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Welcome back to the SDR. We go through the weekly comments, let you know what's going on in our lives and TIER LIST THE MARVEL TV SHOWS that have released thus far in anticipation for Secret Invasion!

How would you redo our tier list? Don't forget to check out Suraj's personal uncuts of Star Wars Rebels that was just posted earlier here:

Come meet The Normies this year at the following events!

Indy Pop Con - August 25/26/27 https://popcon.us/
Louisville Pop Con - June 17/18 https://popcon.us/popcon-louisville/
Normie Con - October 6/7/8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEZ9MVE8JCM

Time codes:

01:07 - Some Normies leaving the continent this year
02:32 - Disgusting new species found in the Normies kitchen fridge
04:34 - Pride Ride and Pride Parade babyyyyy
06:25 - 'Lost' behind the scenes toxicity
09:24 - VANIA of CASTLES
14:19 - SLAYER of DEMONS
18:31 - LASSO of TED
22:53 - The Attack Titty (Shingeki no Titty)
27:53 - La Oficina
34:20 - Oshi no Co-mments
35:42 - Bleach
45:32 - Buffy/Angel
49:34 - Young Justice
52:46 - It's Sometimes Sunny in Philly
55:21 - Rebels
58:57 - General Comments
01:03:10 - Marvel/Disney+ TV Series Tier List



Cap doesn't say they aren't terrorists. He tells a bunch of politicians on tv that the flagsmashers we're fighting for something. That the people in that room were doing things that effected so many people ina negative way that they would unfathomable things to get the world's attention


To add more clarification on kido, if 2 people had similar spiritual pressure, the higher number spell would automatically beat the lower number regardless if the lower number used the full incantation. Even moreso if the difference in numbers is vast (for example yall used Hado 99 vs full incantation bakudo 33, 99 would literally destroy not just that person and their spell but also whole city/area). 90s and above are all considered death spells only a very few characters can actually use 90+, 1-29 low level (seated officers can use these), 30-59 mid level (lieutenants and above), 60-89 high level (captain level and above). There are also some who are considered masters of kido who may not be captain level but can use some kido spells in that class (Momo for example). Being able to use kido without the full incantation shows that the person using it is an expert and doesnt require it in battle. But it always helps to use the incantation if you can (have the time) as that will guarantee the full extent of power of that kido. Most captains are skilled enough to use lower/mid and some high spells without incantations. The higher the number used illustrates your proficiency


You didn’t have to read the manga to kno that sword was for tanjiro😭


I respect everyone’s ranking and opinion on Marvel shows and movies. I just have one little issue with something Suraj said. He mentioned providing a description of tone of the show instead of just having trailers (She-Hulk being a “slice of life” show). If you want to get an idea about the tone of the show, you could research the character and understood that she breaks the 4th wall often (just like Deadpool, who would have definitely wanted to chat with Kevin Fiege), you could look at some of her comics and noticed she had better control of her powers than Hulk in most situations (remaining calm and practical usage) or you could just watch it without having a certain standard if it’s a brand new character that you have limited knowledge of. If someone spoon feeds you the tone of every show before it is released, it takes away a part of the mystery of the show. But let me restate this: everyone is entitled to their opinion but it is all just enjoyable content. **Add-on: Let me make this very clear. This was not meant to be condescending in any way, shape or form. I do genuinely value everyone’s opinion.


I 100% agree with you Suraj. Chloe Bennet needs to come back in Secret Invasion it would so perfect to reintroduce her there


<3 The Tier List, but I'm afraid I still have to disagree with She-Hulk, miss-marvel wasn't as bad.

Dr Ozzy

I was so in love with her when Agents first came out. Having her pop up in Dave this season was a trip down memory lane.


He says “We gotta stop calling them terrorists” when one of the politician dude’s calls them terrorists


Here’s the link of the handshake between the two coaches in the Premier League. You have to jump to 2:03 for the handshake. https://youtu.be/q8kCwlHuBGI

Benjamin Donahue

In any story with a pre-20th century setting recognizing and/or copying someone's handwriting is a critical to intel and espionage


Well yeah that's part of what the show is talking about. World powers call those small groups terrorist to project a level of fear. Yeah the flagsmashers blew up soldiers, but given the countries they're in, what would have those soldiers done to them if commanded.

Champion Bescos

They were absolutely terrorists. They were a militia that achieved their ends through causing terror and instilling fear.


That marvel tier list was... interesting.


Yeah but literally national can label anyone a terrorist. Besides one countries terrorist being another person's freedom fighter. But the Flagsmashers weren't even going after civilians like that. They were trying to get the world to pay attention to this refugee crisis that was being swept under the rug. And in a way succeeded. Cause Sam being formally in the army knows it's not all black and white and people don't cause damage for no reason.


Yeah that marvel tier list was TERRIBLE😂 but everybody is entitled to their own opinions

j c

Get Rana that streaming setup for Twitch ASAP! Please and thank you! Wishing for her reactions to Young Justice especially and some other shows! The wait is devasting. Devasting


Well, you're not 100% correct. If someone used hado 33 and hado 34, the 33 with incantation will win for sure. But your point is mostly correct. Kido power is based off of the Shinigami's Reiatsu + Kido Mastery. Not every captain is a kido master as well, naturally.


Really "bitch" is an insult we aren't allowed to use anymore... Also it is not wrong or bad to root for the Sunny characters. ITS A SHOW just cause you want bad characters to succeed doesn't make you a bad person. This notion is so dumb. I always root for Sunny Characters cause I want to see what they get up to next, this idea that you have to root against the characters is dumb af.


All the way from Malaysia with love.

rickie woodson

definitely not his origin in the comics. miss martian didnt debut til the 2000s via this show, beast boy debuted in the 60s. he did get his powers via a blood transfusion but it was from his pet monkey (the green one you see in this episode). that is why he only turns into green animals.

rickie woodson

wandavision is S tier. everything else is F with an asterix for she-hulk and ms. marvel as there were at least some episodes that were enjoyable.

rickie woodson

kate bishop's code name is hawkeye so...............the show is 100% named after the people (clint and kate) that it focuses on