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Clone Wars 50 (3x8) 

Reaction: https://youtu.be/DyELqG_Pby4

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/theclonewars/ (pg. 6) 

RWBY 7x7

Reaction: https://youtu.be/zVruq8guX70



Zen Reacts

The companies name is a play on cockbite not dick teeth

luke nwagbara

ironwood is being portrayed in a semi antagonistic way but its good to remember he has been right, justified but most importantly reasonable this entire time.


It really gets on my nerves how Yang and Blake just tell Robyn everything, but no not Ironwood he can't be trusted. He gives you a place to stay, weapons, information and his trust but he is untrustworthy? They know nothing about Robyn, they literally spoke with her for the first time!

Benjamin Donahue

Love your takes on this show. I think the big thing to consider about Robyn's semblance as far as what's shown here is that it seems to require physical contact and the person has to respond to her direct question. It's not something you can easily abuse naturally without the element of surprise. Defeating it really just means not answering her question, so even actions like say capturing an Ace-Ops wouldn't mean she could extract the truth without them wanting her to. Also it wasn't really a spoiler to call out Watts in the photo. It was a reveal here that he was on that team specifically, but earlier in the season he had openly said something along the lines that he built network infrastructure of Mantle, and they haven't updated it.


It was Rubys decision not to tell Ironwood, and the secrets that they told Robyn was not secrets that they own...Trust isnt just black and white, somethings you feel you can say to a certain degree of trust, and others not.


Everyone thinks what they're doing is right. Maybe the goal or objective is correct, but they way its being done could be off. I dont disagree that Ironwood is thinking very logically and makes alot of sense, but logos without pathos causes for oversight of even an larger picture. Ironwood is working off fear, and with it there lies issues between Mantle and Atlas, and now Ironwood "trying" to do whats "right" (which should be changed into whats "best" he's created confllict with Mantle, and Salem and her forces. For those who have finished Rwby, we know that trust is a risk. Had ironwood been on the side of Mantle and Atlas, they could work together and finish it alot quicker, however, because Ironwood isnt taking those risk, risk of trust, due to his fear, the Kingdom remains divided, just how Salem likes it, Rwby said it best.


Ironwoods paranoia and trust issues are literally the cause of most of the problems so far this volume. If he wasn't so afraid to trust then Atlas and Mantle could be united and Watt's and Tyrion wouldn't be having such an easy time messing everything up. They thought getting Robyn on their side was the best option and they took it.

Jason S

It's a bit of an unfair false equivalency you're making here. First of all Ruby made the decision to keep information from Ironwood, not Yang. In fact Yang indicated in this episode that she disagreed with Ruby's choice. Secondly. What is either Robyn or Ironwood capable of if they are given that information? Robyn is part of a rebel group who could potentially sabotage an operation. Ironwood is in control of two cities, plus has the the most powerful military at his disposal. One poses a larger threat than the other. Thirdly. Not all of the information was ever given to either Robyn or Ironwood. Important points were kept from both of them. As opposed to your assertion that "Robyn was told everything". This is fundamentally incorrect. Lastly. You seem to basing "trust" on the fact that Ironwood gave the team accommodations and weapons. That trust is based on the stuff that was given. Going by that logic an abusive father who gives their kid expensive presents to compensate for the abuse is more trustworthy that the loving mother who gives her child whatever she can.


They literally said, "We're building a tower. I promise it's for your own good. Please trust us." What about that is "telling Robyn everything?"