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Suraj and Rana throw their fellow Normies under several busses on this weekend's Sunday Rundown. Keep the comments coming! (Even the long ones) This one went unexpectedly long as we didn't have many comments but ended up diving deeper into what happened in each show.

0:00 - Intro bullllllshit (fave yoga moves)
4:16 - Dog vs Deer (yes another dog story lol)
6:53 - Anime Poll current leads
10:50 - Castlevania
18:42 - Ted Lasso
23:09 - Boondocks
27:52 - Office
33:28 - Peacemaker
38:05 - BLEACH
43:12 - Secret Invasion
45:05 - Buffy/Angel
55:12 - JJK
57:35 - Young Justice
59:22 - Always Sunny
1:02:14 - Rebels
1:05:20 - General



That gorilla totally spoke lol


The peacemaker crew would be a great crew for cobra kai, but I wouldn't mind seeing Chris, mickey, Navi, or Marketa react to it.


The gorilla did speak it said die humans.


Suraj I know a lot of people have been complaining about multiverse fatigue lately but I think that every time we see a movie that does it right it like Spiderverse it doesn’t matter. Just like how I think superhero movie fatigue isn’t a real thing but more so bad movie fatigue. The multiverse is such an interesting concept with endless possibilities that if done right could never really get boring.


Suraj, why in the world are your wearing a Tokio Hotel shirt? I didn't even know they were famous in the US


I agree, I enjoyed all the multiverse movies. To me it doesn't matter whether it's a Marvel/Spiderverse movie, EEAAO, etc. as long it is well done and entertaining

Chaos T

I agree with what you said about superhero movie fatigue not being a real thing. Guardians of the Galaxy 3 was pretty successful at the box office because it was a good film. People will pay money to see a film if it's worth the money being spent. The cost of going to the movies has aged almost as bad as the cost for sporting events. Families now spend $100+ for the normal movie experience and people are reluctant to spend money on mediocre films that don't provide anything other than cookie-cutter entertainment. The MCU was better when they focused on only two or three things per year and the event factor seems to be lost with the franchise atm.


I want chris to watch it I suspect out of all of them he probably has watched all the karate kids

ray s

Regarding the lack of angel comments, season 1 was the writers experimental season, they were figuring things out and learning which direction they wanted to go in, which led to some hit or miss Eps. It picks up soooo much towards the end of season 1 and going into season 2, the quality gets better and better and better 🙂


I got a comment read by Rana and Surge Awesome!!!!! I love their Sunday rundowns. Always give a pleasant look at the previous week.

Chris K.

Buffy 4x16 is def Top 5 of the season. Body switch episodes are generally fun but this is one of the best! Loved the display of change in Faith with different variations of "Because it's wrong". Sarah was definitely channelling Katherine a bit. Btw: I saw that the actor of the Mayor is in the Oppenheimer movie. Havent seen him in forever :)

Champion Bescos

I agree about superhero fatigue moreso being ‘poor filmmaking’ fatigue, but I actually think conceptually the multiverse feels increasingly hollow, even when done right with great films like Everything, Everywhere, All At Once or the first Spider-Verse film. Perhaps I’m just in the minority, though.


Loved them in 2009 which is when I got the shirt hahah. Durch den monsoon was on Guitar Hero that year.


shoot, i was gonna comment about Angel but storms knocked my power out for a couple of days so i wasn't able to watch until last night! I always loved the Trepkos character in The Ring, and seeing Wesley and Cordy's ingenuinity this episode is a definite highlight. But i think this episode's significant because it's Lilah's introduction. Plus, always love to see more Wolfram & Hart seeds being planted. they are always working in the shadows. one of my favorite episodes is next week so looking forward to that reaction!!

Rando calrissian

F.Y.I there still isn't a movie reaction for this week now I hyped for your any-man reaction

Matthew Poth

should watch the karate kid movies

Chaos T

If Cobra Kai wins, will you react to the Karate Kid films first?


I'm very biased as Gurren Lagann is my favorite shounen of all time, but go ahead and watch Gurren Lagann and be done with it. It's no Bleach with 300+ episodes nor is it a Full Metal Alchemist with 60 or so episodes. Gurren Lagann is only 27 episodes long and one is a recap episode so it's really only 26 episodes. And for Gurren Lagann fans like myself, the two Gurren Lagann movies are coming back to theaters in 2D/4D in 4K later this year. For those that don't know, the movies are just a retelling of the anime condensed into movie format with better animation. The first movie is the first half of the anime(Episodes 1-15) and the second movie is the other half(Episodes 17-27). And no, if you haven't seen the anime before, I do not recommend watching the movies just to save time. Also, the last arc is almost completely different in the second movie. The second movie is definitely a must watch if you enjoyed the anime. As for Samurai Champloo...it's also one of my favorite anime of all time. lol Sadly, I did not vote for it. I'd rather they go ahead and watch Gurren Lagann. Without spoiling, Samurai Champloo is basically the anime that put the artist/musician Nujabes on the map. Whether you heard of him or not, you've likely heard a track or two composed by him. Nujabes is highly regarded as the founder of what we know as lofi hiphop/chillhop. Obviously he wasn't the first to do it but after his work on Samurai Champloo, the genre exploded and it gained new listeners and artists who tried to replicate his style. Actually, my memory is off. It wasn't until after his death that people really started to get into his previous works and the genre expanded. I remember one of my favorite tracks by him was stuck at around 30k views for a long time when he released it. It now has several million. Regardless, the soundtrack of Samurai Champloo is considered one of the best in all of anime. Oh, and the anime is pretty good too. lol Both shows are only 26 episodes long and this is sort of a dry period in terms of new and exciting anime. Personally, I think it would be a good idea to react to both shows concurrently. If they don't win now, it may be a while before they're at the top of the lists again as they both are fairly old and they weren't Anime of The Year contenders like NGE or Code Geass. The late 90s to late 00s was basically seen as the Golden Age of anime. While Gurren Lagann and Samurai Champloo are great, they were pretty niche in comparison to all the heavy hitters that were airing at the time(Death Note, Code Geass, Darker Than Black, Naruto, Bleach, Claymore, etc.). Also, I forgot to mention the dub for both shows is also really good.


Man, Cobra Kai is a fun, dumb show but it can't hold a candle to the sheer quality of the other options on that poll.

Chaos T

-Suraj to your point about people loving Dwight, people "love" the characters in IASIP but it's hard to imagine anyone actually LOVING them down to the fiber of their being. -Dragon Ball Super had the worst anime titles. -A lot of modern anime with demons, souls, big swords, etc were inspired by the "Berserk" manga. Rest in Peace Kentaro Miura. -"Heat" would be a great reaction.


I'm glad that the Ted lasso group will be reacting to Cobra Kai instead...provided that they've already watched the karate kid movies otherwise there's no point in reacting to the series.


I think Heat would generate plenty of views. It's a classic and has long considered to have one of the most accurate and intense gunfights in cinema history. It's also the very first time DeNiro and Pacino had scenes together in a movie. (They were both in The Godfather 2, but never on screen together)

Matthew Poth

you guys should re watch the movies before you start cobra kai

Annah Suarez-Domit

Man I wish I had had the time to watch the Bleach reactions before today because I have some fun info about Sui-Feng. Her zanpakto is Suzumebachi, which translates to the word Hornet. If you recall during the flashback one of the first interactions that Yoruichi had with Sui-Feng was her making that little joke about Sui-Feng's thoughts buzzing like a bee. That singular event effected Sui-Feng so much her sword's name became Hornet. Now also remember that in this show a person's sword is also a manifestation of their sword and you realize how down bad Sui-Feng is for Yoruichi.


Personally, I disagree! I didn't ever really watch the Karate Kid films growing up (just was exposed to it generally via pop culture) and I still think the show is really fun! They do a great job of imparting history/importance throughout the series to contextualize.


You may have been called Boomers but you are running your business in a very Millennial way; props for walking the walk!

rickie woodson

its not that they are a bad kisser its that they dont know how to kiss YOU, so if you like them, teach them aka dont go around kissing strangers. i could never. we kiss when i have feelings for you, the end.


Aint Lyme disease originate from over there?

Micah Zimmer

Is there going to be an update to Suraj's Rebels twitch stream vods? The last time, he was only up to about episode 2x7.

Gwenhwyfar Aine

I love that the men picked up on the lesbian implications, but none of the women did.