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Author's Note: I have retconned one detail. Jenna King is not bisexual but strictly lesbian.

Nicole Roberto took a deep breath staring at herself in the bathroom mirror. She had spent almost thirty minutes trying to decide whether to have her hair up or down. She settled on letting it down after she remembered that people compared the length of her hair to Rapunzel. She wore a tight green crop top with tight jean shorts. She ran her hands over them wondering if it was too revealing or just revealing enough or even if it was not that revealing. People can be highly critical after all. Her nails were done, but was red the right choice? She put on some matching bracelets, but had trouble if she should go with silver or gold. After finally choosing gold, she shook out the last remaining nerves before leaving her bathroom.

Downstairs, Jenna stood in the foyer waiting patiently with her hands in her pockets. She looked up at Nicole with a killer smirk through her aviator sunglasses. Despite being some 80 degrees outside, Jenna still wore a pair of ripped jeans, though she wore a tight Nirvana t-shirt. Nicole immediately knew she shouldn’t worry about what she looked like – Jenna never had any trouble wearing whatever she wanted in public.

They stared at each other a bit doe-eyed before Nicole’s mother interrupted them.

“Well, you two have fun!”

Jenna grinned sheepishly. “Thanks, Mrs. Roberto.”

Mrs. Roberto waved her hand dismissively. “Oh please, call me Jane.”

They waved her goodbye and hurried on out.

Nicole hated herself for taking so long to get ready. She really wanted this first date to go smoothly, and the last thing she wanted to be seen as was late, lazy, and all sorts of critical judgments. But she realized as she got into Jenna’s Nissan that Jenna had cleared out her car, almost bringing out that faint new car smell again.

“I see you cleaned,” Nicole said. “Found a place to put all those CDs?”

“I shoved everything in the trunk.”


Nicole didn’t know how to continue the conversation from there.

It all started when she woke up that morning and randomly thought:

If I never farted as loud as I did, would Jenna still like me?

The thought intruded on her as she continued getting ready for the date.  It started just as that – an intrusive thought, but then it began to bother her and occupy her mind to the point where Jenna asked her if something was up.

“Hm? Oh. Nothing. Just had a long day.”

It felt silly after all they did back at the Ice Cream Barn months ago, before they graduated. But this was different. They were on a date. That meant something else on so many levels. Nicole’s parents had no idea she was bisexual. She wasn’t sure yet when to tell them. They were, thankfully, more open-minded than most parents she had heard about. Even so, that was always a daunting task. Sooner or later, her mother would pick up on her hanging out with Jenna all the time in a “certain way”. Heck, her mother maybe already picked up on something. Parents can have an uncanny sixth sense when it comes to figuring that stuff out.

Nicole patted her thighs nervously to the beat of the music. Jenna always gave off 70’s and 80’s vibes, especially with the music she loved to play. Nicole tried to say something of interest about the music but instead asked, “So…which boardwalk are we going to?”

“I was thinking Seaside.”


Jenna glanced at her several time.

“What?” Nicole said, frowning. She wiped her cheek. “Do I have something on my face?’

“No. You’re just cute is all.”

Nicole’s cheeks flushed violently. “Shut up.”

“Haha. And you’re so nervous. Like you’re about to interview for a job or something.”

“I’m not nervous.”

“You so are. It’s okay. It’s cute.”


The summer had been a daze for Jenna King, in a good way. She never thought she would actually get to be with her number one crush of all time. People seldom do. There were so many stories out there of unrequited love never reciprocated and chances never taken. Jenna once slapped herself in the morning to make sure the past several months hadn’t been a dream.

They chatted on the phone almost every other day. Jenna knew she found someone special by how Nicole freely surrendered herself to Jenna’s fetish. She would, unprompted, answer the phone and whisper, “I’ve got so much gas today, you have no idea.” Jenna would smirk, bite her lip, lock her bedroom door and ask her for details.

Today was the day they would go on a date for real. It was Nicole’s idea more than hers. Nicole clearly was more into the romantic gestures and conventional ways of courtship. It wasn’t that Jenna didn’t want to go on a date, but rather she never innately thought about courtship that way. She thought more sexually, more “we’ll just hang out in each other’s bedrooms and make out”. Dates weren’t a thing for her. Unlike Nicole, she never had the luxury of being able to openly express this interest with other girls. Nicole was able to do that with boys.

Jenna had never actually been on a date before, only “hangouts” which were really dates disguised as hangouts without the PDA of being real dates. She was looking forward to spending the day with her. Being around Nicole was a simple pleasure.

But Jenna started to sense something awkward coming from Nicole on the car ride to the boardwalk, and she wondered herself about how the date would go. When Jenna woke up that day, she realized that everything they had talked about was sexual. She never actually knew what Nicole’s favorite color was, or her favorite movie, or what time period she would choose to visit if she had a time machine. Her excitement was purely centered around the fact that Nicole burped and farted for her. But was that really it? What did…couples do when they weren’t engaging with each other sexually? The question dawned on her, and for the first time in her life she experienced what adults would call “existential dread”. What if they ran out of things to talk about? What if they got bored of each other? Is it possible to be bored of each other but still like each other?

Nicole wasn’t as engaged during the car ride as when they talked on the phone, or even when they used to work together. Jenna read her body language as restrained and nervous.

The car in front of them abruptly stopped and made a left turn without warning.

“Ah, fucking cocksucker,” Jenna spat.

Nicole scoffed. Jenna became more at ease now that Nicole had broken into a smile.

That gave them something to talk about for the car ride – ranting about stupid drivers and their experiences in driver’s ed.

When Jenna parked across from the boardwalk, she noticed Nicole looked visibly uncomfortable at the sight of all the people. Night was quickly falling, so on a typical warm summer night like that night everyone was flooding the path to the boardwalk. The parking lot around them was quickly filling up.

“Say, Jenna,” she began, “do your parents…know?”

Ah. Maybe she’s nervous about that.

Jenna said, “I think so. I never said anything to them. But my grandma knows.”

Nicole did a double-take. “Really? How did that go?”

Jenna shrugged. “Honestly, not as bad as I thought.”

“Can I ask how it happened?”

“It was by accident. Grandma was over one day and walked in on me looking at stuff. She asked me if I liked girls and I said yes. She just smiled and nodded but didn’t say anything else, only to come downstairs for dinner. I thought she was going to tell everybody. But I don’t think she did. She never talked about it again.”

No reaction was better than a bad reaction, she supposed.

Nicole nodded. She folded her hands together looking out at a crowd of couples walking together, fingers fidgeting. Jenna reached out and held her hands.

“Anyone gives us shit,” Jenna said, “leave it to me.”

They walked out together towards the Seaside boardwalk, now starting to sparkle with lights as the night sky crawled over. As they got closer, the sounds of arcades and people whooping on roller coasters filled the air. Jenna and Nicole walked apart from each other; Jenna was mindful not to force Nicole to hold hands if she wasn’t comfortable yet.

Jenna knew an underrated burger joint towards the end of the boardwalk – Cary’s. The place hadn’t seen a single renovation since the 80’s, so the neon sign was ancient and the furniture had seen better days. All in all, a grungy aesthetic that Jenna loved.

Once at the table, Jenna realized how hungry she was. The thought got her excited. She already jumped to images of Nicole being bloated to the point of unbuttoning her shorts, or Jenna needing to rub her belly. As if reading her mind, Nicole looked up from her menu at the same time Jenna did. They both smirked devilishly at each other.

“What are you thinking of getting?” Nicole asked.

“I don’t know…” Jenna said, a little playfully. “But I noticed they have milkshakes.”

Nicole immediately scoffed at that. She said, “I don’t think so. Not this time. I would prefer to have fun OUTSIDE of the bathroom tonight. If you know what I mean.”

Jenna nodded. “Ah. Got it.”

Tension rose inside of Jenna. She couldn’t wait to get to the good part of the night. The thought made her horny, especially since she was ravenous. Hopefully, ordering lots of food would persuade Nicole to also eat a lot.


Nicole thought about how she hadn’t had a root beer in a long time. Usually, they were sold with the cheap brands that had artificial sweeteners but this place had pure cane sugar root beer.

Should I burp for her? Just get straight to it?

Nicole got lost in what she should do. She really didn’t want to eat any dairy this time around. Like she told Jenna, too much of dairy would end up being an uncomfortable experience. They were here to get to know each other. But maybe Nicole needed to still spice things up for Jenna’s fetish. Otherwise, how would Jenna feel interested?

“Nicole?” Jenna asked.

“Huh? Oh. Sorry. I’ll have…” She blanked.

“Do you need more time, sweetie?” the old waitress asked. Nicole was a tad annoyed by the tone in her voice, treating her like a child.

“No, I know what I want. I’ll have a root beer. And a hamburger with fries.”

“Nothing else?” Jenna asked. “I’m also getting wings and mozzarella sticks.”

Nicole smiled thinly. “No. I’m good.”

She knew right away that Jenna was purposely making her full and bloated. Nicole really hoped this date would move beyond that though, but wrestled with how else to get the ball rolling. What would their relationship be like if they didn’t engage in any of that?

“Are you okay?” Jenna said.

“I’m fine.”

She could be daring. Yeah, she could do something daring. Jenna would like that.


Uh-oh. She said “I’m fine”.

Jenna hated stereotypes and gender norms to the nth degree. But she couldn’t help but feel alarmed by Nicole’s terse reply – the dreaded “I’m fine” that nobody wanted their girlfriend to say. Jenna drummed her fingers on the table and, for the first time ever, started to feel nervous about hanging out with someone. What went wrong? Did she drive like an asshole? Was it the outburst about the dude who didn’t make his turning signal? Did she not open the door for her or something on the way here? Maybe Cary’s wasn’t a very romantic first date. But it’s not like she was going to have them eat out at a fancy five-star restaurant.

The waitress handed them their root beers in ice cold glass mugs. Jenna loved that. It had an old-timey feel. She clinked glasses with Nicole and they took their first sips.

Jenna noticed that Nicole took a longer gulp. When she finished, Jenna asked, “Have you thought about what you’re going to do in college?”

“I was thinking of being a lawyer. There was a whole thing that happened with my mom years ago where she got injured at work but company didn’t agree to cover it. The lawyer we had sucked and she wasn’t able to really fight it. That bothered me a lot and just sometime in sophomore year I realized ‘I think I could have done that better myself’. So I got into the debate team and. Yeah.”

That took Jenna by surprise. She didn’t actually know much about Nicole’s motivations and interests. Then again, that was what dates were for, right? But, of course Nicole Roberto would have an idea of what to do in college. Jenna didn’t know shit. She wanted to chill out and smoke pot and hang out all day. She immediately felt useless since she knew Nicole would ask her the same thing and she would have nothing interesting or amazing to say.

“What about you?” Nicole asked, after the silence grew between them.

“Uhhhh….” Jenna scratched her head. She stared down into her root beer, almost ashamed to look up at her. “Well. I’m not sure maybe uh. Something with…”


Too late now. Can’t back out!

A hefty belch had been swelling up inside of Nicole since she drank the root beer. She had tried to keep it down to build it up more. It now reached the point where the pressure was too much for her to handle. But she regretted doing this at the last second. What would everyone think when she burped out loud? Jenna said she would handle anyone who said anything, right? Well, she was about to test that promise.

Before Jenna could respond to her question, Nicole erupted.


The belch erupted across the entire restaurant. Several people shot her disgusted looks over their shoulders. A few kids giggled at the counter. The sweet, sweet release was sublime – but her cheeks turned beet red and she bent her head low to avoid being seen.

Jenna stared at her; mouth hung open in shock. She snorted a laugh and hissed, “That was SOOOO loud!”

“Oh my God. I can’t believe I did that!” Nicole hissed back. “Is everyone looking at me?”

“They totally are!”

Nicole put a hand to her forehead. “Oh God.” She glanced quickly over her shoulder. A few people were still giving her looks. She bent low to hide herself from the world. “I shouldn’t have done that! I’m so sorry!”

“Psh. You kidding? Watch this.”

Nicole wasn’t sure whether to feel the solidarity or be mortified. Jenna effortlessly released an equally loud and long belch that resonated throughout the restaurant.


Nicole hid her head lower, wanting to be invisible. Jenna fearlessly remained sitting up straight and ignored all the dirty looks. When the waitress came by with their food, she said, “Sheesh, ease up on the root beer.” She meant well though, laughing it off. That made Nicole feel only slightly better.


Okay, okay, off to a good start to the night, Jenna thought.

Jenna hoped that would prompt Nicole to burp more, but as she drank her root beer and eventually finished it, Nicole held in her burps by putting a fist to her mouth. She gave off deep rumbles that Jenna could clearly hear. If only she had let them out….

Nah. Better not push it.

Once their food came and the embarrassment was long behind them, Nicole said, “You never answered my question. What do you plan on doing in college?”

Jenna deflated. She really didn’t want to talk about the future. She wanted to focus on the now. Having fun. In order to get the conversation out of the way, Jenna said, “I think something in science.”

“Cool. What kind?”


“Marine biology,” was the first random subject that came to mind. Jenna once swam with dolphins in the Caribbean with her family a couple summers ago.

“I could see you working in an aquarium, actually,” Nicole said.

Jenna raised a brow, skeptical. “Really?”

“Yeah. Wearing a cute tight uniform and all that.”

“Oh.” Jenna smirked. “I see.”

They smiled fondly at each other with those silly doe-eyes again. Nicole was the first to blush and look away. Jenna reached out and held her hand, playfully moving her fingers around hers.


Rocky Savannah

This is a great first chapter. I look forward to the rest.