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Attack on Titan DUB 4x21

Reaction: https://youtu.be/LJX2xyrRP1A

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/attack-on-titan-dub-premium/ (pg. 10) 

The Office 4x10

Reaction: https://youtu.be/VmZf-Y5VheQ

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/the-office-premium/ (pg. 7) 



Gorge Montoya

Will we get a chance to see the dub crew react to the rumbling intro or music video? Those lyrics always get me when I hear them.


Michael can’t just pay stanley more money. Spending money on fundraisers and other shenanigans are one time costs. Paying a higher salary adds up over time lol.


I was told through YouTube that there would be double drops for The Office.. is that not really a thing? The only reason I subbed on Patreon :(


They did double drops of the office for a while, but they had to bring it back to single episodes recently. They made a post a few weeks back explaining why.


Was this post on YouTube or Patreon?


Chris writhing in discomfort while watching the cringefest that is The Office is one of the reasons he's my favorite Normie to see on the couch. 😂


That’s the issue, how am I supposed to know that they switched the schedules before I sub? It’s all locked.

Jeff K

Well that little crab walk from Suraj is something I never planned on witnessing but, I suppose, here I am. Forever changed.

Golden Mama

This also came out at the height of the recession if I remember correctly. So a local paper business would have been broke af lol


They are pretty understanding; you may want to reach out to them via a message to explain, and then maybe re-sub in future when there are more episodes "logged"

Twin Hallow

if you just moved to patreon there should be a bunch of double drops from before right? They did say it will go back to double drops after a bit or something.


is the office not double drop anymore?


I believe they said until the end of S4 it will be single drops, and going back to double in 5

Champion Bescos

What Twin said - if you JUST came here from Youtube, you're still paying receiving access to practically an entire seasons worth of material before youtube gets it. Just go through the catalogue and enjoy and then cancel memebrship for next month if its still a real dealbreaker.


they had to do it with the season that has the funniest episode huh. (Dinner Party) looool tbh i subbed just to see if they reacted to it already. I guess id have to wait for yt drop


Another important detail is that Marley always knew there were titans in the walls, but knowing they could be trampled they STILL attacked and terrorized Paradis. Even if Eren kills innocent ppl, I don't see it as his fault, I see it as the fault of all world leaders who decided to declare war on Paradise and KNEW what they were capable of. If the world leaders didn't want innocent ppl to die, they could have never terrorized Paradis OR they could have even became allies with them. But they didn't choose either so this result is on them imo


You guys can at least drop two episodes per week.


so you're condemning the entire world for what one fascist country did? nice logic.


If you can't read well, best not to reply. I very clearly said "world leaders." Many countries hate Eldians, and many countries agreed to wage war on Paradis in Liberio incident. Each one shares collective responsibility in their own demise.


watching a villains backstory is really all it took to make people support genocide lol


many countries hate usa should america nuclear bomb the rest of the world?


This is a bad comparison for two reasons. One, the USA has a military arsenal and can fight back effectively against other countries without having to wipe out everyone at once. Two, you said only "hate" instead of declare all out war. The world not only hated Eldians, they officially declared war against them. If this was an accurate comparison, the USA would be a small country with one large bomb to use on every other country that declared war on them. In that scenario, if the USA had no chance of winning, we'd definitely drop a bomb to destroy the rest of the world. We'd have no other option just like Paradis had no other option.


the war was already won when he killed all the world leaders and remaining military at the shore of marley if you want to support the killing of billions of innocent civilians just because you cant accept that the guy you thought was the hero is actually the villian then go ahead


This will probably too long a comment, but this is one of my top 5 episode of the series in part because whatever if people support Eren or not, their opinion likely crystallizes here. This batch of episodes is everything we’ve been waiting for in terms of context. For the “Yeagerist” part of the audience (except Pat) beyond that point, I feel it’s really more about their attachment to the protagonist rather than wholeheartedly justifying genocide. Yes it’s terrible development, but it’s HIS story, it’s HIS mom that was murderer because of conflict that started ages before he was even born, it’s HIS country that is in quarantine (because Karl Fritz realized how messed up Eldian’s legacy was so foul up and Titans dangerous). That’s why for some viewers, it doesn’t even matter that what Eren is doing goes beyond genocide and is more of a planetary cataclysmic event (entire ecosystem levelled, boiling ocean, mass extinctions) that will have long lasting effect on the Paradis survivors, both environmental but also psychological as Rana pointed out. The episode also hints that all what people say Ymir did was true, both the very good AND the very bad, as well as pointing out how Fritz the First and Ymir’s oppressing and holding the world hostage for millennia under the threat of the Titans until Karl Fritz (really bad) plan to correct that lead to the hopeless situation the characters find themselves now. Yes Ymir was a victim in life, a victim in death, but she was ultimately an empowered and complicit victim whose Stockholm syndrome lead to one of the wildest case of “worst timeline” in all of fiction.


if eren did some pedo shit there'd still be motherfuckers defending him


“World nations decide to not handle existential threat of rogue nation with a doomsday device and a millennia long history jingoistic behaviour (now pacifist but doesn’t tell anyone), and just wait and see if rogue nation with a doomsday device and a millennia long history jingoistic behaviour is going to remain chill.” While we’re at it, let’s put World War II and the Holocaust fault on the international community for not being nice to Germany after World War I.


Please never work in an international relation or peacekeeping capacity 😂


"The war was already won" All those nations would have rebuilt their military to come back and fight Paradis after so many years. If you had any reading comprehension, you would know the author wrote the story so that Eren had no other choice. Even if Eren stopped after destroying the military, he would've died in a few years from the curse of Ymir, and all those nations would've rebuilt their military to come after Eldians again. At the end of the day, Eren is still the main character; there's nothing you can say that will change that.


Have you read the story at all? Marley knew that King Fritz renounced war and erased the memory of the people on the island. "just wait and see if rogue nation with a doomsday device and a millennia long history jingoistic behaviour is going to remain chill." You can't be serious XD. Marley KNEW the people had their memory erased. It may as well have been a completely different nation altogether. You're conflating the history of Eldia with the decisions of the people currently there who have zero recollection of the actions of their ancestors. That's what a bigot does.


Please never write a book report. You have zero reading comprehension LOL


What a completely inaccurate comparison. The international community didn't declare war on Germany first, and the Holocaust wasn't waged on people who threatened German lives. Not only can you not read, you can't even draw an accurate historical parallel.


"I feel it’s really more about their attachment to the protagonist rather than wholeheartedly justifying genocide" For some it could be attachment, but many people have said if they were in the exact same position as Eren, they would do the exact same thing he did. The author wrote it so that people would be compelled by both Eren's actions and the actions of the people who stopped him. At the end of the day, Isayama wrote the story so that Eren would be in a situation where he felt like he had no other choice. I'd say a big chunk of the fandom agree with him, hence the meme "Eren did nothing wrong." There's no insight in saying people are just attached to Eren as a protagonist and therefore agree with him. Isayama wrote ~130 chapters of this story in a way that a lot of ppl agree with his actions under his very specific circumstances,


technically, what Eren did wasn't genocide, it was self-defense. Here's the definition of genocide: "the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group." The word "particular" in that definition is important. Eren retaliated against the nations of the world that declared war on Paradis first. Marley and the rest of the world were the ones who wanted to commit genocide against "particularly" Eldians and the island of Paradis.


Marley (regular citizens and government) didn’t knew all that, the Tyburs did, which are effectively proxies of Karl Fritz and his cruel attempts to have Eldia atone. Also, how about you drop all the ad hominem. If you can’t make an argument without resorting to that, just don’t comment. It’s unnecessarily antagonistic, childish, and distract from the points you’re trying to make.


The Tybers told the people of Marley and the world the secret of what Karl Fritz really did in the play at in Liberia, and ppl still agreed to wage war and saw current Eldians as devils, so you're wrong there. Secondly, I never use ad hominem unless someone uses it first. You were the one that said "Please never work in an international relation or peacekeeping capacity 😂" You were being childish bc you couldn't make an argument, couldn't understand the intent of the author, and couldn't even make an accurate historical parallel. If you don't want to be treated that way, don't treat others that way first. I guess you can't even live by your own words. Shame


Let’s talk about that play. Willy Tybur literally admitted to his family and the Fritz family lying and manipulating the world into hating Eldians, but then put all cards on the table and revealed that the state of things that they’ve manufactured as penance for the crimes of the Eldian empire actually materialized the world ending threat everyone was understandably afraid of by way of Eren. He then egged them on to neutralize this, again, actual world ending threat (not just, as you’ve put it, technically “self-defence”). It was all very plausible and aligned with Eldia’s known history. What was Eren’s response? Prove them right and murder practically everyone and everything in the vicinity. It’s curious how you’ve been so quick to disregard so much of the story elements that don’t fit your narrative, and then shamelessly say to people who disagree that they can’t read or don understand the author. It’s totally understandable to relate or support Eren, but you keep sharing terrible takes, being flippant when people disagree, and just continue to escalate as if it somehow made anything you say more valid.


yes eren is genocidal evil and all that but the scene where he frees ymir and all the walls come down is one of the best most satisfying scenes in anything I have seen, and that includes live action prestige television. it was so good, and ultimately people are gonna base their fiction opinions on what strikes a chord with them emotionally, not what they consider morally justifiable in real life.


Eren only attacked once everything was explained and all the world leaders were on board. So you've got it wrong again: they didn't materialize the threat until everyone agreed to declare war on Paradis. How could everyone by understandably afraid of a world ending threat if the island was peaceful for a hundred years?? Willy explained there was a POTENTIAL for a world-ending threat, and the leaders of the world let their fear encourage them to declare war against a peaceful nation. By the time Eren attacked, the world leaders were informed of everything- they essentially assured the world-ending threat through their own actions. Again, it has nothing to do with Eldia's known history if Willy just explained to everyone that King Fritz erased the memories of the people on Paradis for several generations. If their memories are erased, they have nothing to do with their ancestors, and the world leaders were informed of this. Even Gabi realized how ignorant she was being for using the very same logic that you're using now. She realized that the people living on Paradis had nothing to do with the actions of their ancestors and that she was acting like a bigot the entire time. Yet, you're actually defending this way of thinking made by the leaders of the world. As you've noticed, I've used many story elements to prove my argument. You, on the other hand, have completely ignored Gabi's arc, and the point that Isayama was trying to make with her character which is this: judging people by their ancestor's actions is bigoted and wrong. Yet, you use this type of thinking to defend your point. I'm not shamelessly saying you can't understand the author, you've proven it time and again with your comments. In this entire response I didn't use an ad hominem a single time, but even in your last response you used several: "so quick to disregard so much of the story elements", "shamelessly say to people who disagree", "sharing terrible takes" You said it yourself: "If you can’t make an argument without resorting to that, just don’t comment" You should really take your own advice and actually try to make a sound argument without insulting me. This time try not to ignore an entire character's arc. Thanks bud


Hey, please don't spoil the show. A lot of them haven't reached the end yet and don't know the full story behind Ymir. I know it can be easy to spoil but please try to avoid it. Thanks bud


He’s still being “particular” by deciding who to use the rumbling on and who not to use it on. That’s the definition of being particular. It’s not like he’s just going to Thanos snap and have people die at random. He’s decided to spare only those on Paradise and no one else. That in-and-of-itself is him being particular. It’s genocide, whether spurred forward by notions of self-defense or not. No two ways about it. Genocide and self-defense are not inherently mutually exclusive.


It's a particular nation or ethnic group. "Everyone else" is not a particular nation or ethnic group. Eren killed all people outside of the island NOT based on their nation or ethnic group, only bc they posed a real threat to him. Again, that's the text book definition. The definition of "particular" is an "individual or specified group". Genocide is a single group singled out based on their nation or ethnicity. Eren killed everyone, even no name groups living in the middle of nowhere. It doesn't fit the textbook definition of genocide. Don't take it up with me, take it up with the dictionary,


are you depressed ? I wish you get calm and peace in you life.