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The training arc begins as Ichigo has to relearn what he was borrowing from Rukia. 

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/bleach-premium/ (pg. 2) 

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Zen Reacts

yeah Bleach dont dick around with like 20 episode training arcs like Naruto


Urahara never fails to get a laugh out of me in this episode lol

Danny Gonzalez

Fun fact: Inoue does indeed grow in every ark🤓👍


Don't worry Ichigo has full protagonist energy, no training arc needed.

Christian Callahan

I think Rukia's statement about Byakuya was more metaphorical. She meant, he's never acknowledged her.


whats the source for their episodes? my episodes are somehow slightly faster and i have to resync every 5 seconds or so. i tried to look for others with same result. want to find the source for normies's version


Damn was hoping this was fixed seeing that last week's episodes had the same problems 😅


actually episode 18 was fine! perhaps starting from this one all episodes will be okay :)


Yeah they dick around with one of the most dragged arcs in shonen


So this confirm Rukia is a MINIMUM at least 40 years old.


Orihime/Ichigo is the best ship 🥳 Rukia goes with (blank). There’s reincarnation cycles in bleach!


Sweet! I have been working so I haven't been able to watch em yet

Annah Suarez-Domit

I love that the moment Renji got back to the Soul Society he stopped posturing and revealed he never actually believed Rukia would be executed.


Didn´t she say she lived at least 10 of Ichigos lifetimes?


Yeah but that's also a vague numer wheather she means like 10 of his 15/16 years or 10 60-100 years. We at least now have some kind of timeline of being within the family 40 years to the date.

Braxton Brown

Just to let yall know, this anime has hella censorship when it comes to the wounds and damage. Imagine every blow you see being deep af and gushing blood, arms get cut off, people get half'ed, all kinds of stuff, but the anime censors it all to mostly shoulder slashes.


Rukia literally says in episode 1 that she is 10 times older the Ichigo who is 15, making Rukia 150 years old


Iirc her reply was I've lived 10 of your lifetimes human. Saying human and lifetimes is vague if she means a avg human lifespan or exactly how long ichigo has lived at that moment imo. Not nearly as exact as saying a year amount like here.


She says “Despite my appearance, I have lived 10 of your lives!” Hence 10 times 15 is 150. This number is later confirmed by the timeline of past events


Man, you can't convince me that Gojo was not inspired from Urahara


Hey has anyone seen the Naruto shippuden OP tier list?? Can’t find it on Patreon


The creator of Jujutsu Kaisen (Akutami Gege) has talked specifically about being influenced by Bleach in an interview WITH Tite Kubo. You can find the interview/a translation on YouTube I'm pretty sure.


Orihime with the milk knuckles


We don't speak of that here sir we're Bleach simps. But seriously tho spoilers


Orihime supremacy!!!


In terms of humor, mystique, strength, and story, you could argue that Urahara is the best character in Bleach.


Don't worry about it. They absolutely trashed diver, one of the best openings.

Dean Cyphers

Micky's inability to accept the world that anime presents by his reaction to Uruhara's underground facility is going to be a drag lol


What? He knows that it was self aware humor on Urahara's part....


Urahara's yelling voice in the dub made me think it was the same voice actor as Joe from the first season of "Digimon". Nope! He does voice several different humans and digimon, across multiple seasons, but not Joe. I INSTANTLY recognized Ishida though. Because of my formative anime-watching years, that voice will always be associated with Ken, the Digimon Emperor. 😆

Anderson Lake(The Bleach)

I agree that she's probably over 100 but you might be taking her statement too literal I don't think she means she's exactly 10 times his age. It's like when a character says "I'm 10 times as strong as you." They're just throwing out a vague large estimate to show that there's a big difference.


Never thought I'd see the day of Kankuro training Sasori


She said she lived 10 of his lifetimes so she’s at least 140-150


its funny that he was legit trolling around and almost got his ass handed by a random orange hair dude


all modern shounen is in some way influenced by the big 3 (which in turn was influenced by DBZ and ofc the Godfather Jojo)


It's honestly the funniest of the big 3. I didn't realise till i rewatched it last year lol.


He absolutely was. And looks wise, he's not based off of Kakashi (surprisingly), he's based off of Tobitake Tonbo from Naruto lol.


Wait until PAT sees Zaraki I think he's gonna be his favourite 😅


It has censorship in major moments when people actually get dismembered, but that doesn't happen very often. It sucks when those major moments happen, because it's usually linked with a serious story beat, but for general battles, the wounds that characters get are the same between manga and anime.


@bondbond53 you mean the 4th great ninja war?


Yeah people miss that a lot and think Renji actually wanted her to die. He truly believed Byakuya was going to stop it from happening.