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Rebels 1x1

Reaction: https://youtu.be/XkBOWDRpYCA

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/rebels/

Rebels 1x2

Reaction: https://youtu.be/XkBOWDRpYCA

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/rebels/

Its Always Sunny 1x2

Reaction: https://youtu.be/zvhM2sdMnx0

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/its-always-sunny-in-philadelphia-premium/ 



Edwin Ayala

Guys, how many times until people say it will you remember that clones and stormtroopers are different? I mean hell, even their voices are different. Not to mention their incompetence in comparison. Stormtroopers are volunteer imperial forces.

Edwin Ayala

Look, people are going to seriously complain in the comments until you stop calling the stormtroopers clones. It’ll be a waste of comment space until corrected.


So glad you’ve got to meet Hera. She’s the best. She’s so strong and so empathetic and patient.

Chaos T

Finally the Normies get introduced to the GOAT droid.


a obviously has no flaws. I liked her but not a well-written character.


we here yall! where my rebels squad at


Something cool about Zeb is he's what Chewbacca was originally going to look like, hence all the Wookie comments. Also, a lot of the designs in Rebels are based on Ralph Mcquarrie's original Star Wars designs for A New Hope

Brandon Gibbs

Oh yeah this is one of my favorite SW series!

Andre Ransom

Does anyone know where I can find this podcast with Blind Wave they mentioned?


"It is time"


I heard from someone that it will be available when every CW episode is available on YT for non patrons

Daniel Antunez

bad batch covers the transition period between the republic and the empire, and you see how clones are phased out for stormtroopers, along with setups for future events in rogue one, rebels, etc


Well ya'll walked right into a roast saying Stormtroopers are Clones especially with ya'll trying to identify voice actors yet none of the Stormtroopers sound like Dee Bradely Baker's Clones though I suppose to be fair the Stormtroopers do only have a few different VA's and probably primarily Steve Blum (Zebs VA) so they would still sound uniform like clones despite the voices themselves being different. The Clone War started in 22BBY ("Before the Battle of Yavin" aka A New Hope) and ended in 19BBY. Rebels starts in 5BBY so it has been about 14 years since Episode III // TCW S7 // Order 66. Its been a similar amount of time (maybe a year or so less) since ToTJ Episode 6 where you last saw Ahsoka. Andor take place in 5BBY as well. Kenobi took place in 9BBY so its been 4 years since Obi and Vader's fight. Mandalorian Season 1 starts in 9ABY (After the Battle of Yavin) so it won't start for another 14 years from now.


Will you guys be finishing the Tales of the Jedi series soon?

Dusty Glover

Thank you for this comment. It helped clear up some confusion I had about where this took place in relation to Kenobi and Andor.


They did last week on patreon


Is Suraj not watching Rebels??


I think your guys discussion on abuse and disciplining your kid is a little ignorant because you guys have know experience of what an abusive relationship with your parents looks like.


"Looks like"??? I am sure most people have at least SEEN an abusive relationship like that with all the media available that highlights it. If you meant FIRST-HAND experience, then yeah, most people are fortunate enough to not have monsters for parents, and I really wouldn't wish that on anyone else...


Best crew in all of SW for me! This show can get pretty episodic, but growing with these characters is where the real fun lies. Everything ages well and there are EPIC moments throughout. I'm TOO happy to relive the journey with you guys 😁

Chaos T (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-02 14:54:24 100% agree with your opinion about the crew. People try to compare it to Clone Wars and that feels weird. From the first episode of series, it establishes an extremely likeable group of characters where the viewer cares about them. In my first watch through of the series, I lived with the art style while pondering why some had issues with Rebels.
2023-04-02 11:03:14 People try to compare it to Clone Wars and that feels weird. From the first episode of series, it establishes an extremely likeable group of characters where the viewer cares about them. In my first watch through of the series, I lived with the art style while pondering why some had issues with Rebels.

People try to compare it to Clone Wars and that feels weird. From the first episode of series, it establishes an extremely likeable group of characters where the viewer cares about them. In my first watch through of the series, I lived with the art style while pondering why some had issues with Rebels.


please tell me your doing two episodes a week for rebels not one? if you do one there is no way you will catch up for Ashoka