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Hey guys! 

We have decided to postpone next week's Naruto Shippuden on YouTube & Patreon. Some of our key members have COVID-19 and we will not be reacting together tomorrow during our scheduled time. 

We are sorry about the delay but would rather focus on getting our crew healthy so we can continue doing what we love. 

Hopefully this meme I found on the internet softens the blow a little bit. 




Get better guys and hopefully it’s not too bad!


my soul just wept


Wondering if it's due to the trip hmm


I hope you guys feel better

Bliss 28

That California trip got you guys huh


Y’all get better soon ❤️


*sadness* GET BETTER GUYS!!! take your time and I pray it’s not too bad ❤️

Quinton Campbell

Just get and stay healthy. That's more important you guys 👊🏽💕

Chaos T

I hope everyone feels better.


Get well soon!! Also love the meme😂

Bliss 28

I always thought it would be a good idea for you guys to be at least a week ahead on your reactions just in case something unforseen comes


It’s ok🥲🤧




I've got covid too, and it's quite bad 😟 Hope you guys get better!


I just re subscribed and paid just for Naruto. Please make up for this with 4 episodes the following week. I think everyone here would love that. You cab definitely do it. Get better soon 😀

Andrew W

Health and safety should definitely come first - sorry to hear some of you caught the 'vid and hope everyone feels better soon!

Bliss 28

If you guys were 2 to 3 episodes ahead of patreon this wouldn't be a problem. But you guys literally watch the episodes 6 days before the become available on patreon

Zero Requiem

What happens in Cali doesn't stay in Cali get well soon

Bliss 28

I'm not going to lie I knew if they never stayed like mabe 2 episodes ahead of the patreon drops something like this would happen


Oh it would definitely be a GREAT idea if Naruto was the only show we reacted to. Thanks for your feedback <3

Bliss 28

You guys have been ahead of patreon before so I know it's not impossible


Most of Naruto went to Cali🤯 damn! Guess them vaccines couldn't hold against what we got out here lol sorry fam get well soon. I just got over mine couple days ago

Bliss 28

Just watch 3 episodes in every sitting and you guys would be ahead. Don't listen to people who tell you which episodes are better to watch together or not. They're not running your channel

Darryl Lowe

I had Covid it is not pretty

Jesse Wise

Oh no! 😱 Get feeling better!!! ❤️❤️❤️ covid suuuuuucccckkkkssss


The meme is great! :) I wish you get well soon. :)


Hope everyone feels better soon!


Oh no, hope you all feel better! I got covid around November last year, and the worst was not being able to breathe properly😭 i hope your symtoms aren't that bad😭💔


@Bliss 28 have a heart bro they do what they can and watch what they can. Just pray for their speedy recovery


This meme tho


Ach, this stinks! Haha, well, safety and wellness are obviously more important than a decade old cartoon about ninjas. On the real, feel better soon, stay safe, and rest up. Can't wait for the Wednesday after next! 😁✌️

T.E. Stroud

Gute Besserung, Normies!


May you have a smooth recovery and minimal symptoms 🍀

Kelly Parks

I've got it right now. It sucks.


Ok... whose mouths were on less than reputable places


Bruh Bliss 28 straight up wrote like 6 different comments


All good no worries can’t wait to see the people crying next week who didn’t read this message🙃

Big Mike

Get well soon guys and gals


Hey guys, take good rest and hope you all feel better soon! Your health matters more to us than the reactions. Not the end of the world if you can't put out stuff due to these reasons, most people here want you all to be at your best state when you guys react! ❤️

Mike Drop

Don't worry get well soon, and don't forget quadrupple drops are also a thing


it’s all good


"It's all good in the hood" -Abraham Lincoln (probably)


This is the worst trade deal in the history of all trade deals


Take your time, and feel better soon. Your health takes precedence over a silly reaction. We'll all be waiting for you when you get back into action. Hope all goes well for you and no one gets any worse then minor symptoms.

Ben Felton

I don't understand memes


Aw man, hope they get better soon!

Justin Stanford

please take care of yourselves! That’s the most important thing to do right now. We’ll still be here with ya! 👍🏿

Kamina 1

It was that trip to LA lol

Karim kenneth baash

I wish you all so much love. I hope you guys get better and that you are not in a lot of pain.


LA trash. Worst place in US besides NY city.


Damn la trip




take care! get well soon!


they can do it anyways? so spreading covid to the other normies is the right thing to do, so you can watch more naruto, and don't care about their health or?


Get well soon!


I hope u guys get better

C.E. West (Galvastorm)

Understood… Don’t rush on our account. Make sure you are all at 100% health before starting up again. You’re health safety is more important. Until next time! 🙂✌️


Hope you all feel better, does suck not having the episodes but your health is always the number 1 priority.


Hope everyone is well and safe. Everyone stay blessed <3


I bet all the money in my pocket that people are *still* gonna uninronically ask where Naruto is next week

Pervy Sage

So, is there going to be shippuden?


I’m sad bc I absolutely love the fight between kabuto vs the uchiha brothers but your health is more important! Thanks for letting us know and get well!


Do the Normies want to dance? :)


Let's not forget whenever they start to feel better just to keep the reactions going and people safer...all they gotta do is hook up the ol COVID recording they used to do from each other's houses... No biggie patience is key


Good health to all of you

Orochimaru has a giant snake 😳

Joined after several months to watch shippuden to make it worth my money and they are still milking it with random delays lolol. They won't post 4 episodes when they get better. Why is it always shippuden episodes that get delayed or cut from schedule I wonder.

Kay Scruton

Does this mean there aren't reactions this week, but there will be next week? I'm not complaining, just clarifying.


Hope you guys get better but damn you should post 3 episodes next 2 weeks. Some of us are only here because of naruto. Its already crazy you guys milk it as much as you are.

John Vick

So this means next week we get 4 episodes than , right?


Why not do remote reaction Mashups from home like you guys did during the covid lockdowns or release 4 new episode reactions next week to make up for it Ps some people are frustrated because they paid for something that they were "promised" in a sense (when you see the tiers and what you'd aquire with each tier Plus the weekly schedules) not because the Normies won't do whatever they want due to entitlement

Orochimaru has a giant snake 😳

Why would I cry? I only subscribe on months where they'll do episodes I want to watch. I posted that comment to warn other Naruto only subscribers. If you've been here since the regular Naruto days you know it's not the same anymore. Back then they used to do triple drops if they messed up, not to mention the triple drop on the last day of every month. Then partway through shippuden they started strictly doing 2 episodes, now they don't even do that. This month it's being sick, another month they're on break and for some reason they couldn't record episodes ahead of time (?), another month it's something else. Nothing wrong with being sick but are they going to make it up after? No, but they used to back in the day. They don't anymore because of people like you who are constantly okay with less and less. Asking for as much as they used to do isn't entitlement.


Their sub count went up to nearly 13,000 on latreon when madara fought the shinobi alliance now they are dealaying the obito reveal till the third week of march. Forcing those who only want to watch that reveal to subscribe for full month prices for half a month of content. They know exactly what they are doing. And given the community here is ok with getting screwed its not gonna change.


No unhappiness here bro just good suggestions. Somebody has to stand up for you 👌


I think the Normies will hear us and post 4 episodes of Shippuden next week! They're not milking this for sure! In the Normies we trust! GO GO GO 4 episodes next week " )

Cliff Douglas

Hmm... So just the Naruto reactions because you guys did a SB Halftime show reaction. Hmm..

Bryan Cartagena

Everyone has to understand that while they don’t have to provide us with extra content when delays happen for what ever reason but a good content creator would. Obviously due to the amount of shows they have, they most likely cannot do that, since they would have to record extra episodes for most of the shows they have to watch. In my opinion, it doesn’t make sense to react to so many shows at a time(well to bring in a wider audience & get more money) but anyone shouldn’t expect to get compensated for the delayed content. It’s unfortunate, I got the tier where they are 2 weeks ahead since I have a way to see timer reactions & it happens as soon I join, so i’m stuck not getting my monies worth this whole month. I have waited months & binged before but now that we are getting to the most hyped part of the war, you can understand the frustration of some people.


@The Normies Get well soon. Take care of your health. @Chris Martinez please don't post any spoilers. If possible edit you comment please, posted on Thursday of last week. Thank you.


Get well soon Normies " ) I think the Normies will hear us and post 4 episodes of Shippuden! They're not milking this for sure! In the Normies we trust! GO GO GO 4 episodes " )