her stomach. It didn’t feel good. At all. She needed a bathroom.

“Oh fuck,” Jenna said, noticing her expression, “are you gonna throw up?”

Nicole didn’t say anything. She wobbled out of the seat and tried to find the nearest bathroom. Every second that passed felt worse. She needed to bend down and hold herself by the knees and expected to blow chunks when instead---


The most immense, disgusting belch ever concocted erupted from the fiery pits of her stomach. Nicole had absolutely no control over it. It was like someone had exorcised a demon from her. Deep and immensely bassy, the entire boardwalk could have probably heard it over the roar of the amusement rides.

“Holy hell!” Jenna said, reaching down to help her stand. “Are you okay?”

Nicole realized that she was genuinely concerned for her health, before even suggesting that it turned her on. Jenna asked again if she was alright, and Nicole wiped some slight drool from her lip and said, “Oh yeah. I’m MUCH better after that!”

Jenna then grinned and livened up. “Holy shit, Nicole, I never heard you belch like THAT before.”

Nicole got goosebumps again; she loved the way Jenna gazed at her with hungry eyes. She craved that feeling of being wanted, and Jenna really wanted her right now. For some reason, Nicole felt the need to mutter, “Sorry.”

“No, don’t be. You know you don’t have to be around me.”

“I know. It was just SO loud.”

Nicole rose to her feet and realized that Jenna stood closer to her. The closeness of their bodies, not quite touching but dangerously close, gave her goosebumps again. She knew what was going to happen before thinking about it, their lips just naturally drew to each other.

“See?” Jenna said when she pulled back. “That covers the bill.”

A couple teenage boys were watching them at the edge of the roller coaster line near them, one wearing a beanie and the other taking a smoke. For some reason, Nicole felt off-put by their stares. Jenna might have felt the same too judging by how she tugged her to come along back to the boardwalk.


Rocky Savannah

Another great installment. Keep up the good work.