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Ted Lasso 1x9

Reaction: https://youtu.be/Qn_LYMPjcdg

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/ted-lasso/

Castlevania 1x3

Reaction: https://youtu.be/pDj9iYL5dJ4

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/castlevania/

Demon Slayer 3x2

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/devil-assassin/ (pg. 2) 



Andre Ransom

No RWBY today? 😭


Yeah probably next week or maybe the other because then it'll be all the episodes together it wouldn't leave the finale by itself

Shirlene Wright

Castlevania is so good. I am really enjoying these reactions. Thank You!


God I love Monday. Demon Slayer, Ted Lasso and Castlevania

Benjamin Donahue

Haven't read the manga so I don't know any more than you guys. My theory is Haganezuka (Tanjiro's sword maker) is in hiding/training to make a sword Tanjiro can't break. Also need to double check the names but pretty sure the guy with the gun's sibling is the Hashira that stabbed Nezuko and tried to make her drink blood. Bigger story theories I'll keep to myself until I hear you guys say yours first.


"Every reactor was confused." I mean that's a pretty low bar. lol Most anime reactors are terrible at remembering details. It's one of the reasons why most people don't stick around for the discussions. After a great reaction, you think you're going to be in for a good discussion. Unfortunately, they start theorizing about something that was already explained so you just close the video and move on to the next reactor. lol Also, most of the analytical type anime reactors who have great memory like FilmBuff and Semblance of Sanity aren't currently reacting to Demon Slayer. Anyway, it's not a huge deal. It's not like this is Dark. Great reaction as always.

Vin Sama

dude most manga readers were confused back then when the series was weekly


Peeps literally started spoiling things that haven't even been mentioned in the anime to reactors, it blew my mind. Like, wow, just let them figure it out as they watch. It's meant to be ambiguous and mysterious and pieced together as the story progresses.