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Hey all,

This weekends sunday rundown will be postponed to next week. Suraj wasn’t feeling well when we were set to record so he is resting! Keep commenting your hot takes, food suggestions & everything in between! We will see you next week! ❤️



Chaos T

Food suggestion: I'm making bacon jam for grilling this weekend. It's pairs well with a lot of things but it takes cheeseburgers to another level especially if you're using smoked gouda. https://www.theendlessmeal.com/the-best-bacon-jam/


Give him a shot of whiskey and encourage him to use the power of toxic masculinity to overcome his illness.

Matt Flanagan

Rest up Suraj! My parents were visiting and we had a bout of the ‘Vid to fend off, never fun 🤒


Isn't toxic masculinity definitionally how you succumb to illness?


Let's have Navi sub in again this week! Feel better Suraj!


Feel better soon, Suraj!


Feel better soon suraj!

Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen #1

WTF?! I’m about to have a B*tch Fit! Sunday Rundown is the only reason I became a Patron! First you milk an obscure 80s movie and now this…lol I’m jk get better man y’all enjoy your Labor Day Weekend


My weekend is ROO-EENED. Jk. Hope Suraj feels better real soon.

Johnny Blue

Monthly reminder that Suraj has NOT honored the Naruto tattoo bet yet. Don't make me skip work and tattoo you myself.


Dang it Suraj. How dare he become sick (jk)

Golden Mama

Get well soon Suraj! If you need a pick-me-up, Team Four Star released a bunch of DBZA clips from the Buu Saga yesterday, and there is a compilation video of part 1 on YouTube. They are as great as ever


Bro, it’s wild how many times they change the schedule lol