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Hello everyone!

Our original plan was to have our first town hall stream on FRIDAY, MARCH 31ST AT 2 PM EST! Due to a large volume of requests, we've decided to postpone the stream to weekend date, and currently deciding on the exact day and time. It will happen within the next two weeks. We will keep you updated and make a new post once we've made a decision. 



Sky Alderson

My two cents for the town hall: I have subscribed several times on Patreon, and each time I quit after a few months because I'm pissed of about how you deal with your releases and your communication. It's one thing to set a deadline (the end of the day) but when you regularly post sooner than that, you create expectations for people who like to schedule their days, who are eager to see the reactions they're waiting for and frustrate them when it's released hours later than the previous week. I would largely prefer a constant and regular release hour, so I know exactly when to expect the videos. Do you know any other source of entertainment where you can have no idea a week to another when it will be available ? As others pointed it out, other reaction channels manage to have constant releases hours week after weeks, why tf could you not ? Another point is, we're not all Americans living in the USA, a 2 hours difference can delay for a day the watching time of a reaction for a lot of people. And my last point, at risk of being called"a Karen". I pay more than a Netflix subscriptions to see this videos in advance. (3 * 30 minutes videos a week...) I said "I pay" and not "I give you a bit of money because I love what you do and want to support you", because let's be real, you absolutely don't need my support, your channel is extremely popular and generating a lot of money, you're way past the point of having "sponsors", you mostly have customers, and even if some of your fans kind of imply each time this kind of conversation pop in the comments, we should be grateful you "offer" us some good entertainment, I really think it should be the other way around, And even if I know you feel grateful, because you are decent people knowing it's an absolute chance earning money by just watching TV shows with their friends, it sometimes seems that's having this feeling is enough for you, since the problems irritating the people who love your content enough to give you their hard-earned money are still happening regularly.


I mean, you know issues occur from editing/uploading/internet/website issues etc, right? Infact, I can't think of a single reaction channel that has a scheduled/regular hour of release. Things get released on the day.


I fell like you all have performed more or less adequately.


More Clorox.

Randy Neal

I wish you could randomize when you have these twitch events. Most times, its in the middle of the week when I and a lot of other people are at work. Keeping the basic same times, you hear from the voices of the same Patreon members over and over. Perhaps holding thing like a Town Hall meeting on a weekend would be better if you want to hear from a larger number of people.


Not sure how many people you’ll get at the actual live Town Hall when it’s on a week day at that time. Generally speaking, I think the people that can attend a 2pm EST live stream would have different opinions/responses/feedback than those that can’t. Mainly that those that can’t are either international or people that go to school/work regular hours will likely have different concerns or requests than those that would be free in the middle of the day on a week day.


Especially when it comes to those polls. If y’all want actual feedback. I would definitely recommend uploading the VOD on here and maybe then creating a Google Poll Form that contains all the polls done on the live stream, because those results will be only based on who is free at 2pm on a Friday.


I feel like the model of releasing content as soon as you have it available is nice in theory, but it isn't a good model in practice. Things will run late from time to time especially when you have a lot of moving parts so delays are inevitable. Some people won't mind that but others will. Some people just really value consistency and because of that you will never stop hearing people complain about late releases. In fact as you grow the complaints are likely to grow as well. Having a significant enough buffer to allow you to edit and have content ready by a certain day and time every week is the only way I see these complaints going away.


Your audience is too international to have a live event…

Johnny Blue

I'll be there.


This is a very entitled comment.


This is a great idea, I'll be there :) 2 pm EST is 8 pm for me (in France) so this is perfect.

Ooze McShoes

Just my two cents: anyone on the East Coast who works and doesn't work from home is never going to be able to catch a single stream at 2 PM EST. That includes reactions for shows like Angel, as well as these Town Hall meetings. I'm sure your schedule is busy, but obviously the average work day is 9-5, and a lot of your viewers are from a place located in the EST time zone.

COREY Ervin Scott-Johnson

Still hoping, fingers crossed, one day we get Boruto; I would love o see your reaction to our now-adult characters.

Jim Watkins

with a large team and tons of content there's always gonna be hiccups and delays... that being said if you know that, then it's primarily a scheduling issue... if it was me I would plan all content to be complete at least 2 days before their scheduled release, and reverse engineer the entire workflow to fit that... that way you can set your content to auto-release at midnight for every day, and still have buffer time for delays/issues to be resolved


pretty sure everyone except chris would actually enjoy it a lot its just the anti-boruto crowd are so loud and toxic reactors are scared to even touch it


We hear the concerns regarding the time of the stream and considering moving this to a weekend. This immediate weekend will not work, but we will keep you updated if we do in fact reschedule! If we do there is going to be another announcement about it. thank you

Cliff Douglas

That's a terrible excuse and more evidence of a slacker generation. Poor effort shouldn't be rewarded and excused. Not when you are charging people. It's a work ethic thing. And yes I do think it has to do with how Gen Z, Millennials and especially Gen X were raised. And yes I am part of that generation.


Dangggg I was mad excited for tomorrow