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Attack on Titan DUB 4x16

Reaction: https://youtu.be/hTSLZdcLNms

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/attack-on-titan-dub-premium/ (pg. 9)

The Office 4x1

Reaction: https://youtu.be/gT02OXsDQKg

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/the-office-premium/ (pg. 6)

The Office 4x2

Reaction: https://youtu.be/y6UlpWkh8vI

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/the-office-premium/ (pg. 6)




Love it when it’s not fully uploaded


I honestly understand the business reasons for going back to the regular cuts for the office. It’s not reasonable to ask everyone to subscribe to peacock (it’s a terrible streaming platform anyways) but I’m always going to strikeback at the rationalization I’m seeing all over the place because I think it’s possible to acknowledge something isn’t ideal but still reasonable and can still be good, like going back to regular cuts. The original office episodes aren’t cut for pacing. I repeat: they aren’t cut for pacing. This is confirmed on the podcasts office ladies and the one kevin’s actor does where they interview people who actually work on the show. It’s been flatout stated plenty of times it’s purely network mandated for ad time and many of the writers have wanted scenes to actually stay in the episode. Putting aside that some of the biggest laughs were scenes only in the extended episodes, the supercut actually flat out fleshes out the side characters more. I agree that maybe a scene or two can be a bit shorter (the dwight one that was mentioned, especially when it’s clear rainn wilson was close to breaking character) but many more actually benefited from the extra time and the conversation actually flowed better and had a real starting point, for instance when michael told the accounting department he sold his condo, actually had a greeting in the conversation and some preamble before getting to the meat which is how real life conversations go lol. Anyways that’s my ted talk.


Thank you guys for returning to the normal ones, I haven't been able to watch the uncuts for a few weeks and happy to be back to watching them again.


Thank you!


Where’s the next episode of you pt 2 😫

David Butt

As a counterpoint to this argument, just because cuts were made because of broadcast reasons, and not because the editors and writers wanted to cut the material, doesn’t mean that the cuts they made aren’t good, and it doesn’t mean that the supercuts are better episodes. Just because they cut out a lot of scenes that they liked and thought added to the episode, doesn’t mean that that’s actually true. Sometimes the additions are genuinely good and improve the episode, but sometimes the additions aren’t that funny, make the episodes drag, and overall worsen the episode when they are reinserted into them. Creators can be wrong about their own work, just because they want something to be in and think that it’s better doesn’t mean that it actually is. And yes while they only cut stuff out because they had a studio-mandated runtime that they had to stick to, that doesn’t mean that the cuts were bad or that the cuts they made weakened the episodes. In a lot of cases, the cuts they made actually improved the episodes and made them better. Don’t get me wrong it is totally valid to enjoy the supercut edits because you think they’re better and because they give more time for character development, have really good jokes, and improve some scenes, but it is also valid to dislike the supercut edits because you don’t think the jokes or storylines added are any good and that it just serves to slow down the pacing and create an inferior episode. However at the end of the day, this is all subjective anyway, and ultimately while I do think the supercuts are for the most part inferior to the original episodes as aired, I don’t think the difference in quality between them is actually all that big, and I wouldn't have disliked if the Normies had continued to watch them, as The Office, regardless of if your watching the original episodes or the Supercuts is a fantastic show

Chaos T

The Normies didn't stop the superfan cut because people had to subscribe to Peacock. They switched back because, as you pointed out, Peacock is a trash platform. Even if people wanted to subscribe to Peacock, it's only available within the United States and the Superfan cut is hard to find through illegal means. It's problematic when a big chunk of the subscribers can't view the same cut as The Normies can. Comcast is to blame.


Sorry but I’m not really convinced by the pro normal cut arguments put forth here because it seems to mostly boil down to “it’s okay to like it”. And yes it’s valid to think some scenes are too long or extra content didn’t land which is also what I mentioned earlier as well. However, I’m still not seeing a valid counterargument to having more fleshed out characters and organic conversations in the scenes and the fact that the group laughed out loud at many scenes that were cut…which I think for a comedy means they served their intended purpose. I’m pointing out more tangible strengths of the supercuts beyond “it’s subjective”. Of course it’s subjective and perfectly fine to like the shorter cuts. But I specifically saw many comments that said the original versions were the aired versions ‘for a reason’ and I’m pointing out it’s for ads, not artistic reasons.


I'd say 1 in 10 of the added scenes actually work well. 50% of them seem to be the actors trying to flex their improv gene for way too long. Another bunch of them are just the characters being overly mean to the other characters, in ways that might not sit well with sponsors, but there's no more sponsor appeasing on Peacock. There are very few added scenes that enhance the experience IMO.

Lexy Keller

Not sure if this was addressed before, but any word on rwby?


It's always good to have the Office on my first day of my work week! I work Tuesday to Saturday, so today is like my Monday and I start it off with The Office!


I can't watch the uncuts anyway because I can't subscribe to another thing I can't watch anyway, but mostly even on things like the Disney Plus shows, I don't have the time to sync it all up since I'm mostly on my phone on the go which only lets me play one thing at once and I'd have to sit throughout entire episodes again, so the cut reactions do end up working better for me, though I have watched some uncut of the Star Wars and Marvel shows when I was able to.


I can't watch the uncuts anyway because I can't subscribe to another thing I can't watch anyway, but mostly even on things like the Disney Plus shows, I don't have the time to sync it all up since I'm mostly on my phone on the go which only lets me play one thing at once and I'd have to sit throughout entire episodes again, so the cut reactions do end up working better for me, though I have watched some uncut of the Star Wars and Marvel shows when I was able to.


There was a response to a comment recently that they had to delay filming due to a loss in Mikey's family, I believe


Still no episode 2? Alright...


Some people were saying it was aired as one episode but I've always seen it as TWO separate episodes like this is so no worries!


Unsubbed- your fans are jerks


Hurry please guys 😭😭 don’t forget gang!


It aired as 1 episode and was 1 episode on Netflix.


A bunch of double episodes aired as one and were split for the DVD and sometimes syndication. They even actually added a deleted scene to at least one of them. The cold open where Michael is doing the text-to-speech on his computer to Pam and Jim.. "who is long tim?" wasn't in the original airing but made it to syndication and the DVD release.

Joshua Wanakamik

they were split up for re airing on tv, For their original air dates they have to special schedule and hour block.


Yeah this was the writer strike season. The first several episodes were long.

Erich Bomke

Says you. No where on any Normies site does it give a time for uploads. Get a better time zone!


Vincent, you do know it can be both right? Cuts can be made that allow for ad time and also enhance the overall presentation. That's basically what an editor's job is. The Supercut's often have bad pacing that actually deliver a worse overall product. I think they work as a bonus to have fun surprise scenes you aren't familiar with, but they're completely unnecessary for a first-time watch.


Hey fuzzy, we are attempting a blur filter on our accounts in hopes to negate the need for syncing on your end. Give it a shot and tell us what you think


I agree with going back to the regular episodes. There are some funny jokes that were cut for time but most of the episodes are better as the regular version. Plus, I was watching ahead on the superfan episodes and one had an added scene that kinda ruined something from a future season. Ultimately, this is the best option for their reactions.

rickie woodson

mike is eating ceral and so am i lol KISMET


Are you going to stick with the regular episodes of The Office because you're throwing my sync off and I have to restart lol


Tmatts you realize I mentioned actual writers and directors right, not people who reasonably can't sync or have access to peacock's supercuts or are just used to the cut version and have rewatched it a million times. I think if you look at anything that goes beyond a 30 minutes sitcom, which in reality means 20-21 minutes on network airing due to ad breaks, you'd agree, and again, many of the creatives do, that really isn't enough time to add textures to any character not named Michael, Dwight, Jim and Pam. That one Creed heavy episode a while back that they seemed to enjoy didn't even have 80% of that plot air during the original run. This is a talky, mockumentary style show, not a blazing plotted thriller. Nobody looks at Succession and thinks let trim stuff off the character interaction and talking (that show also has a mockumentary feel like the zooming in on expressions) as if it'll affect the overall energy and humor. I think character building and more textured conversations matter more on this compared to something like Rick and Morty or arguably Community which are more concept-based where excessive dialogue can probably ruin the general pacing and exploration of their concept episodes. Well anyways, this is the last I'll argue on this topic since it's moot anyways and I support them going back to the original cuts for obvious reasons. Just expressing that it's a bit of a shame and was pushing back on some of the bad arguments I've seen about going to the original.


I also work Tuesday to Friday, but I'm in a different time zone, so I have to wait til Wednesday unfortunately


I don't know what happened to upset this guy, but clearly nobody in this thread is acknowledging the issue he brings up. He is upset about how he was treated, not about the lateness. I have pointed this out before that this community can be abusive and push people away. How does this help anyone to be start fights just because somebody complained?

Twin Hallow

I thought it was pretty tame. I mean I was a little sassy but yeah haha. He complained about something being late when late was still pretty far off. Guess I have a pet peeve of ppl saying things are late when they are still in the allotted time. Also no one acknowledged it about because he edited his original message.


Michael didn't care for Sprinkles death for the means of making himself look better, he genuinely cares for the people he works with and their life, sometimes way too much. Aside from Toby


His original comment changed from “Hurry with the second video guys you’re late” to now: “”Unsubbed your fans are jerks” I also think the responses were quite tame. If anyone gets nasty in the comments, those comments threads are typically deleted. Users are also given warnings if they’re too toxic in the comments.


we're going to stick with the regulars now after our poll last week regarding originals vs super cuts. The uncuts should be slightly easier to sync with the new blur we've added


It's a valid response to be disappointed to not see a reaction link they're looking for. Normies is the only channel I follow that puts up a patreon post with "coming soon" instead of just the link. It raises hopes for nothing and it leaves fans on the lookout. It's discouraging when fellow fans stoop to name-calling and constantly defending Normies instead of hearing out other fans.

Golden Mama

Tuesdays are my favorite normie day! Great aot and office reactions!

Erich Bomke

Kim, I have to disagree here. You are attaching a feeling. Coming soon, simply means that its coming soon. The Normies have a 23 hour 59 minute window to upload their content before its late. In no specific space to they list the exact minute uploads are made. So if someone is having their hopes raised or feeling like they need to be on the look out, thats a user issue.


Erich, you're invalidating people's feelings and that's the issue.

Erich Bomke

Thats not how that works though? If FedEx says "You will have your package delivered to you on Tuesday". And you expect it at 9AM, and they show up at 9PM, that doesn't make FedEx in the wrong. Its on the recipient that is putting their personal expectation above the base level factual expectation.