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Buffy the Vampire Slayer 4x11

Reaction: https://youtu.be/edn9mQViDuc

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/buffy-the-vampire-slayer-premium/ (pg. 8) 

Angel 1x11

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/angel-uncut-only/ (pg. 2) 

Young Justice 1x21

Reaction: https://youtu.be/Qzih32wdN8I

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/young-justice-premium/ (pg. 3)




Wesley! Haha, comic relief, he'll never amount to much..

Calvin Allen

This Miss Martian confusion reminds me of their Naruto reactions and them not being able to understand that those were Gaara's actual siblings

Andrew W

Giles' voice in that one scene felt so off and I couldn't figure out why - glad you clocked it was ADR, thought I was going crazy lol

Annah Suarez-Domit

So some fun Young Justice Trivia! In the Hello Megan opening they showed an actress by the name of Rita Farr, in the comics she is Garfield's adoptive mother and a super-heroine with the Doom Patrol. She was an actress who after an accident had her body turned into a rubber like substance and could grow and shrink. Next is some Martian stuff. I do not believe that this is a spoiler because the shows seems to assume you already know Martian politics but I will put this warning and put a few blank lines in case I am wrong. On Mars there are two(sometimes three but we ignore them in canon most of the time) races. The Green Martians who look like humans and the White Martians that look like monsters. I don't know the exact race politics of mars in this continuity but in most mainline ones the White Martians are very xenophobic and sometimes are responsible for having killed almost all Martians except for Martian Manhunter. This doesn't seem to be the case here, Jo'nn having hundreds of nieces and nephews, I assume there's probably still some tension between the two races since M'gan thinks Jo'nn would exile her to Mars for being one.


An earlier episode M'gann told Connor White Martians are an racial underclass and Green Martians outnumber whites and discriminate against them. She is basically "green passing" to coin a phrase.

Chaos T

Damn.... that gave me flashbacks. This is not a kids show fam! haha

Annah Suarez-Domit

Thanks for the clarification. I mostly just know this stuff from comics I've read so I miss a few things in the show.


Trivia: Buffy was the show that coined and first used the term "Big Bad" that everyone uses now to represent a seasonal villain. It was first used as a noun in Season 3's "Gingerbread" episode. Sorry if that's old news for you, but someone on the couch brought up the phrase after Xander said Spike isn't the Big Bad anymore so I thought I'd chime in with this.


Never thought I'd see Hawkeye as a Vampire yet here we are lol

Ricardo Obregon

Woooo! Another fun good Buffy Thursday! its the doom episode where they rerunt to school such a fun spike episode... and wooo to young justice and the meagan episode. and big Wooo for Hawkeye in the angel episode


I loved that Mickey mentioned Psychonauts! That's my favorite game and a great comparison for the mind bending nature of this YJ episode!


Btw Wesley's comment on Lady Hamilton's Virtue is a reference to Admiral Nelson (the guy at the top of the column in Trafalgar Square) and his love affair with Emma Hamilton. It was quite the scandal, in the late 18th Century. It's a demonstration of how tragically out of touch Wesley is

Ray D

Comment about Angel. A weird thing about this episode Somnambulist, Jeremy Renner (guest in this episode as Penn) and Elisabeth Rohm (who plays detective Kate Locley) actually played a married couple in the movie American Hustle years later. Great movie if you haven’t seen it