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Palpatine is still out here causing mayhem...

Reaction: https://youtu.be/eyoNWdvHl7c

Uncut video above


Akash Rajan

Where’s Suraj at?


As for what Chancellor Palpatine wants specifically, he wants the war to go on for as long as possible so that the Republic will be in such dire straits that they will willingly accept his dictatorship, both the Senate and the public. Whenever war happens, the power of the executive expands (imperial presidency after ww2, PATRIOT ACT after 9/11). The Senate gave Palpatine emergency powers in Attack of the Clones and give him even more throughout the war. But he'll never give them back, to the point where Palpatine is basically already Emperor before he officially declares it. The Republic had in many ways already become the Empire by the time of Revenge of the Sith. Many people are willing to accept an authoritarian leader (Hitler, Trump) when a country is in dire straits as long as they believe the leader will grant them security. Many in the Republic will accept Palpatine's dictatorship because they believe it is more effective than the corrupt and bloated bureaucracy of the Senate.

Daniel R

LOVE this episode and how we have everything put in perspective

Frankie H

Chris, to explain the part you said you were confused about, the longer the war goes on, the more power the republic senate gives to Chancellor Palpatine, until essentially he's emperor in everything but name. They've made him the most powerful Chancellor in republic history (probably). Then he decides to call himself emperor in episode III and call the republic an empire because the Senate gave him the legal power to do so. That's his endgame. The whole war was so he could become the most powerful guy in the galaxy, and he did it legally. I mean the rising through the ranks of the government to become emperor is legal, not the murders from the shadows, and running both sides of a civil war, that is clearly illegal. Also it's Marco Inaros not "Marcos". There's no "s" it's just "Marco."