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Ted Lasso 1x7

Reaction: https://youtu.be/ZS3iCM34kis

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/ted-lasso/

Castlevania 1x1

Reaction: https://youtu.be/e_SILpJb1YU

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/castlevania/

RWBY 9x5-9x7 have not been filmed yet. We will post all of them next week once they're ready!

MHA 6x24

MHA is delayed because we're waiting for Chris/Market/Rana to be back in town. It will be uploaded later in the week along with the uncut.



freshyjazzy12 .

This looks like the same episode 4 of RWBY that we got two weeks ago btw

Edwin Ayala

Shouldn’t it be 9x5? 9x4 was posted on March 20th.

Aaron Gauntt

Sad RWBY noises...

Chai Tea

Of course the day I restart my Patreon subscription to support RWBY, the wrong link gets posted 😅 just my luck lol


RWBY 9x5 is scheduled to be released next week for YouTube. it has not been filmed yet

The Red Man

RWBY chads… We must suffer a week more.

Vongola Fiamme

so then 9x4 shouldnt be in early access as its literally on youtube right now how is that early access lol


People still watch RWBY? Is it even still going on? lol


I mean I'm not a genius but context clues are obvious☠️ "PeOpLe StIlL watch RwBy"


The normies have an expanded definition of the word soon lol


I usually don't mind the soon, but this should say "12 hours later", not "soon".

Joey Brock

right lol may as well have just slipped it in with tomorrow's post


Yeah I actually wouldn't mind the post saying they could not get to it, it will be up tomorrow... rather than refreshing the page every few hours the same day of the post because they said "soon"


Sorry everyone. After getting feedback from last week's MHA YouTube comments we decided to delay filming the reaction until Chris/Marketa/Rana were back in town. This wasn't communicated to our Patreon manager in time, hence the misinformation in the above post!