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Hey Normies!! Hope you all had a great weekend! 

After roughly 4 months with our website up and running, How are we feeling about it? What is your biggest complaint/praise about the website? What do you think we could do better as far as user experience goes? Things like page loading times, overall website speed and mobile device compatibility are the types of answers we are looking for (no content-based issues please). 

Please feel free to elaborate in the comment section below. Your answers will be used as tools for improvement... considering you're the ones using it most 😊




I like it a lot. Ran into issues on mobile, but I hardly ever access on mobile. It would be nice to not have to have my Patreon credentials authenticated every time, but that's a minor nit.

Jesse Collins

Ooh yeah the website. Forgot about the website. That website... JK it's cool 👍🏼

Ser Dweeb

Website is dope. But I think where you have all the shows on one page there should be a way to skip through them alphabetically. Like clicking on like an alphabet list on the side of the page should skip to specific part of the page. That’s my only complaint so you guys are doing great!

My Toasty Toast

I guess I’m a “boomer” but I’m used to accessing YouTube/drive/Vimeo, like I don’t want to go to a whole new site. I’m not really the target audience for that


Unless I missed an easier way I took a couple months break from watching Naruto Shippuden and now that usm back I have to keep loading page after page to get ro the older episodes. We need an easier way to access the older episodes.

Quinton Campbell

It's made me more adaptable to finding uncuts

Benjamin Donahue

Only improvement that comes to mind is to place (or give the ability to freely place) the video player towards the top of the screen (instead of fixed centered) to give more space for the synced video.

Chance Lee

I just don't understand if you can't get copyrighted on Patreon and your own website why can't the uncut videos just have the episode in it instead of a timer, I only have a phone and I bet I'm not the only one who can't open 2 tabs at once


My only recommendation would be to advertise it more and make it more visible on your channel, socials, and in your videos. Im a patron for a few specific shows so I dont read every post but it took me a while to realize it was a thing and then I forgot about it until this post. Its great though. Im also forgetful so could just be me slacking haha.

Daniel Sessions

Something I was wondering if you could do is if a certain reaction keeps getting blocked on YouTube could you move it to the website?


It SUCKS on mobile devices. How can you not make a responsive website these days? The videos gallery view page is 64MB - I'm sure that works fine when the images have already been cached on your device, but for new visitors it slow AF. If you have a 100Mbps connection it will take 5 seconds to load the page, which isn't too bad - but that means it will take 50 seconds on a 10Mbps line, which I'm sure a lot of people still have around the world. You should resize/compress the images. Also, the HTML is full of errors if you run it through the W3C validator, which probably makes it unusable for people with accessibility needs. Not sure how big of a deal that is for you, but some places has laws for that on business/governmentwebsites. (No offence.)

Johnny Blue

Also, having to constantly hit the "next" button gets tedious, especially for Naruto Shippuden that has 300+ episodes. Maybe add a sidebar for longer shows with 25-50 episode increments?

Wasted Potential

I haven't been on your website in awhile, but one thing that I would like is to let me know if I viewed a video before. That's one thing that patreon is missing as well. For example, if I'm watching a series and I miss a couple weeks for whatever reason, I hate having to try to figure out where I left off


No offense taken! Thank you for your feedback! This has been helpful! 🤩


The website is great! But it's true that sometimes it shuts down suddenly while I am watching your reactions on my phone.

Gennadiy Mishiev

4th choice. Didnt even know it existed. Nor care. Patreon works just fine for me, sorry.


To be honest, I’ve never use the website. What’s it even for??

Ricardo Obregon

the only thing i think its missing is regular YT versions of the reactions also included in the website, i still love all the uncuts with easy access to them, but would be nice to also have the regular versions on there, so i can kinda stay more on the website then having to jump from patreon and Yt, and just watch it all on the main website. not to be nitpicky, but blindwave has good basic structure - the only thing they are missing (thats already on YT) is a playlist plugin.

Angel Groves

I've been really impressed so far! I really love the layout, and the interface is great. It's extremely easy to navigate and find the content I want. The ONLY thing I've had an issue with is accidentally hitting the vimeo button instead of the full screen button, when trying to go full screen (on my phone). And that's solely due to it being really tiny and my thumb/finger hitting the wrong one. Haha if that's my only complaint, I'd say it's pretty damn awesome. Well done, guys!

Gage Eakins

One issue I have is that reactions do not seem to be uploaded at the same time as Patreon. At least for the good place this is the case. Additionally, the video title only includes the episode numbering instead of the episode name as well as seen in Patreon.


new videos should be on page 1 when clicking a certain show, going to the last page every time a new episode is dropped is annyoing


I think the biggest thing for me is that the newest reaction episodes for each respective series should be on the first page and going backwards. As of right now I believe it is the opposite, the newest reactions are on the last page of the series they are in.

Björn Petersen

Hey guys i would love it if there was a second menu point under "Videos" besides "Uncut Reactions" for all Youtube reactions as well. Also i for example have Premium Access, but the episodes for this tier are not on the page yet. When logging in, the site should recognize my tier level and show the extra episodes already available on Patreon as well. For example: Lucifers latest uncut on your homepage is 5x1, but on Patreon Premium Access the latest episode is 5x4. Other than that the site looks great. I would love your feedback. Take care


I find no reason to use it


Hate on useless sakura more so everyone feels better


My only complaint is that I wish I could download the uncuts. It makes syncing things up correctly a lot easier in my experience using Blind Wave's full lengths that way.

The Answer

I would like to have the ability to Login to my Netflix account while on your website so I can sync the videos together.


I use the website regularly and it works well enough. There are some improvements that would help: each episode should have its own page so you can tab them open and directly link to them. Sort options for videos would be great so you can search oldest to newest or newest to oldest or alphabetical.

joe liptak

I like how blind wave’s website has the reaction link under the uncut vid. If you could do something like that it would be perfect, in my opinion.


Buffering in that yellow screen a lot


My only thing is there isn't a consistent place for content between Patreon, YouTube, twitch and the website. Can't tell you how videos I end up stumbling upon months after they're posted because they were put on YT which I rarely check because I'm a patron. Who knows how many more I've missed.


Adding premium content to our site is a work in progress! thank you for your feedback ☺️


I think the question is which is your main platform ? Right now it's been distributed between all three and all three have issues.

Michael Jefferson

The site is really nice! My only real complaint is the font size in the thumbnails. I always have to zoom in to see what episode I'm on in the uncuts. If it was even just twice as big, it should be fine.


website response time is very slow, I would recommand to use CND (Content Delivery Network) to make it faster or host it to a VPS (Virtual Private Server)


The website has been great! My only addition would be to add the intros and outros of shows to the website video. I love to hear what you guys have to discuss so it can be a bit of a time waster to watch the intro/outro on YouTube and then the middle on the website! Maybe there’s an easier way and I just haven’t noticed 😅


I think the mobile version could use some work. It’s still a little clunky and slow. But love that you’re so responsive to feedback- you’ll get there! Keep up the great work


Not a fan of the player and the pop-up window. When trying to sync 2 pages, the inability to move the window and the accidental clicking outside closing of said window makes it frustrating. I will also second not liking the page next button, when scrolling through a long running series.

Tyler Hathaway

I may have missed it, but is there a way to report errors such as "this episode is missing or miss labeled" on the website itself?

Jim Watkins

I like it but for some reason the website asks me to reconnect with patreon every single time I use it, so it's a little inconvenient. But it's so much more convenient for searching older reactions, the search bar on patreon makes it tough to find old stuff