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Uryu and Orihime team up for a two-on-one battle of flying projectiles

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Uncut: https://thenormies.com/clorox-premium/ (pg. 4) 



Nemu best girl


Soul reapers can teleport so Uryu and orihime not noticing makes sense. Also this anime is dragged out a lot compared to the manga so scenes are given way more dialogue or just elongated in general to pad out runtime.


I love that Kubo kept Ikkaku’s scar from this fight.


Btw the new ending shows each squad so y'all should watch it each time to see the captains and their lieutenants!


Please watch the endings, maybe also the ones that you have missed? You will understand the world a bit better because of it.

Annah Suarez-Domit

So fun fact Jirobo Ikkanzaka, who was the guy Uryu clowned on, is in fact the younger brother of the gate keeper. (By the way fun connection both brothers counted to ten in their appearance, the gate keeper couldn't count that high but the brother could.) His zanpakto, Tsunzakigarasu, translates to Splitting Crows. Some other zanpakto translations. Ikkaku's, Hozukimaru, means winter cherry. The guy who fought Ganju, Yumikicha's, zanpakto Fuji Kujaku, means wisteria peacock.


They did say she was a uzumaki you guys didn't pay attention also later on I believe they will explain their powers 😉

rickie woodson

mickey's frustration is why i cant get into anime in general and shonen in particular. they got too many episodes to be wasting time padding things out with monologues about nothing. just fight and get it over with so we can move the plot along! that would save 100 episodes OR MOE #justsaying. there is a reason the only long form anime (200eps) i have finished is sailor moon. the others have been 26 eps or less (death note being the exception with its 30+ episodes). its one thing if they were pontificating or wax poeting about something profound but its all boastful bravado on their supposedly amazing fighting prowess. yawn. this is why i never finished naruto, any of the dragonball s, or bleach when it aired. the week between watches definitely help make these anime tropes palatable.

rickie woodson

i dont know about the anime but it definitely came into play in the manga. karin is from the same clan so they are cousins. she has access to a unique uzumaki only skill, the adamantine chains that were used by naruto's mom to bind the kitsune spirit. why they would leave that our of the anime is beyond me


Uryu and Orihime ❤️️


I agree with Navi. Ganju definitely reminds me of Usopp especially with the techniques he uses. I like when reactors make that connection. Jirobo (the guy Uryu is fighting) is the younger brother of Jidanbo, the gatekeeper.


Answering ur question regarding where chad and Orihime got their powers from in my opinion i can be wrong tho i think their power formed based on their own personality like they kinda manifested it for example Chad think his body strength has an purpose especially his hands and strong punches so for that he got a huge , for Orihime always wanted to take care of her brother and her friends and protect them that why she got the protection power and got in the form of her hairpins the only thing that remind of her brother

Isaiah Gibbz

The payoff that comes in this arc is the definition of peak. Like these last couple episodes and a few going forward are literally just the appetizer 😂

Stevo Brein

they reveal how they got them in the later episodes i don't wanna spoil.


Please be patient with the show yall 😭 it’s apart of the big three for a reason


100%. They are going to get to the points I know we are thinking of and will relent the payoff was worth. Hype and "I didn't see that coming".


Patience is definitely a virtue with this show...but ohh is it legitimate.


Yoruichi is such a cat. He is SUCH a cat.

Eduardo Zatarain

i have thought of rewatching Bleach but honestly... i wouldn't be able to get through it now unless we get something like DBZ Kai, cut the filler, cut the deadtime of the characters just staring, the last 10 min recap, etc.