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Pawel woke up with a splitting headache. He murmured with his face flat on the floor in his own drool before sitting up suddenly realizing he was still inside Baba Bosh’s cell.

What the hell happened? What time was it? What day was it? Panic surged through him, but he had little motivation to move before of the enormous gurgling coming from his own stomach. He hugged himself and groaned, bracing through a stomachache.

The dungeon remained dimly lit and damp as always. The stretched-out lump against the wall was Baba Bosh. She snored loudly; unlike any other snore he had ever heard. It was loud and craggy and very unladylike. She laid on her back with one hand stretched out on the floor and the other on her belly.

Pawel looked down at his own belly. He was embarrassed at the sight of how bloated he looked. Slim and lean frame contrasted against a flabby gut full of…he didn’t even want to admit what he was feeling inside there.


He gasped. Jacek was looking for him. He had just been hoping that maybe the guards were still asleep too, but apparently not. Jacek was being his usual demanding self. Pawel couldn’t believe it. The man was dead-drunk the other night, and here he was barking orders the next day.


Pawel froze, not knowing what to do. The only way out was the way Jacek marched down that very moment.

Baba Bosh was suddenly awake. To his shock, she was naked. She had just torn off her clothes and tossed them onto him to catch. He stared dumbly at her naked frame – so fully figured and curvaceous, even for someone in her late sixties. Her large breasts hung low.

She pointed to the far corner. “Hide! Lay low and put these over you!” she hissed.

Pawel did so. Her clothes smelled very sweaty, but he oddly liked it. It was her own unique bodily scent. It aroused him but he froze again when he heard Jacek cry out, “Put on some clothes woman!”

Pawel slowly turned his head and peeked through the clothes to see what was going on.

Baba Bosh leaned against the bars of the cell. Pawel had a good view of her wide, thick buttocks. He couldn’t stop staring. Each cheek was the size of a full moon. All this time craving to see what was underneath that large skirt and he finally saw it and was pleased.

“Fun night last night, eh captain?” Baba Bosh said, laughing.

“I see someone gave you something to drink. No doubt it’s that stupid greenhorn. Where is he?”

“Not here, my lord.”

“Lies. He’s nowhere to be seen. He’s avoiding me. Tell me where he is!”

“I will…for a price.”

“I would never lay with a whore like you, so you can forget it.”

“You didn’t let me finish, you dope.”

“All right. What is it?”

“Come closer.”

“Your breath reeks!”

“You’ve smelled worse. Now come closer.”

Pawel watched as Jacek leaned lower, face-to-face. The captain cringed as Baba Bosh breathed into his face.

Baba Bosh said, “I will tell you if you pull my finger.” She offered her left index finger, jutting it out between the bars.

Jacek stared at it with a dumb expression. “What is this? Some sort of game?”

Pawel suppressed a snicker. Even he knew what pulling one’s finger meant. He was surprised and amused that Jacek was clueless.

“All yea needs to do, my lord,” Baba Bosh said. “Just pull my finger.”

Jacek sighed, muttering, “Crazy wench” and did so.

Baba Bosh cackled. She lifted her leg and ripped a terrifying fart, the gas clouds filling the room in seconds. Jacek screamed as though he were being murdered and bolted across the hallway, nearly tripping over himself. All the way, Baba Bosh laughed and laughed, continuing to emit the longest of farts.


Pawel stared at the fountain-stream of gas flowing from her anus, completely entranced by the sight.

The gas smelled of a deep musky bodily odor. There were hints of beer in there, very organic and yeasty. Pawel’s nose twitched at first, but he breathed it in, satisfied.

When the fart ended, Baba Bosh sighed in relief. She patted her belly, which had reduced to a normal size, and said, “Nothing like breaking wind first thing in the morning. You can come out now.”

Pawel stood up, albeit groggily. He tried hard not to stare at Baba Bosh’s naked body. She wasn’t the least bit perturbed by the fact that she was naked in front of him. She continued to laugh while rubbing her belly. “Thank you so much for the drinks last night, Pawel. I haven’t enjoyed a fart that big in a long time. A long, long, time. Alcohol hits me differently. You know?”

Pawel nodded. Baba Bosh started dressing up. The skirt was a bit too tight trying to get over her buttocks. Before she put them on fully, she stopped, baring her cheeks in his direction. She then let off a loud PRRRUPP! and a sigh before pulling up the skirt.

“You better get out there, else the captain will give you a beating.”

Pawel nervously headed for the door, still wobbling a bit with his bloated belly. He failed to button up his trousers, so he left them unbuttoned and covered the sorry sight with his tunic.

“You’re as stiff as a rock, Pawel,” she said. “No use in holding back. I can tell from here that you’ve got wind in you. Go on and let it out.”

Pawel’s face turned redder than a beet. He avoided eye contact and murmured incoherently. Baba Bosh went up to him and patted his belly so hard that he momentarily let go of an abrasive, loud fart. He panicked and held the rest in.

“Go on. Relax. Don’t the boys up there try to outdo the other at these kinds of things? That’s still a thing, right? Heck, I knew a girl in the whorehouse back in the day who sometimes tried to out fart me.”

Pawel laughed nervously. The thought of breaking wind with the boys made his face turn even redder. He didn’t want to engage in any of that, and yet the idea was mildly enticing.

“I’d…” he began to say, but then stopped himself short. He wanted to say that he was only comfortable ever letting it out in front of her, but he was afraid of how she would take it. So instead, he simply let go.


He sighed at the release of the pressure inside of him. He could bear to button his trousers again.

“There you go!” Baba Bosh cried. She laughed and patted his back on the way out.

Pawel picked up the pitchers and the tray, locked up her cell on the way out, and was about to leave when she called out his name. She had a warm expression on her face, and she said, “Again, thank you. We had some fun last night, didn’t we?”

Pawel nodded and said, “Yes, we did.” He left before revealing any possible feelings that might emerge. His face would betray him at any moment. He was never good at hiding his feelings. A fire coursed through him as he thought about what he wanted to do with Baba Bosh. He literally wanted to elope with her, whisk her away, take care of her. Was that so strange? He wanted to serve her in any way possible. Wash her feet. Feed her. Help her relax. She aroused him like no other woman had before at his age. Then again, he never had much of a social life, aside from playing dice with the guards and conversing with the occasional castle maid. They didn’t arouse him like Baba Bosh did, and the mystery as to why still eluded him.

He thought maybe her age had something to do with it. She was very mature, but also very manly. She gripped life by the reins. The maids were too dainty for him. They giggled, but Baba Bosh laughed, genuine and natural. They gossiped but Baba Bosh had stories. They were afraid but Baba Bosh feared nothing. Maybe there was some underlying attraction there, something manly in a woman that he secretly admired. If she were younger, that would be great, because they could spend the rest of their lives together. The realization that she would eventually pass before he would put a tear in his fantasies. He could not imagine being heartbroken spending many years alone without her.

But still, he wanted to make the best of it. He had to. Even if it was for a fleeting moment, even if they never got together, he wanted to do something about it.

He also thought about how he had dreamed for years of being a kind’s guard. Now, the realization of that dream was quickly fading from interest. What he imagined to be a noble bunch were nothing but whining cowards passing the time by trying to stir the fancy of the maids in the castle.

And King Albanese XII? Pawel had come to know him by now in several of his grand hall meetings. Outside the castle walls, the king was greatly revered. Inside, however, he was an obnoxious oaf who ordered his servants around and trashed plates on the ground if the food so much as “looked” bad.

Pawel was finding himself very disheartened.

After a month of Jacek forcing him to scrub the entire floor of every hallway in the castle, Pawel started to get ideas. First, he had to be capable of fighting – whether it be man or beast. He had to eat more and build his strength – all for Baba Bosh.

Next, he had to devise a plan of escape. Freeing Baba Bosh alone would put all the blame on him. It was obvious to everyone in the castle that they were friends, as much as he denied it. Therefore, Pawel had to flee too – far away from Walcha.

As to where, the most immediate place that came to mind was the house Baba Bosh said she had built years ago. It was a long shot, but maybe it was still there. Many abandoned cottages dotted the landscape between kingdoms, and sometimes even entire hamlets.

If not, well, he could build a cottage for them. That was another reason for him building his strength.

So, Pawel gladly accepted all kinds of menial manual labor that Jacek threw at him.

“Boy’s gone crazy,” Jacek said to Moretz, as they watched him eagerly carry firewood all the way up the castle path to the hearth in the kitchen. “He actually WANTS to do this. Are you sure you haven’t been bewitched by that whore, Pawel?”

Pawel ignored their jokes and jeers.

“You look different,” Baba Bosh said one night. She squinted in the dim torchlight. “Either my eyes are starting to fail me, or your muscles are starting to show.”

Pawel had offered her dinner, and then offered extra bread and cheese that he smuggled underneath his sleeves. She noticed his sinewy forearms as he rolled up his sleeve. He just smiled and shrugged innocently as a response.

Baba Bosh chuckled. “You must have a girl in your life now. It’s about time.”

“How do you know?” he said, blushing.

“When a man changes his appearance, it’s always because of some girl.”

Pawel wanted very badly to tell her the truth, but he let it be. It didn’t feel the right time yet. She smiled and said, “Sow some oats, Pawel. Do it while it lasts. Me? I got nothing. Sometimes I wiggle a spoon in my pussy and that’s it.”

Pawel guffawed, shocked by her lewd comment, but then again it wasn’t surprising.

During the height of winter, moving lights in the sky could be seen. Waves of green and purple could be seen high above Castle Ludwig. Many saw it as a good omen of things to come, based on its pleasing, almost hypnotic movements. Many lovers enjoyed sitting together watching it.

Pawel took this as the perfect time to tell Baba Bosh about his plan and his feelings. It was now or never. And if she refused? Pawel considered that for a while. Should Baba Bosh not reciprocate his feelings, then he would do away with them. He might not be able to bear giving her food every day, but he would have to brave through it because who else would care for the whore downstairs as much as he did?

Baba Bosh had eaten dinner and had gone to sleep when he sneaked downstairs in the middle of the night. She got up and narrowed her eyes at him.

“What are you doing here?” she whispered. “This is a pleasant surprise. Come to ask for more stories?”

Without a further word, Pawel unlocked her cell and motioned her to come out.

She stared wide-eyed.

“What are you doing?” she gaped.

“Ssh!” he said. “Let me show you something.”

“Are you crazy? The guards will be on you like hounds.”

“Only for a little while.” He winked to further coax her. “Come on.”

This was quite possibly the only time Pawel ever saw her nervous. She slowly approached the open door looking around. Once she stepped out, she looked down at her toes and gipped the floor with them.

“To think…” she said, “that this is the furthest I’ve gone in over thirty-five years…”

“Come, there are many more steps,” he said. He offered his hand, and she took it. By now he knew all the guard’s movement and blind spots and where to go when one wanted to be alone. By the tower, there was a forgotten corner by the tower that was rather awkward trying to get to, as one had to briefly climb over some old stones. There was enough room there for at least two people to sit comfortably and gaze out at the southern woods, hidden behind the stones.

They were reaching the top of the stairs when the wind started to whistle through. Baba Bosh seemed besides herself. She stopped and breathed heavily. Her eyes remained frozen wide in terror.

“Pawel…no…I don’t think I can do this. It’s…what if we…what if…”

He gripped her hand tighter, and she stopped. She seemed comforted by his outward confidence. She nodded with determination at him and let him continue.

The air outside was a brisk cold. There were no clouds at all, and Pawel jumped with joy on the inside. They had only seconds to avoid Moretz’s eyes to their left. Pawel tugged at her to go right, and from there climb over the stones and hop to the corner that hugged against the tower.

After settling down, Baba Bosh was nearly in tears at what she was looking at.

In front of them was a wide expanse of woods, stretching as far as the eye could see. The stars twinkled above them, and running through was the river of green and purple lights.

“The northern lights,” she breathed. “I have not seen them in so long…”

They sat in silence for some time. They took in the sweet nighttime sky and stared at the mystical moving lights. Pawel couldn’t have imagined what it must have felt like for her to experience the outside for the first time in decades. He didn’t want to pester her with questions and thought that maybe it’d be best to simply take it all in. They would talk when it felt right.

Baba Bosh had closed her eyes at some point. She breathed in and out deeply a couple times.

“No musky smell,” she whispered. “I smell pines.” She sniffed the air a few more times. “And…chimney smoke.”

Pawel looked to her. He wasn’t sure when to bring it up yet, if it was even the right time. She turned to him and said, sincerely, “Thank you so much for this, Pawel.” Any underlying flirtatious or playful tone in her had dissipated. Ever since Pawel took her away from her cell, she had changed. She sounded more like an innocent princess having been rescued from the dragon’s tower.

When Baba Bosh didn’t say anything further, Pawel decided to lead into it. He asked, shakily, “Have you thought about the rest of your life? If you’ll ever be free again?”

Baba Bosh said, “I never expected to be free ever again, Pawel. I think sometime around fifteen years ago I stopped thinking I’d see the sunlight ever again.”

“That house you said you built for yourself. Where is it? What direction?”

“Oh, that must be long gone by now.”

“But if you could point it out.”

Baba Bosh squinted in the starlight. She stood up and scanned the forest. Then she stopped and pointed. “There. See where the river flows? If one were to follow it westward for about two days by foot, one would run into it.”

“If you were to,” Pawel said.

Baba Bosh nodded. “Right.”

He shifted in his seat. “If…if we were to.”

Baba Bosh understood right away. She tilted her head with an awed expression. “Pawel…you’re not thinking of--”

“What if I were?” he interrupted, his voice heightened.

“I never asked you to. That would be too much. They would instantly know it was you.”

“Therefore, I would flee with you.”

“And be hunted?”

“They never knew about that house, did they?”

“No. But…why on earth would you want to flee with me?’

Baba Bosh looked scared, and it made her seem younger. Bright, wide, innocent eyes. Eyes that, for once, weren’t sure about the future. “It can work,” he said. “I know the ins and outs of this castle like the back of my hand. I know their schedules. We can slip into the night, take my horse, and be off.”

“It would be a burden for you.”

“No.” He shook his head. “I am stronger now for you.”

Baba Bosh eyed him up and down and then understood. “You’re doing too much for me. I have already ruined my life and left it all behind me. I have nothing for my future. Nothing but--”

“Me,” Pawel said. “You have me. You can have me.”

Baba Bosh was stunned, unsure of what to say.

Pawel went on. “If you feel what I feel, then let us make haste and flee this kingdom. Elope. Spend what days you have with someone who can care for you, who does care about you. I know it must sound strange but my heart yearns for your presence. I grow excited whenever I get to go down into the dungeon to see you.”

“Pawel,” she said, slowly, “are you sure you want to do this? You have your whole life ahead of you. I don’t. I will reach death much earlier than you.”

“Let my love fill what time you have left. What have you to lose?”


Pawel really hoped she could see how determined he was in his decision. She took a deep breath and said, “Nobody has ever done something like this for me before. Truly. When do you plan on doing this?”

“When the winter thaws, else they would track our footprints in the snow. That should only be in another month.”

Baba Bosh considered this, and then nodded. “All right then. We flee.”

Pawel smiled. “Really?”

She smiled back. “Yes.”

They drew their faces dangerously close, lips hanging across from each other. After a split second’s hesitation, they kissed. Pawel found it to be quite heavenly. Their breathing quickened, but they stopped short when they realized that Moretz made noise some ways away behind the tower. Pawel poked his head around the stones and saw him talking to another guard, possibly Jacek.

“Let’s go back,” he whispered.

Baba Bosh nodded, and let him take her hand again.

Back in the dungeon, they stared at each other through the steel bars. Pawel wanted to kiss her again when she stopped him. “No. Never kiss over a threshold. It’s bad luck.”

He nodded, and was about to go back to his quarters when she drew him in by the collar and whispered in his ear.

She told him her name.


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