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Castlevania 3x7

Reaction: https://youtu.be/rrpIcROTfBk

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/castlevania-premium/ (pg. 3)

Ted Lasso 3x11

Reaction: https://youtu.be/96FjOOtadT0

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/ted-lasso-premium/ (pg. 4) 



Dr Ozzy

Weekly Ted Lasso Notes: -The Man City manager is Pep Guardiola. That was actually him in the show. He is the best manager in the world at the moment and one of the GOATs so huge get for the show. -It was quick but if you notice Ted look into the window and smile when Roy, Jamie, and Keeley are hanging out after the game, it was a callback to the first season when they lost to City and Ted looked into the window when Jamie’s dad was screaming at him. Shows how Jamie has a good support system now and is a better person. -The “loaf of meth” was a Les Miserables joke. Nate said Beard/Ted were similar to Les Mis and he agreed and said he stole a loaf of meth instead of a loaf of bread like in Les Mis -The Rebecca/Ted scene at the end is the exact same camera framing they used in the other 2 truth bombs (Rebecca admitting she was hiring Ted to fail and then admitting she sleeping with Sam) except they were switched. Ted was on the left and Rebecca the right because he was the one who had the reveal. Looking forward to the finale reaction. One of the best finales for a show.


What show are they going for after Ted Lasso? I hope it is Succession :)


I'm glad you guys reacted the same way I did when Ted said "fuck you" to his mom. I get the message, but it was a lot. It must be a cultural thing.


For those fiending for a Castlevania game that captures the feel of this show, PLEASE check out Castlevania Lords of Shadow!!! (currently like $6 on Xbox) It is THE only fully 3D castlevania I have found so far, and it was made in part by Kojima productions (MGS, Death Stranding, etc.). Let's face it, DMC flopped as anime, and Castlevania SLAPS as anime. People who love the anime might not expect the game to be a 2d platformer. Lords of Shadow IS the DMC inspired version of Castlevania the fans of the anime REALLY want. The game play is very reminiscent of the show from the opening sequence, and it only gets deeper and better. It really felt like Castlevania skinned DMC entry. The story DOES focus on Trevor Belmont. BUT I would advise against reading anything else about the story of the game, as the summary alone spoils a lot 😅. Anyways! LORDS OF SHADOW! If you love this show, it is THE Castlevania game to play. (apparently, the lords of shadow series was the last major series of games for the franchise dating back to 2014)

Daniel Gonzalez

That is true pretty sure we've only gotten collections over the years since Konami has really taken a offhands approach with their catalog not so much any new projects but a ton of decent collections wish they do Contra next because I loved the TMNT collection that's probably their best and gives you the most bang for your buck but I actually enjoyed Lords of Shadow though I do think the true final boss was unfortunately locked away as a DLC for some reason but its basically a reboot for the series that changes some backstory I considered it like an alternate universe/timeline so wasn't bothered but I think some purists didnt care for it the sequel however I remember being more divisive there was also a 3ds game thats ok


“I’m extremely famous and they wanted to meet someone who had seen toilet paper.” “What the fuck is toilet paper?” That exchange always cracks me up lol.

Sharrod Wolf

I found nothing weird about those scenes with Jamie & his mom. Y’all must not have affectionate parents?


Just a heads up, on today's Ted Lasso YT video, you pinned a comment saying you guys finished Ted Lasso today for premium members but you haven't uploaded 3x12. Only 3x11.


Might want to carry tissues next episode of Castlevania just in case. if you are the emotional type Also, Rana they are telling the truth about the Evil Dead trilogy I watched the last one when I was 12 and it's hilarious. The Newer ones I liked the first one, and I guess based off your suggestions I'll give Rise a peek


It's a big thing that this episode hammers home that a lot of people forget over the course of the show. Jamie is still just a kid. He grew up worshiping Roy (and likely was disappointment/angry his hero was this grouchy old man), had a teen crush on Keeley when she was just starting out modeling (She even said in season 1 she's many years older than Jamie), and has a rather young looking mother. Add in the emotional baggage his dad put on him growing up and throughout the entire series you've basically been watching what is just an angry little kid grow up into a reasonable adult. There's also these nice little touches to Jamie's character you've seen over the series that reinforces the idea of his child-like behavior. From childish alcoholic drinks, to child like insults (Ya big dumb stupid baby), to his severe lack of social awareness, to the fact he packs his bag on a twin bed this episode; showing he probably sleeps there normally (you can actually see a normal sized bed in the background which he probably uses when having girls over). Jamie is almost tragically behind emotionally when the show starts, and by the end of the show he seems to be in a much better place, with Roy showing himself as a second father figure. It's a beautiful character journey to see on repeat, and one I enjoyed.


If he was a kid it’s fine, but it was a little weird as a grown adult.

Sharrod Wolf

Nah I think it’s weird if you’re having mental & emotional breakdowns but u can’t lay in your parents arms & have them comfort u without people judging u


Wow... Just realizing I'm the odd one out because I don't watch Ted Lasso. Don't have Apple TV, though I could watch it for free, but not into sport based series. Am I the ahole here being a fan of Castlevania rather than Ted Lasso? Lmao


Maybe if the mom was sitting down and Jaime had his head on her lap it would have not been weird. But dude straight up was using his mom's boob as a pillow. I'm not judging him for needing comfort while having a mental breakdown. And what we saw actually makes sense for Jaime's character. His mom would baby him, and that's why he was so immature in the beginning of the series. And his dad didn't actually parent him so he was no help at all. So basically, that scene was still a bit weird.

Chaos T

I can't stand soccer yet this show is extremely enjoyable and you don't have to be a fan of sports to enjoy it. "Ted Lasso" is more about life stuff than it is about sports. There's always something to take away from the episodes even if it may not, on the surface level, be your cup of tea.