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Happy Monday y'all! We've been noticing that the viewership on The Walking Dead isn't exactly what it used to be. We were wondering if you're still watching, or if you stopped, at what point did you give up? Please let us know! 

BTW, we can't stop recommending the last season to y'all! Angela Kang really did turn this whole thing around. 


Heru Muharrar

Personally I'm waiting for the series to be over and then I'm just going to binge it.


I stopped watching after carl died, but what’s this about Rick not being there anymore??


I’m still watching the series. I do admit this season has been going down a bit. But I want to watch it when it ends this year. I’m just waiting on The Walking Dead trilogy movie.

Loic Reviews

I haven't watched this show since the Prison... I used to read the comic book alot and both the way the show portrayed the story and the pacing of each episode wasn't it for me


After Glenn died is when I stopped watching


Do you mean the views on your channel? Because 29k and 12k isn't exactly low compared to your other current tv shows. Last week's episode got more views than Parks and Rec and same views as Lucifer, The Clone Wars and The Expanse Finale so I think it's still doing good enough on your channel. But I think it's understandable that you're not going to reach those 100k views again like in season 10 unless there are going to be some amazing or shocking episodes in this season.


Give me the episode with Rick back in it I'll watch that

Daniel Gonzalez

I was actually planning to watch it but I ended up reading the comics and wondering why they made so many changes that I just figured it wasn't worth it


I'm still watching! Season 9 was my favorite season since 5 and so far I am really liking 11 with the Commonwealth storyline. It's a shame this show has lost so much viewership because it's actually good again. I think this will be a show that ages well for later generations because the show as a whole (especially seasons 7 and 8) works better under a binge format rather than a week-to-week format.

Steve Rivera

I think I stopped after season 7. Glenn AND Abraham's deaths was rough, but I stuck it out because Negan is such a great character. I only somewhat keep up with it because my mom still watches it so I'll watch along with her when she visits.


Need the option of watching a ton of other shit and im behind but I’ll get to it at some point

Jon Butler

I need a snow storm to happen So I can catch up lol

Caitlin Harrington-Robinson

I never got into the walking dead. My biggest issue with most long term disaster/apocalypse/dystopia/zombie/etc is that in order for a lot of these shows to continue, they make the characters either do increasingly stupid things, put them in increasingly sad/traumatic/horrifying situations, or things just get incredibly stupid all around. So there are certain shows that I have never watched, and walking dead is one of them. I think shows like walking dead work better when the show is shorter, because there's only so much the audience is going to be able to handle the characters they like suffering. Then again, I havent watched it, so I'm not saying it's bad. It's just my generalized opinion. And from what I have heard from those that watched it, they just got sick of the show. I'm sure it's a reflection of the show and nit your reactions. I know I certainly enjoy your reactions.

Kelly Parks

They kept making the same stupid mistakes. Great show at first but I got bored.

Mob K.O.

what happened to the polls you guys used to do

Jules Eris

For me the show started declining in the season where Glenn was killed. Lost interest pretty quickly after that.


Stopped watching after season 5 I think. Felt like the show started to flounder and lose any sense of direction.

Dave van der Kuyp

Carl was such a maaaaasive waste of investment it just made me mad and then when they kept making excuses not to kill neegan, I just never bothered to watch the next episode. Life’s too short to just constantly be disappointed with a show. I love a slow build-up, btw. But if the payoff isn’t there then all that ‘look at what an asshole neegan is, i bet you can’t wait to see how he gets his just desert!’ or ‘oeh look at carl, he’s losing touch with his emotions little by little and I bet you can’t wait till he snaps like a little paycho, huh’? And you know what? Turns out. I couldn’t wait so I just dumpsterfired the whole mess.

Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen #1

I stopped watching when they kept getting beat by Negan. I kinda want to get back into it because o heard it got better in later season, but I would have to do a complete rewatch. When I first got into TWD During my binge of the first two seasons I was having zombie nightmares, so I probably will spare myself from sleepless nights and never get back into it🤷🏾‍♂️

Matthew Cronin

It’s not that I’m against watching without Rick, it’s that the first episode after he left was terrible and I never went back after it, though I’ll consider it once the show ends. The comic is amazing.


I watched 4 Seasons way back but the Story got repetitive for me. (Bad Guy vs Our Group, Destroy the Base/Take over the Base, grow some food, get rid of Walkers). There is only so much you can do / they did with post apocalyptic Zombie Storys.. Even in other Movies/Shows. For me the Genre is just not interesting anymore.

Rando calrissian

Never stopped season 7 and 8 were low point but I can recognize when the show has made its resurgence season 9 onward have been great im loving the new characters and story line this new season is one of my favorites

Michael Jefferson

I need to catch up, but I'm still into the show after all this time


I stopped watching after they killed Carl and never looked back.

Chaos T

I stopped around season 7 because the writing continued it's decline and it felt like they were in jump the shark territory.


I stopped watching after season 2 or 3. It became less about fighting zombies and more about other humans. The horror/suspense aspect of the 1st season really hooked me in but as the budget went more into hiring more actors than using it for zombie make up it lost me.

Erwin Smith

Negan's introduction kept it alive but after Rick and then Carl that is when I stopped watching. I plan on watching the rest when the show is over.

Erwin Smith

Also this is very random but I love Season 5 Rick lol


Where's "I stopped watching because the shit on the farm was so boring in season 2 (besides the moment the zombies were let out of the barn)" cause thats where I sit


I stopped watching all walking dead media after the previous season of FearTWD. It just stopped feeling fun and just a chore to watch


I reccomend going back season 3 is recognized as the best of the series


Im too far in to just give up, idk how people do that , If i watch 2 or 3 seasons of somethign I have to see it to the end, season 9 was probably my favorite since season 3 , seasons 10 and 11 are good especially when you compare them to 7 and 8

Queef Burglar

I stopped after season 6


I stopped after season 3. (I just felt like it was diverging from the comics too much is all)

Corey Hughes

That's the mentality that has my mom still watching the same soap for the past 30 years.


Lol you should see how different it is now


i stopped 5 eps after Glenn was killed :(

Isabella Hayes-Hollands

its so much better now Kang is in charge, defintely worth watching again if you watched the first 5 series


honestly haven’t watched it much since the prison season.

Benjamin Donahue

I haven't seen passed S1 XD. Not sure why I never picked it back up


I stopped after season 3. I remember really disliking the season finale.

the continent

I stopped watching when Carl died, but I caught up last year and currently watch the new season. And watched all the reactions from S9/S10 lol. I don’t always rock with the storytelling or the storyline BUT I love many of the characters so much & wanna see where they end up.


I love y’all, but I dropped TWD after season 5 and I had no interest in watching anything related to TWD. Tbh anytime you guys posted a video for TWD or FTWD I always wished it was a different show. Sorry 😕

Randy Neal

I am still watching. The show had a rough patch for a season or two but it and Fear The Walking Dead are both great shows again. The last couple of seasons of Walking Dead have been really good!


I finally gave up after season 7. The show should’ve ended a long time ago. It’s like a metaphorical zombie that just won’t die.


Still watching. Honestly, I still find the show entertaining despite so many changes and Rick/Andrew is no longer part of the show. I'm sure he's coming back before the show end tho. Whether it's just for one final episode or several, who know....


Gave up watching like season 4 or 5 maybe?

Joe Mags

Couldn’t find the right option to vote on. None of them really hit the nail for me. From S8 onward the show was a struggle for me. While I personally thought S8 was terrible, S9 was a slight improvement but not enough. By S10 it felt drug out too much and I stopped somewhere there.


Still here, never gonna stop till they stop. Walking dead 4life

D. Kennedy

Negan still being on this show ruined it for me like we are just suppose to forget everything he did. He's annoying, he talks too much, and the fact that he's like a favorite now is just weird.


I've never been able to get into it tbh

Jim Watkins

I will watch it, I'm just tired of week to week episodes so I wait until the season is done, binge it, and then binge normies reaction of it lolol


I’ve fallen behind but will catch up eventually