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Hey! Wanted to keep everyone in the loop. 

We are having connectivity issues with Patreon and our website. Fahad and I (Hanna) are working on resolving those issues but fair warning that the website may be temporarily unavailable. 

We apologize for any inconvenience and we hope this is resolved sooner rather than later. 


Tim Arnold

Thanks for the update, Hanna! There are plenty of us here that appreciate all the work you do.

A. Saffari

No worries, hope yall figure out the problem


I was actually having issues with Blindwave's site too.. maybe a patreon issue?


I actually fixed it by deleting cookies for both patreon and thenormies.com and reloading.


Is this issie about a ""Mismatching redirect URI."" Error? because thats what i get when i try to watch the clonewars uncut versions-


it just doesnt recognize my account as a patron lmao


Has she came out on there vids before? I’ve seen her name come up often since I joined

Tim Arnold

Possibly, but not regularly. She is one of several folks that work behind the scenes to keep things running.


Clearing cookies worked for me too. Cleared from both here and the website.


Clearing cookies did not work for me, what browser are you using?


Hanna as in OG red haired Hanna???

Andrew W

Appreciate the open communication like this. Thanks for the update.


Hanna as in Viking Pat's woman Hanna? I might mix up some names here lol

Joseph Mazakes

It looked like there were other beds next to Crosshair with clones occupying them and Pershing talked about splicing more than one DNA strand together into one replica in his ted talk. Could this be the start of that? Is there any precedent for a mega clone in legends lore? Maybe Dark trooper origin?