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Kayla sat in the bathroom for a good thirty minutes, still mortified by the fact that the entire video had been a livestream. People out there, complete strangers, watched her get stuffed like a pig and burp and fart like a hideous slob.

            She closed her eyes fighting back tears. Fuck, fuck, fuck, this is the worst. I played with fire and got burned.

            Nausea gripped her so bad that she destroyed that toilet with terrible farts that reverberated against the bowl.

            “Wow! I can hear that from here!” Stephanie shouted from behind the door. “You’re so FUCKING loud it’s gross. Gotta let my followers hear this!”

            Kayla cringed. “N-no, stop!”

            But the pounds of red beans she had eaten tore through her intestines and made her wince and yelp in pain, gluing her to the toilet seat. She cringed harder as she couldn’t help but let out explosive wet farts that Stephanie laughed at.

            “The aftermath, folks,” Stephanie said. “She is the gassiest motherfucker I’ve ever seen.”

            Kayla, completely helpless, could only sit there at the toilet and wait until her stomach relieved itself of its contents.

            Once she was finally done, the bathroom reeked of shit and noxious farts. The second she opened the door, Stephanie backed away as if being punched in the face. She pinched her nose and cried, “OHHHHH MY GOOOD! That FUCKING REEEEKS!” When she gagged, she ended the livestream again.

            Kayla wanted to try to say something, that all of this had gone too far, but an unexpected fart let out from her, further shaming her. She cringed again, truly feeling like she was nothing but a gassy slob who had no control over her own sphincter.

            “Alright, we’re done here,” Stephanie said as-a-matter-of-factly, sighing. She began taking down the tripod.

            Kayla stood by the door with her knapsack, awkwardly loitering thinking of what to say or do, or how to end their day together. The fact that she had been seen by hundreds, if not thousands by now, gripped her.

            Stephanie glanced at her as she was putting away the tripod. “Next time you wanna feel like a little bitch, hit me up, okay?” Smirking ever so sinisterly.


            Kayla was apprehensive about returning to campus, even going to class. What if someone recognized her from the livestream? Then again, someone recognizing her would also oust them as a fetishist. And the fetish was so niche that even if a thousand people saw her, what were the odds that any of them were in this college? Let alone this township, or even this state.

            Everywhere she went, she looked around for any stares directed at her. Anyone who looked at her, even for a second, made her nearly squeal and keep her head low. One boy did stare at her a certain way in the library, to the point where she picked up her books and studied in a different room.

            All the while, she wasn’t sure how to feel about what Stephanie did to her. She would stare blankly at her Discord chat history with ScarletFox and consider saying something to her, only to backspace her message. Kayla was in a lull, her mind still processing, flipping between embarrassment and arousal.

            Ironically, she appreciated Mary’s silence and seemingly dead personality this time.

            Kayla nearly didn’t go out that Friday night to party. The only thing that made her go was her friend Allie insisting on not missing out on the women’s rugby party at the dorm suites. Every year around this time they made the freshmen do crazy things like drink a 6-pack of beer, smoke a bowl, and then drink a cocktail from the captain’s shoe. Some weird hazing ritual like that.

            When Kayla entered the suite on the other side of campus, she immediately caught a vibe from the boys standing around by the beer pong table. They all looked at her with an unmistakable look of recognition. The girls were, as usual, more fucked up and were having fun going crazy, and so they didn’t pay much attention to her.

            Kayla therefore hung out with the girls, avoiding the boys like the plague.

            “You’re never this quiet,” Allie said, already half-drunk with her mascara running. “What’s up?”

            Before Kayla could even think of an excuse, Allie turned to where she was staring at and said, “You think one of them is cute? Why don’t you go talk to them?’

            Kayla brought her hands up in protest. “N-no! Not at all!”


            Not only was she mortified by the thought anyone there on campus having seen the livestream, but she groaned on the inside forgetting how straight Allie was. She often assumed Kayla was straight as an arrow too. After entering college, Kayla didn’t think much about when she would come out as lesbian. It simply wasn’t on top of her “to-do list”, what with schoolwork and figuring out what to do with the rest of her life. Maybe because for the longest time she had yet to experience something with a girl, and she wanted to make sure? But now that she did something with Stephanie, she found herself still not wanting to divulge anything, because there was also the added secret about her fetish. That was a double-whammy. Sort of.

            After Allie gave the boys a brief introduction of Kayla, she went over to the beer pong table, leaving her alone with three jock-ish looking dudes who suddenly stopped their conversation and couldn’t seem to carry on.

            “So…uhh….” Kayla said. “Any of you play video games?’

            They all looked at each other. Kayla wondered if she had something on her face, because they looked so shifty-eyed at each other as if wondering if they should say something. The tension rose to the point where Kayla couldn’t handle it and blurted, “What is it? Something wrong?”

            They still didn’t say anything, but one of them finally said, “Hey, are you that girl who went viral?”

            Kayla’s breath got stuck in her throat. She couldn’t even gulp.

            “W-what girl who went viral?”

            Another sputtered as he laughed and said, “The farting girl!”

            The world spun round her. She couldn’t focus on anything, whether sight or sound or even a single thought. She thought she heard them laugh but wasn’t sure. She needed to lie down, and die, preferably. She left the party and staggered out into the hallway to find the nearest bathroom. She was nowhere near drunk but had staggered as if she were.

            This isn’t real. This isn’t real. This can’t be real.

            She locked herself in a stall and checked Twitter for ScarletFox’s profile.

            Her livestream had been shared by thousands.


            She dug into the retweets, finding that normies requoted the tweet with things like, “This is why America is failing” and “why the fuck do people do shit like this???” and even “iss this the new 2 girls 1 cup? Lol”

            She put her phone down.

            Looked at it again.

            Yes, all those posts were still there.

            Yes, it was her.

            Yes, people who were even mildly famous like YouTubers and streamers were commenting on it and laughing about it.

            Kayla wanted to throw up. She leaned over and heaved, wishing she had a brown paper bag with her. That conflicting feeling of embarrassment with arousal hit her again, making her feel nauseous. How could she like this but hate it at the same time? Stephanie had crossed a dangerous line, so dangerous that it was…sexy? But she was frustrated. Angry. Horny. The swirl of intense emotions stirred a fire in her that she never felt before. She wasn’t sure what to do with it. Ignore it? Keep it down? Wield it?

 She wanted to plot revenge on Stephanie.

            But maybe revenge was too strong of a word.

            She wanted to be playful, to be…sexual even. The thought of getting back at Stephanie in an equally aggressive way made her smirk.

            But she had no idea how to even begin fooling or tricking Stephanie. The great ScarletFox was impenetrable, so confident and dominant. The very thought of her being submissive was impossible. How could Kayla even try to get back at somebody like that?

            The answer happened to walk through the bathroom door.

            The intense odor of weed hit Kayla. She wasn’t in the mood for such a strong smell and decided to get up and leave the bathroom.

            That was when she saw Mary.

            “The fuck?” the expletive slipped out of Kayla’s mouth.

            Mary turned to her. Her eyes were completely bloodshot, her hair was disheveled, and her face had a dull but content grin.

            “Mary…are you HIGH?”

            Mary stared at her with a slight grin, the most expression Kayla had ever seen from her, and said dumbly, “Yeah.”

            Kayla didn’t know what to say. Honestly, she was impressed. Good for her. But it made sense in a way – no wonder Mary was so…calm all the time.

            Mary reached for a blunt in her pocket. “Want a hit?”

            Kayla sighed. A good hit would take her mind off things. She nodded and smoked by the open window. They shared a moment of silence together just hitting it off smoking by the window. Kayla had smoked weed before but this was hitting her differently. She felt the entire world turn upside down and started to giggle.

            “Fuck, Mary, what’s in this?”

            “It’s spiked.”

            “With what?”

            “I dunno.”

            Kayla nearly fell off the windowsill. She couldn’t help but keep giggling. Her perspective became distorted. The bathroom door looked like it kept getting further away when she knew it was only a couple feet away.

            “Oh, my God, Mary, how do you fucking…” She tried to keep her bearings straight, but didn’t want to be overly confident and kept her hands on the wall. “I can’t even…right now…”

            And call it divine providence, call it luck, but Kayla’s mind opened to the very idea on how she could get back at Stephanie.

            “Can I get some of this from you? I will pay a fucking shit ton for it.”


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