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Buffy the Vampire Slayer 3x19

Reaction: https://youtu.be/lWw1sMfm1E0

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/buffy-the-vampire-slayer-premium/ (pg. 6) 

Young Justice 1x7

Reaction: https://youtu.be/VAltg9JMWcw

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/young-justice-premium/



rickie woodson

thank you so much for the early drops! din din time!


hell yeah YJ Thursdays baybeeeeeeeeeeee

Daniel R

Young Justice before work? let's gooooooooooo

Ian Vega

NOT SPOILERS - both Kent and Klarion the Witchboy mentioned Wally had 0 affinity for the mystic arts. So it's not just someone that believes in the world of sorcery, but someone who has at least some element of talent/experience with magic. So Nabu was effectively going on his own fractured reserves in a sense. Like a drip of water going through a faucet sealed by cement almost. Also, Kryptionians aren't weak to magic, it just effects them how it would effect everyone else.


When is Always Sunny going to start showing up?


something i otice about marketa, is she will form a bias and then stick to it HARD. like what the mayor was saying to angel and buffy, marketa herself has basically been saying for 2 seasons, but because its the mayor saying it, she tells him he doesnt know what hes talking about

rickie woodson

its something we have in common which is why we clash but she is a more extreme form of me lol im of the mind "if im wrong show me PROOF and ill accept it" vs someone just saying "no you are wrong and here is the right answer" and i simply accept it. i've been in many a debate where i know im right cause i read the text and other is loud and wrong so because of that and me knowing what i know i cant just submit, prove it boo boo! but yeah i was shocked she came to their defense lol she has been anti bangel since day one and ended the ep with her going "no why are yall doing this it wont work" ......SIS! we need to talk lol like i expected her to be with mickey and surj

Frankie H

Dr. Fate's first appearance in comics was 1940, Dr. Strange's first appearance was in 1963. Kent Nelson was voiced by the late great Ed Asner, who voiced the old man from Pixar's Up. He did a lot of voice acting. I remember seeing Klarion the Witch Boy in an episode of Batman: The Animated series in the late 90s and Dr. Fate was in an episode of Superman: The Animated Series also in the late 90s. I remember that specific Superman episode because it scared the hell out of me as a kid in 1998 or 1999.

Morgan Le Fay

I think people forget DC predates Marvel, so if there are character similarities (or complete name hijacks- i.e. Captain Marvel)- it’s best to Google first before making assumptions based on popularity.

Frankie H

I'd agree with that Morgan. Also funny coincidence that in the Batman: The Animated Series episode I mentioned Klarion the Witch Boy was trying to get a magic artifact from Morgan Le Fay.

Miss Timi Fantastico

Buffy is a difficult but important show when it comes to avoiding your own projections. While I understand the initial concern about an elderly man and a younger woman, you have forgotten that she DID call him Daddy once and he put a firm stop to it. This is not a middle aged mayor, he is at least a century old and is focused on evil, while also being an in office mini golfer. His adoration of Faith as a slayer he can have by his side makes total sense. Plus, all she ever wanted was family. Buffy wasn’t inviting her over to spend lots of time with her mom or anything like that, so it’s feasible faith would enjoy the feeling of someone who cared for her. It’s oddly wholesome if you ignore the circumstances. Lol Anyway, love y’all’s reactions but make sure you reflect on what you see versus what you expect with Buffy. It’s too easy to simplify! Might be the first time I was like “exactly pat! You tell them!” Lol


I think it was more that it wasn't his business and he was purposefully being hurtful; Marketa seemed frustrated again at the end at Buffy and Angel's little cuddle-y delusion moment.


She also did the same thing with Wesley, he had good points, like legit good points and everyone else kinda saw his point, but she just said "shut up, I don't like you"

Chaos T

All she said it's not his business in a situation where they're making a trade for Willow. Context matters.


klarion is that girl definitely top 5 in the whole show


It's funny, and i dont even disagree, but since we've seen this show so many times... we've formed connections to all the characters, even the bad guys. But remember from their perspective, wartching the first time, they just want to hate the bad guy. We probably did the first time too. We just don't remember anymore lmao.

Eric Paul Owens

has there been any announcement as to what will happen with Angel? Will we be watching it? Will it be one buffyverse ep a week or will we get both shows each week. No spoilers but there are places where they crossover so there are considerations that should be made about their order...

mary smith

It's interesting that Pat is the only one not projecting sexual undertones to The Mayor & Faith's dynamic. Maybe it's because we are typically conditioned to suspect that of a middle aged evil character working with a younger woman. However the Mayor has done nothing to encourage that and said upfront he's a family man and will not tolerate that type of behavior. He is assuming solely a parental role for faith. Is it still manipulative?...possibly, but not how you are expecting. It's what I appreciate about him as a character.


Right. It's like a dark take on a mentor/mentee thing. I'm the first to point out weirdo shit but in this case it's just weird cause he's actually evil and is giving faith attention for all the wrong reasons in order to benefit his agenda as an evil big bad.

Rufus May

There was a poll, either one episode per week split between both shows or Buffy once per week with Angel as an uncut Patreon only (so more uploads per week but no edited version of Angel). Chronological order either way. Buffy once per week was winning last I saw.

Cory Garron

They have a watch order list they will be following. I'm assuming Angel will be uncut on Patreon only, but nothing official that I know of.

Tim Pierce

One other thing to mention about the Earshot being postponed, Imagine the confusion going from "I need a break" to "sorry honey" one episode later.


Frankie, those episodes of Batman and Superman always stuck with me too. The Clarion episode of Batman introduced me to Etrigan, and the Superman episode with Doctor Fate introduced me to that character. It was a glorious time for superhero cartoons introducing so many great characters in cool ways.


I can’t wait for y’all to get to some of the later episodes of YJ 🤗


Y’all hatin on Angel is crazy


Yeah, it’s unfortunate that Marvel beat DC to the silver screen because now those characters come to mind for people first, even those DC characters are usually invented first.


This is also KY first time seeing the show. I sync up with the uncut and that's the first time I watch each episode. I agree with the mayor, and so did most of the couch

Ricardo Obregon

Woooo Buffy YJ Thursday! but to be honest both of these weeks episode s are good, they are... good. but really "choices" is just ramping up to the finale - was about to say the title there, lol, and young justice is a good dr fate episode. and yea theres one episode in YJ im looking forward too, i think we all know what it is but its the very traumatic one later on in the season. aannndd thats allll im saying lol ---- still having fun and thank you normies for making it a fun ride, despite your up and down relationship with angel lol and respects pat devotion to angelious

Chaos T

I get Silco from "Arcane" type vibes from the Mayor. It's weird, dark, and twisted but he is trying to be a parental figure to Faith.


Mickey can you please stop nitpicking every single Angel and Buffy scene it is getting tiresome.

Victoria E (vickster5001)

Just a comment on the new uncut style. I think you could remove the audio of the video, so just have the episode audio coming from the reaction, as on this Buffy there was a bit of an echo between the room and the overlaid footage, which was a bit distracting, but that’s just my thoughts.

Frankie H

Same here Eric, the DC animated universe was so well done. Especially the later seasons of both series as they expanded on other heroes. The 90s and 2000s cartoons in general really rocked.


No they didn’t beat DC to the silver screen. DC been making movies since the 40’s. Marvel just had their big run for a decade but that doesn’t compare when you look at the ENTIRE history of comics and comic book movies as a whole.


On rewatch I gotta say the Mayor's mannerisms and stuff really make him feel like an evil Ted Lasso.


Honestly I think it's because they're watching it after all the controversy with Whedon broke. Especially people like Marketa and Chris who are very socially conscious people. Intentional or not, it's bound to affect your perspective in some way. Even if subconsciously.


Is the young justice link wrong?


Am I the only one who can’t view 1x7?

Daniel R

Wesley is just trying to help!