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Naruto Shippuden 499 

Reaction: https://youtu.be/UEeSvIND9sI

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/shippuden/ (pg. 34)

Bleach 4

Reaction: https://youtu.be/bU-AUa7qG98

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/bleach-21/



Jesse st.facile

Hey are we ever getting a naruto shippuden OST ranking video?

james lee

Can y’all just watch something with out complaining about everything and don’t you think that the enemy’s will know that they are getting married so they would attack when they’re most vulnerable when like when B or C team is on guard

Champion Bescos

People could then turn around and say the same about patrons and Normies’ other audience, no?


if you don't like the way they commentate on shows then don't watch?


do they even read this? I asked the same thing like a week ago

Michael Diaz

I agree with the 2 responses. But I won’t repeat the sentiment as it’s kinda just a pattern. If I don’t like the comment I can just ignore it. Instead, I feel like people probably just comment what they’re thinking and feeling in reaction to the video. So that’s just the person’s reaction. Same as the Normies reacting to the show. Doesn’t mean they don’t like their reactions in general just that an aspect of it got annoying to them. (Also you tend to find out you dislike something after exposure so it’s not really possible to just not watch something after watching it. I mean you can just not watch it again but it’s too late by that point lol) Happy today, everyone. :)