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Buffy the Vampire Slayer 3x13

Reaction: https://youtu.be/Z7QMcyAGNJM

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/buffy-the-vampire-slayer-premium/ (pg. 6)

Young Justice 1x1*

Reaction: https://youtu.be/7yJ5vjeCPgI

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/young-justice/

Edit: Reaction link has been added! 



J. J.

Jesse McCartney - Robin Khary Payton - Aqualad Jason Spisak - Kid Flash Crispin Freeman - Speedy

Micah Zimmer

It still cracks me up that the guy who voiced Kid Flash also voiced Silco.

Cory Stanish

I got impatient waiting for y'all to get around to The Zeppo and joined the Patreon for early access, and now I get Young Justice at the same time? I made the right choice


Batman has a contingency plan for himself. After the League learned all his plans for them, Superman asked what was the contingency for an evil Batman. Batman told them the contingency for him... was the Justice League. Superman found that answer lacking given the planned contingency is for the guy who knows how to defeat the contingency.

Paul R Peddy


Paul R Peddy

here's a little trivia, Icesicle Junior was voiced by Yuri Lowenthol (the voice of Sasuke) and Roy/Speedy is voiced by Crispin Freeman aka the voice of Itachi Uchia.

Daniel R

awww I wish Rana was here for Young Justice but I'm excited nonetheless!


omg YJ???? we won

Giuseppe D

I'm ready to see Buffy and Faith being Bad Girls.. let the refreshing begin 🍿😃


I am hoping for a double Buffy drop today. Young Justice is a bonus.

Giuseppe D

Has there ever been a Buffy double drop? I'd settle for a single drop at this rate.. 🤣

Daniel R

super funny Buffy ep!