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Tom Ross and Haley Steinfield snuck out of the hotel under the guise of employees. They hid their supplies in a laundry basket and rode out back on a small boat that Haley had hidden. On a secluded pier, they dumped everything in the back of a van labeled for dry cleaning and drove off into twilight.

BioSigma was in the middle of nowhere surrounded by thick forests. Haley had been driving for a little over two hours and stopped at a mountain path that overlooked the lab. The last rays of sunlight had just set, and they waited until the dead of night for the night shift workers to take their place. They would be at their most vulnerable at that time.

Ross and Haley took turns changing clothes in the back of the van. Ross went first, donning black form-fitting tactical clothes. It occurred to him suddenly how Haley would look in these clothes. He then shook his head.

Mind out of the gutter, Ross. You’re here to save the world!

When he stepped out, she smiled thinly and said, “Spiffy.”

Ross twiddled his thumbs waiting for Haley to change. When she got out, he gawked. She had tied her hair in a bun, making sure no strands would get in her face during the mission. The catsuit hugged her figure, revealing a trimmed full figure. Her hips swayed and her buttocks looked large enough to act as pillows. She had a shoulder strap for her pistol and a pair of black combat boots. She walked straight past him and took another look at the facility below.

“I’m thinking we will climb that tree over there, fire a grapple to that exhaust tower, and zipline to the roof. We should cut the line immediately after we land.”

“Sounds good to me.”

Before they left, Haley went over to the logo on the van and ripped it off. Ross hadn’t realized that it was a giant decal. Haley scrapped the decal by burning it. She looked at him and said, “In case they see the van and make the connection.”

Damn, she thinks of everything. I love her.

Ross couldn’t believe what he thought. Nah, he wasn’t ACTUALLY in love with her, was he? He was just thinking like loving her from one colleague to another.

He zoned out during their entire trek down the hill to the tree they chose to shoot the zipline from. Without a word, Haley climbed the tree like a boss, pulling herself up with little effort. Ross watched in awe as she was up on the branch in seconds. She was about to ready the rifle to shoot the grapple when she looked down and hissed, “Is everything all right?’

“Yeah! Sorry.”

Ross struggled to climb the tree with equal finesse. His abs and biceps strained. There was one terrible moment when he thought he wouldn’t make it. Fortunately, Haley grabbed his hand near the top and pulled him up. She didn’t comment on his struggle, neither by giving him any looks or saying anything. She winked at him before grabbing a pair of handlebars and gliding down the zipline.

Ross’s stomach lurched when he grabbed his handlebars. He bit the bullet and took off. His feet dangled hundreds of meters in the air. Haley let go and nimbly rolled along the roof when she landed. Ross knew he had to let go before hitting the exhaust tower, but his body froze. He just stared at the growing sight of the tower, smoke billowing from it, and he hesitated at the drop below. Even though the roof was under his feet now, the drop was very intimidating. Every bodily instinct ordered him to hold on.

“Jump!” Haley hissed.

Ah, fuck.

Ross smacked against the wall of the exhaust tower. After a loud grunt, he let go and fell onto the roof. Haley rushed over to him and cradled his head in her arms. He was a bit dazed and gawked at her breasts. He then shifted his focus to her concerned face.

“Are you okay?” she said.


She sighed in relief. “It’s all right. You’ll get the hang of it eventually.” She darted her attention around them. “I don’t think they heard anything. The exhaust here is too loud.”

She reached out and cut the cord, letting it fall against the tree, disappearing into the night.

“Right. Let’s go.”

They tiptoed across the roof, weaving around roof exits and glass ceilings. Haley then chose a glass ceiling in a far corner. Ross looked down at the emergency stairwell. The lights were quite bright in the stairwell, blinding him briefly.

“Okay…” Haley said heavily. “The moment I open a hole in this window, the alarm is going to sound.”

“But you have a way around that. Right?”

Haley didn’t answer.

“Right?” Ross pressed.

“I didn’t exactly mention this part of the plan because I was afraid you’d back out.”

Ross closed his eyes. “Dammit, Haley. What is it now?”

“I’m sorry. We’re going to have to run and gun on this one.”

Ross looked around at the roof. “Can’t we just leave the bombs here?”

She shook her head. “No can do. They have security measures that locks down the specimens and keeps them sealed. We have to blow it up once we’re in there, making sure it gets the full force of the explosion.”

Ross’s stomach churned as he panicked. “Oh man,” he moaned.

“We’ll be okay. It’s a quick run down to the basement and back up. There are only a handful of security guards, most of whom don’t even want to be here. The response time of the local police is a good twenty minutes since we’re out here in the middle of nowhere. Just follow my lead.”

Ross tried his best to keep his cool. He breathed slowly as he watched Haley make an incision with a laser on the glass. She cut open a large rectangular opening big enough for each of them to fall through. The second she kicked down the glass, the alarm rang out.

Haley jumped down and landed firmly on the floor. Ross followed through, actually performing the stunt without breaking anything. He didn’t have time to relish in his badassery and followed Haley as she disappeared around the corner of the stairwell.

Red lights flashed, making him uneasy as they blinded him every other split second. There were five floors in total. Sprinting down the stairs was easy enough, over in the blink of an eye, and Haley kicked open the door to the lab floor.

The hallways were long, white, and sterile. They had no life to them. Several scientists stepped out of their rooms wondering what was going on.

“GET DOWN! GET DOWN!” Haley barked, brandishing her pistol. She fired a warning shot, prompting all of them to scream and fall flat on the floor. She jerked a head to Ross. “Watch them!”

Ross stayed with the scientists as Haley went into the lab to plant the explosives.

He held his Glock tightly, pointing at any scientist who made the slightest move. They all moaned and some sobbed. The adrenaline diminished as he grew used to the alarm. It occurred to him that a good five minutes had passed. No security guards rounded the corner to face him. Haley hadn’t come back.

Something didn’t feel right.

Ross turned his head. “You good?” he shouted. His voice carried on into the empty lab, but Haley didn’t respond.

What the hell happened now?

Ross wasn’t sure what to do. His hands trembled. Some of the scientists started turning their heads aside to face him, also wondering what was going on.

“Shit,” he murmured. He ventured into the lab looking for Haley. He checked every corner around the lab benches and checked his six for anyone trying to sneak up on him.

Then, there was the door to the freezer room - it was left open.

Ross headed for it, holding his pistol high with both hands. The lights were off in the freezer room. He didn’t like the look of that at all. But the realization that Haley was in danger suddenly concerned him, prompting him to make the rash decision to run in.

Large thick freezers lined up each side of the room like monoliths. In the center of the room, Haley was on her knees with her hands up, staring at the floor.

Alessio D’Amico, along with two security guards, stood behind her. Alessio, dressed in a well-tailored suit with a gray overcoat, pointed a gun directly behind Haley’s head. He smiled when Ross entered and chuckled.

In his thick Italian accent, he said, “So there are two of you after all. If you care for your friend, you’ll put the gun down.”

“Don’t do it!” Haley screamed. “Blow them all to hell!”

“SILENCE!” Alessio roared.

The security guards were pointing their rifles at Ross. They had an old-fashioned standoff here. Even if he shot Alessio dead, Ross would die and the bombs would never go off. If Ross surrendered, Alessio would detain them, try to get out of them who sent them, and therein global relations would sour. But there was a chance - however slim - of escape.

Ross took that chance by lowering his gun.

“Good,” Alessio said. He whacked Haley unconscious in the back of the head. One of the security guards walked up to Ross and did the same to him.


Ross awoke with a very stiff neck. He was tied to a metal chair by his wrists and ankles. A single lightbulb dangled from the ceiling and had already made him sweat. A quick look around at the small gray room and he saw Haley already conscious a foot away from her, also tied up in the same manner. She looked dejected, hurt even. Her signature smirk and casual attitude – gone.

The same two security guards stood at either side of the door. They each bore hardened expressions, ignoring them.

“I’m sorry,” Haley whispered.

Ross turned his head to her. She looked as though she were going to cry. She continued gazing down at the floor, her head hanging low. “I bloody messed this up. I was too cocky.”

Ross didn’t know what to say. He admired her desire to take care of the situation herself. Sometimes it took daring choices to get things done. If Haley was never around, he wasn’t sure if he would have been motivated enough to try being a field agent. Heck, if Haley wasn’t around the world would have probably already ignited into World War III by now.

Before he could try saying anything, Alessio burst through the door. He ordered the guards to leave so that it was only the three of them. However, Ross noticed the security camera in the top far corner of the room.

Alessio paced around the room eyeing them, particularly Haley. He had both hands behind his back. Alessio was a middle-aged man, with a well-trimmed lawn of gray hair on his head and a bushy mustache. Devastatingly handsome, Ross could see how people could easily trust him. There was a glint in his eyes this time though that made Ross uneasy, unlike the countless news footage he had watched for his briefing.

“I don’t really care to know who sent you,” Alessio said. “But did you really think I’d let my guard down because of some whore who just so happened to please my innermost desires?”

He produced a syringe that he had been hiding behind his back. He smiled thinly at Haley and, without warning, jabbed it into her shoulder. She cried out briefly. Alessio pulled it away and stood back licking his lips.

“I’m going to have so much fun with you, my dear.” He turned his attention to Ross. “And as for you. I’m going to have fun with you too. Soon, you will have no choice but to tell me everything. This here is a new little toy I helped create.” He faced Haley. “You’ll be my first guinea pig to test its effects. Consider yourself the first victim of my new favorite disease.”

With a long chuckle, Alessio left the room. Ross started to panic. What in the world was the shot going to do? He was partly confused. Why only give it to Haley and not him? What was going to happen to her? He couldn’t ask Haley about how she was feeling. Talking too much would reveal too much about their emotional state. The more they worried, the more pleased Alessio would be. They just had to sit back and hope that whatever was going to happen wouldn’t be too painful. They both stared at each other. Haley was breathing heavily, eyes widening. Ross wanted to tell her it was going to be okay. Maybe he had to be the one to figure out how to get out of this mess. False information? Some gadget up his sleeve?

Ten minutes dragged on. Haley started to sweat. Ross thought it was his imagination at first. They were directly underneath a single, high-intensity light bulb after all. But Ross wasn’t sweating as much as Haley was. She fidgeted in her seat and huffed. Ross raised a brow, but she didn’t say anything or give any hint as to what was wrong. They were drilled not to show the enemy any discomfort or pain.

Ross contemplated trying Morse code by tapping his chair. That would be too easy for them to figure out though. Maybe…maybe blinking? Sometimes, CCTV footage was too grainy to zoom in on a face. The guards might not be paying that much attention to the fact that they were blinking.

Ross went ahead with it. He blinked the phrase, WHAT—ARE—YOU—FEELING?

Haley didn’t seem to realize what he was doing. He tried it a couple more times, until her eyes lit up with realization. She blinked back, NAUSEA.





Ross grew worried. This bioweapon was obviously some kind of stomach bug. It made sense with what Haley suspected about it being foodborne.

Haley suddenly groaned. She sat back and Ross realized that her belly looked visibly bloated for the first time. The belt around her catsuit started to strain as folds of her belly started hugging it. Then, they both heard a very audible gurgle. It sounded painful, and dragged on for a good ten seconds.

Ross then became torn between his concern for her and the obvious sexual reaction he got from it. He gulped hard and averted his gaze from her belly to her face. That didn’t help either, as she was slowly blushing and biting her lips, looking as though she was mustering every ounce of her strength to hold back the gas.

Alessio’s voice echoed from the security camera.

“Are you feeling it now, my dear? The slow, growing discomfort? A certain need to let loose? It shouldn’t be anything too different from what you’ve already done in front of me. But this time is different, no? This time your fellow colleague is here witnessing it. This time, you are being recorded. This time…I might just send this footage out into the world for all to see. Maybe they will make one of those ‘memes’ about it. ‘Secret Agent Blows Mission!’ All over every social media page. The humiliation! Yes! Give it to me!”

Damn pervert,Ross thought. He had an urge to try to break free from his bonds, but the rope started to cut into his skin and he stopped.

Ross doubted himself though. While he would never do such a thing to Haley, or any other woman for that matter, he did like to imagine the helplessness and humiliation of a woman like Haley soiling herself and farting up a storm. Were he and Alessio the same in that regard?



Meanwhile, Ross wondered how he could get out.

“Mr. Ross,” Alessio said, “I hope your sense of smell isn’t too sensitive. Soon the smell will be too great for your olfactory nerves to bear. This bacterium creates the most noxious fume known to man. It will make your eyes water and have you crawling for mercy.”

Ross then had an epiphany – Alessio didn’t know that they shared the same fetish. Ross loved the smell of farts. Maybe there was something there – something he could use as leverage! But how to play it still eluded him.

HALEY, he blinked.

She had been straining so much that she was paying attention. She looked as though she were ready to pass out, face reddened and sweat beading down her forehead. She did finally notice his signal and blinked in response, WHAT?


Her eyes widened in shock before responding. WHAT?!




Haley hesitated. She bit her lip to the point where some blood showed. Her stomach was now gurgling furiously, rarely stopping for more than a couple seconds. She must have gone past the point of discomfort and was now in pain. She kept leaning forward as if she wanted to fall on the floor and curl up in a fetal position.


Haley’s lip trembled – she then gave in.

She had to lean her butt to the side to let out the monstrous roar that followed. The sound reverberated against the walls of the tiny bare room. Ross’s eardrums felt the bass. Any man would be disgusted by a woman farting so loudly, but Ross was no ordinary man. He closed his eyes and let his arousal take hold with a sigh.


The look on Haley’s face was priceless. She grimaced as the fart bellowed out of her like a French horn. A long single deep and bassy note – uninterrupted in all it’s glory. Haley then even cried out, signaling that it must have been so big that it was nearly painful to let it go, too powerful for a normal human sphincter. Then again, she must have also been so relieved of all that pressure.

The reeking scent of ass spread throughout the room. Ross kept clam, breathing it in deeply. Where the ordinary man would be overwhelmed by such a smell, Ross reveled in it. It was only a matter of science after all. Some people were into the smell of gasoline or freshly cut lawn. Others found those smells horrendous and unbearable. Some people, even who weren’t into the fetish, did not mind the stench of farts. Ross was one such person. And, if his hunch was right, he could find a way to get on Alessio’s nerves by his innate refusal to be bothered by this.

When the fart finally ended (somewhere over two minutes long!) Haley moaned and leaned forward, gasping and sighing. She couldn’t help but utter expletives such as “Goddammit” and “Bloody hell.” When she focused on Ross, she suddenly blushed.

Ross looked down at his boner.

It poked out defiantly under his pants, clear as day, very much erect and stiff. Since he and Haley had to share a room together, he didn’t even masturbate that morning, so he was even more backed up than usual.

A long silence followed.

Alessio burst into the room.

He pointed at Ross, spouting curses in Italian, heading straight for him. Ross wasn’t ready for the dozens of slaps he then got across the face. Alessio continued to abuse him, the slaps ringing off the walls, almost like gunshots. Ross’s face felt hot in seconds. He almost started to lose consciousness, but he held on by focusing on Haley.


The clearly unstable man had lost his cool. The once handsome and composed gentleman now gestured with brutality and mania, blood vessels started to show around his temples.


He breathed heavily, practically foaming at the mouth like a rabid animal.

Ross had another idea. He hesitated before doing it. Alessio was clearly unstable and therefore unpredictable. If Ross pushed the envelope too far, it might spell the end for him. Alessio could decide to say “fuck it” and shoot him in the head. Still, pushing the envelope was his only card trick.

With his hands and legs tied, Ross was still able to pleasure himself by chafing his boner against his thighs. It was subtle at first, looking like he was trying to escape his bonds. When Alessio realized what he was doing he shouted, “STOP IT!”

Ross continued to masturbate even faster.

Alessio whipped out his pistol.

Several things then happened very quickly.

Ross leaned forward and whipped his head across, striking Alessio’s wrist. The gun flung from Alessio’s hand across to Haley. She toppled herself over and wiggled about like an inchworm to reach the trigger with her hands. Alessio realized what had happened but by then Ross leaned forward to fall in front of him. Alessio tripped. Ross then rolled over him to prevent him from getting up.

The security guards burst in. Haley had grabbed a hold of the pistol. Although she couldn’t tell if she was aiming right, she closed her eyes and hoped for the best. Shots rang out. Ross couldn’t see from his point of view, but he was now on top of Alessio, who was struggling to get him off being that the chair was heavy, and Ross put all his dead weight on him. Ross then used the only blunt instrument he had available at the time – his own dick. He violently jabbed it in Alessio’s left eye. Alessio cried out and put a hand over his eye. Ross then jabbed his own dick in Alessio’s mouth. He continued putting his whole weight on Alessio, his dick right in his mouth. Alessio gagged.

Ross then turned his head and saw that Haley had successfully shot the security guards. One was dead while the other was cradling his gunshot wounds on his leg. Before he could regain his composure, Haley tried to aim. She was using the reflection off the security camera above her to guesstimate the aim. She then fired off one last shot and the security guard immediately slumped as the bullet entered his head.

Alessio stopped struggling. His gagging stopped and his body went limp.


Ross finally spoke. “Can you get out of your bonds?”

Haley had already taken apart the pistol. Using the edge of the slide, she began cutting through the rope. She worked at it furiously, and was out in a couple minutes. From there, she unbounded her legs and got up to help Ross.

They stood back and stared at the limp body of Alessio – his eyes locked forever in an empty wide-eyed gaze.

Ross and Haley noticeably didn’t look at each other. They were both probably thinking of the means of their very unorthodox escape. However, Ross realized that for the first time in his spy life he had an opportunity for a pun.

“Well,” he began, “he certainly had a mouthful.”


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