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Ted Lasso 2x8

Reaction: https://youtu.be/HsB-dwsSris

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/ted-lasso-premium/ (pg. 2) 

Castlevania 1x4

Reaction: https://youtu.be/ORh8c02tj68

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/castlevania-premium/




Pat continues to be wrong about oh so many things. You can’t groom an adult and if you’re hot it isn’t creepy. It’s as simple as that.


Pat and Suraj are 100% right. If it was a man that was the 48 year old boss going after a female, way more people would be repulsed. Imagine if it was a 48 year male owner of a professional volleyball league going out with his 21 year old players.


"I ship this patient with their literal therapist" and "Past someone's 568,024,667 second on this earth it's not grooming anymore", have to be some of the worst takes from Navi and Rana 🤣


Pat seems so offended by patricide 🤣


I love how Pat is angry at Alucard for trying to prevent his father from killing the entire human race.


by the way more castlevania is coming based on Richter belmont.


They aren't ready for Sypha.


Such a good show! There may not be more of this Castlevania , but a Devil May Cry series set in the same universe was confirmed by Adi Shankar of this show! :)


Same universe? Ohhh, because it's Capcom, right? Sounds like some Ash vs Evil Dead level crossover lol


Yess! They're traditionally not in the same universe , but they thought they could make great crossovers and use certain characters from Castlevania that could be mentioned or appear in DMC!


How is it set in the same universe they are different franchise by different companies Castlevania is Konami and Devil May Cry is Capcom?


I JUST LOOKED IT UP... Okay, so Netflix owns the rigts to both shows, thus the gaming companies don't have the same influence as say with Arcane and Edgerunners. I think Netflix got rights to do a DMC show and just gave it to the same guy that handled Castlevania. He teased they'd be set in the same universe, suggesting there could either be a cameo or two, or just world building references that acknowledge the existence of Dracula and such. I doubt it means we'll see a full on crossover, however, I can see timelines and events overlapping in both shows that could certainly add to the intrigue.

Alexis Cardarella

Pat is actually on to something, guys.. Lol Specifically about how a 21 year olds are also impressionable and immature. Your brain-the part the governs decision making, is still developing till your mid 20s. And to add to that, when it comes to someone's Rebecca's age dating someone that young, heck, even someone in their late 20s dating someone in their early 20s- there tends to be power imbalance due to experience, maturity, financial status. And while it's not technically "grooming," there are older adults who exploit that power imbalance, specifically young adults' naïveté and relative immaturity, with the plans of sleeping with them. That's why people suspect Leo is a predator, because he continuously only dates young adults. But yes, grooming is technically an adult manipulating someone underage in order to try to sleep them when they're legal, or when it's socially acceptable enough. I don't think Rebecca in any sense groomed Sam. I think she jokingly/hyperbolically used that term because she was shocked and embarrassed.. But, also, yeah, let's forget for a second that she is his boss.. there are *still* other factors that give way to a power imbalance.. ones that Rebecca would obviously never exploit, but that could make things complicated for them. But also, she's his fucking boss. lol

Zen Reacts

Well time to kick Pat off the Castlevania couch


Sorry, new here. I thought all the episodes were available.


Don't worry, a lot of people ate crow when the magician was revealed to be part of a not so helpless peaceloving gypsy'esque folk ;)