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Ichigo faces off against the Soul Reaper Ikkaku Madarame

Reaction above

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/clorox-premium/ (pg. 4) 


Heru Muharrar

is the resolution of the reaction low is or is that just me?

Justin James

I’m slow af I just realized they’ve been calling bleach clorox smh


When its in the small player format the quality is perfect but when I try to full screen it turns to garbage quality

Reynaldo Urena

Yumichika, the guy with the zanpakuto Fuji Kujaku is the 5th seat of Squad 11(Same squad as Ikkaku). There are 13 Court Guard Squads, and the rank for a squad’s officers in descending order goes 1.Captain 2.Lieutenant 3. 3rd Seat and so on until 20th Seat, then after that are all the non-officer soul reaper grunts and altogether every squad has around 200 members each.


There’s no point in Ichigo lying since the soul reapers will find out how many of them there are as soon as reports start coming in


Ikkaku introduced himself as the 3rd seat of squad 11 he is just under Lieutenant. Renji is a lieutenant in a different squad. The characters introduce their name and rank before battle. So just look out for it.


Also Gin/Renji (who was there when gin confronted them which the anime didn’t show for some reason) saw all of them.


In the manga, (serious)Ichigo was much faster than Ikkaku and thus quickly overpowered him. It’s not close in manga once Ichigo says “I haven’t shown my real ability yet”

Benjamin Donahue

Just to help you with the hiearchy here: -The organization is the Gotei 13/13 Court Gaudian Squads (All the Soul Reapers) - The Gotei 13 is comprised of 13 "Squads" lead by a Captain and a Lieutenant / Adjudant / Vice Captain (not sure your familiarty with military scale but there are likely several thousands of soul reapers so it is more accurate to think the "Squads" are more like "Brigades or Divisions" for context). - The top Soul reapers in each squad are called "seated officers" and are ranked (I believe) 1 to 20 with 1 being the Captain, 2 the Lieutenant, and everything below is addressed as the "# seat". (The pairs you see in the endings are the Squad Captains and Lieutenants)


It's the afterlife, Navi, all the ends are dead.


I miss nahid he would have gone apeshit in this episode


He did lol he's hundreds of episodes ahead on Bleach. Search Nahid Watches on Youtube


I believe the confusion is the dub is using the term captains and squad leaders interchangeably. All the shinigami captains wear white robes, the lieutenants/vice captains wear the armband with the number of their squad/division. Captain will be considered rank 1, vice captain/lieutenants rank 2, seated officers below that are rank 3 to rank 20. Everyone else below rank 20 is considered unseated officer like Rukia.


Do we need a chart?


Where is episode 23-26?