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Three hours must have passed, judging by the fact that the sun had just set. Despite dozing off into a short nap, Kayla had fallen into such a deep sleep that she had a brief anxious dream about being late for class. She had actually woken up thinking it was the next day and that she was fucked, but thankfully that was not the case.

            No more than a minute into being awake, Kayla's bloated belly sickened her. Her belly still felt heavy but this time with gas, like an overinflated balloon ready to pop. It still felt very much uncomfortable and painful. She could tell she would need to shit at some point, but her body wasn’t quite ready. Everything just felt backed up.

            Stephanie was at the tripod, staring gleefully at her phone.

            Kayla huffed. She rolled over on her back, struggling lightly.


            “Hm?” Stephanie said, not looking up.

            “I thought we had a safe word.”

            “We do.”

            “Then why did you keep stuffing me like that?” She winced, rubbing her belly subconsciously. “I feel like one wrong move and I’m going to die.”

            Stephanie looked as though she were offended by the question, and had a need to tell her how it is. “Hey, it’s go big or go home. You really wanted this, right? Nobody else in a thousand-mile radius is gonna wanna do this with you. AND be turned on by it. How many people do you think have what we have? Maybe some loser accountant in that Starbucks has the fetish. But he’s already a boring ass adult with a job, terribly suppressed and doesn’t know what the fuck to do about it. We're young. We have time. We have the Internet. We have so many resources to explore and find whatever the fuck we want. Need someone into feet? You can find someone. Need someone to make you vomit? You can find someone. Every fucking weird shit out there you can now find someone who’s into that.”

            Stephanie sauntered over to the bedside with that devilish grin on her face. “So are you gonna fucking take it? Or are you gonna be a little bitch about it?”

            Kayla felt herself blushing. She both hated and liked it when Stephanie was mean to her. Conflicting, really. And also funny, because until she met her, Kayla thought she was always the mean one when it came to the fetish. always annoying people with her burps and farts. She had no idea someone could be so…harsh like Stephanie. It hurt her. In a good way? Deep down, she did want to feel submissive, but never quite got there, or really knew how.

           "Didn't think so," Stephanie said, after a long silence. "Because if you were, you'd be running home right now that you're untied. But you're still here. There' s nothing stopping you right now. So face it. You're still here because you fucking like it. I know it."

            She groped Kayla’s fat. The grip made Kayla grunt aloud. “Oof!”

            “God, you’re so fucking hot when you’re bloated. You’re like a fat pig. I think now’s around the time when you should be farting up a storm. Maybe if I move you around a bit that should get stuff going…’

            Stephanie went back to her phone to record, and then got on the bed to massage Kayla’s belly. It looked like jello wobbling back and forth as Stephanie ran her hands around it. She did a different kind of massage this time, kneading like with dough. Kayla was about to protest again, thinking it wasn’t going to do anything, when something dislodged in her belly and she felt the overwhelming sensation of needing to fart.

            Or was it….?

            Kayla literally had no time to think as the fart erupted from her bowels.


            Oh God, the smell. Kayla not only made one of the loudest farts of her life, but the smell made her want to gag. Stephanie even coughed. She cackled and said, “Holy fuck, that smells like a dead animal!”

            Kayla’s cheeks went red. “S-sorry.”

            “That’s so fucking gross. Oh my God. I can’t believe you had that in you.”

            Even though the fart greatly eased her suffering, more gas filled her intestines ready to be released. She had more of a hold on this one but after maybe ten seconds the force was too great and the next fart erupted out of her like a dam breaking.


            The fart was so goddamn loud that it nearly burned her asshole. She winced through it and then sighed aloud in relief, only for her stomach to feel as though it reinflated with gas, putting her in the same misery all over again.

            “Whoa-ho!” Stephanie cried. “You’re so FUCKING loud. I never knew girls farted like that. You fart like a man. That’s so fucking disgusting.”


            “What was that? I couldn’t hear you.”


            “Sorry for what?”

            “Sorry for…farting.”

            “No, you didn’t just fart. You fucking BLEW ASS. And you need to apologize for that. I want to hear you say it.”

            When Kayla took a split second to think about, Stephanie pressed down hard on her belly, making it gurgle and forcing her to yelp. “You need to apologize for blowing ass.”

            “I’m sorry for blowing ass!”

            Stephanie scoffed. “You think you can just say sorry after farting that loud? You disgusting little fuck. No. Disgusting fat fuck.”

            Stephanie continued to violently massage Kayla’s belly, as if punishing her this time. The act of massaging such a taught, gassy round gut was painful at first, but the resulting farts were so relieving that Kayla couldn’t help but want Stephanie to keep going until she had completely deflated.

            Never before had Kayla ripped ass so loud and so often in such a short time. Her sphincter displayed the talent of a trumpet and a trombone, blasting all sorts of loud sounds, long sounds, and, as time went on, sputtering sounds.

            The sputtering turned wet.

            Kayla widened her eyes in terror.

            Stephanie seemed to realize what had happened, as her eyes widened too in shock, and a pungent odor rose and hit their nostrils.

            “Oh my God,” Stephanie said. “You just sharted.”

            “Ohhhhh,” Kayla moaned. Her bowels had loosened and a train of shit was chugging through her intestines. She squirmed as she clenched her asshole. “I REALLY need to go to the bathroom. Blue elephant. Blue elephant. Blue FUCKING elephant!”

            To her surprise, Stephanie got off the bed and jerked a finger to the bathroom.

            “Yeah, sure, go ahead.”

            Kayla raised a brow, expecting Stephanie to go back on her word or something. Instead, she went to her phone and stopped the video.

            When Stephanie realized that she was hesitant to go to the bathroom because she was expecting something, she laughed, saying, “I ain’t into poop stuff so make it quick.”

            Before Kayla hobbled over to the bathroom, Stephanie turned her phone around. Kayla took a moment to realize what was on the screen. A dozen messages kept popping up from various users…as if in response to…

            “But some of my fans are saying I cut it right when it was about to get good.”


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