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About ten minutes away in the outskirts of town there was a cheap motel alongside the road. It wasn’t pretty but not like the kind of motel where you’d find Norman Bates. I went to the front desk to pay and then went back to the car. Before going upstairs, I realized that I had left my backpack in my car with my laptop. I hesitated and then figured for good measure to take it up to the room.

I was worried that the sexual energy we felt earlier was wearing off. The running around made me a little tired, but I could still get it up if I had to. Barbara meanwhile looked apprehensive. When we got to the room, she looked more nervous than ever, fidgeting with her hands.

“Everything all right?” I said. “We don’t---I mean—if something’s off we can just--”

“No, nothing’s off. I just need to use the bathroom.”

She gripped her stomach, which gurgled out loud.

“Oh! Okay,” I said. “Sure thing.”

“I’m sorry.’

“Don’t be. Why you sorry?”

“I know we were in the mood and all. I just…really need to go.”

She hurried and locked herself in. She turned on the fan…but like before I was able to hear stuff. Not a beat had skipped before I heard her blow ass on the toilet, followed by disgustingly loud plops. I realized that given the context here it was actually okay for me to start touching myself, readying myself. I made sure not to make any noise though as I stood beside the bathroom door.

God, those farts were deep and sonorous, especially since they echoed in the toilet bowl. Listening to it, you’d honestly think it was a guy tearing up the toilet, not a woman as beautiful and stylish as Barbara Rodriguez.

The farts gurgled too, adding to the imagination of just how backed up she was. She started groaning, and then said out loud, “I’m so sorry!”

“It’s alright!” I called out.

“I know this probably killed the mood for you!”

I muttered to myself, “On the contrary…”

I had to be careful not to let myself cum. I was practically edging.

When she flushed the toilet, I zipped myself up again. The bulge behind my pants was very noticeable.

Barbara slowly left the bathroom, red-faced. She kept the fan on. She looked like she was about to apologize yet again when she noticed my boner and giggled. “Oh. Well now. I see somebody’s still excited.”

She sauntered over to me, slowly undoing her belt and sliding off her dress. Her body was plumper than I imagined. Her breasts were heavy, and she had rolls of fat that tightened around her stockings. I got up to help her take off her bra and her stockings, breathing in deeply her bodily scent. She shivered and got goosebumps, smiling.

Barbara undressed me slowly, my boner remaining erect. She was more playful than I imagined too, wanting to remove my clothes and admire my body, also inspecting it closely and kissing it gently.

I was ready to plow this girl.

Halfway through fucking, she let out a small fart. She stopped momentarily and gasped, but I kept going. I think she was a bit surprised that I kept myself erect for so long after that. That’s the magic of my fetishes, I suppose. She could be as gross as she wanted to, and I’d still be into doing it. I think she took that as a sign not to hold back, because she farted numerous times as we fucked doggy style against the dresser. It was like she gave up trying to hold them in and focused on getting fucked, closing her eyes and moaning.

I had never been happier in my life until then. To think that months ago she was just a barista that I had a crush on. Now here I was, fucking her dirty and listening to her fart.

She wanted to face me as she was approaching orgasm. I picked her up and fucked her standing up. It was a move I saw a lot of online and thought about risking it. I managed to do it but just barely. My lower back felt a little weird. I tried using my abs as much as I could. That position seemed to take her by surprise, because that was when she got really excited and orgasmed in my face. I surprised her by continuing, this time by doing missionary on the bed, her legs up high. She was besides herself, moaning and screaming as loud as she needed to. I wanted to impress her with more displays of stamina, but she farted again.

Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore and I unloaded everything inside of her. That must have been my favorite orgasm ever.

At last, we finished. She held onto me tightly, still shivering and moaning. We had fucked all the sexual tension out of us, and the aftermath was blissful. Cuddling under the warm bedsheets and the comforter, fingers and toes intertwined. It almost felt like we had been going out for a while, that’s how amazing it felt.

I woke up sometime around 4AM. She was fast asleep. I turned off the lights that we had left on before we passed out. I heard her fart in her seep a couple times, and I smiled at her. Her bare ass was the size of two soccer balls. I very softly cupped my hands against one of those thick cheeks and groped it gently, admiring the fact that I got to touch ass.

At dawn, she was still asleep. I sat in bed staring at the ceiling still wondering if this was real or not. Inspiration hit me. I got up and quietly took out my laptop and started typing away at my next erotic tale.

I started with I’m not even a coffee drinker, but I met Barbara Rodriguez by being a regular at Starbucks.


I was up for maybe an hour and a half, my fingers aching. Sometimes when I woke up early to write I then wanted to sleep some more. First though, I needed to use the bathroom. I quietly crept in there. I had to take a shit, so I took a few minutes, passing the time scrolling through my phone.

I stepped out of the bathroom and just caught Barbara rushing back into bed. She then realized that I had caught her in the middle of moving and there was no use in pretending to go back to sleep. She just stared at me wide-eyed. I wasn’t sure what she had done for a split second until I realized that I had left my laptop open to the Word document.

“What were you…doing?” I said.

She put a hand to her mouth. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

I gulped, feeling nervous.

“I couldn’t help it,” she said. “I woke up. I noticed the screen. I wondered what it was. And…I saw my name so…”



Strained silence.

I asked, “So…did you read any of it?”

She put her hand down. “Yeah.”

More strained silence. I remained standing there by the bathroom door. At last, I said, “And…well…what do you think?’

“I found it…” she looked around with her eyes trying to find the right words, “quite interesting, really.”

“Do you now? You can tell me the truth. It’s creepy, isn’t it?”

“No, no. I don’t think you’re creepy. Is that the kind of stuff you write?”


“But just about me or…?”

I sighed. I sat down next to her and told her everything. Every damn dirty thing I was into and every weird piece of erotic fiction I ever wrote. The conversation lasted maybe an hour.

Barbara took it all the way a scientist would when discovering a new species. She laughed here and there, not at me or at the fetish but out of amusement and curiosity. “That’s so…interesting,” she said. “I never knew something like that existed.” She then had an epiphany. “That was why you were so hard even though I---Oh my god. It all makes sense now!”

We laughed about it some more, until it died down and I felt awkward on how to carry on with it from there.

“Well,” I said sighing. “What do you want to do now?’

College was always a lazy, crazy time. People often fucked and got up the next morning leaving the room without a word. It wasn’t any different outside of college though. But sometimes it was even less clear on what was on each other’s minds. I knew I wanted to keep going. I wanted to have a nice breakfast with her and continue being in her presence until we parted ways for the day. And then we’d text, and call each other, and maybe see each other again…and again…

Barbara thought for a moment. She stared at something across the room on the desk.

Hotels always had a free cup of coffee you could brew, so she got up and started brewing herself a cup of coffee.

The End


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