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Kabuto attempts to bring Sasuke over to his side by pointing out that they both are fighting for the same goal: to bring down the Leaf Village. But Sasuke quickly rejects him.



Cant wait for 338 :)


itatchi will explaine the izanami in the following episodes.


To add to what Suraj was saying, at this point we've seen Sasuke's parents die as much as Uncle Ben

Shervell Jones

I’m happy they’re seeing how the third great ninja war created so many monsters out of men. 95 percent of this war is simply the mistakes of the leaf falling on the heads of everyone else.

my new name



I have a master's degree in philosophy I think I can answer this question about deciding one's fate. Kabuto is a anti -realist meaning the truth of a statement rests on its demonstrability through internal logic mechanisms, such as the context principle or intuitionistic logic. What it means is Kabuto does not accept reality, one cannot control his/her destiny without accepting reality. I think Itachi is just trying to teach Kabuto that we do have free will, we do have choices in life, and that fate is something that we create with our own hand. I think that this is what Neji's father was trying to teach him, that's the message of this show: is that your destiny is not predetermined, you have a choice and that you can change your own fate by accepting reality.


Suraj, you can’t filibuster on the House floor. Filibuster only exists in the Senate 😅


Oro had a crush on Tsunade?


I know alot of people hate kabuto but he is one of my top three favorite characters in naruto


I am so excited for what is coming next! I wish you guys would post more lol

Chris Hauser

You guys have about 5 more episodes of this fight, if I remember correctly

Johnny Blue

Goddamnit Chris. Now THAT'S a tattoo idea. Butthole Sharingan. You have to do it now, Suraj. WE HAVE VIDEO EVIDENCE.

Storm King

Dang they want him to die BAAAAAADDDDDD!!!! lol


the idea is there on the izanami tho. anyways itll blow your mind

Christopher Clark

I’m ready for 339 to rip my heart out again

Kage Uzumaki

Can I ask what's spoilery about this opening


The battle we never got in the OG, kabuto vs Sasuke


I think the folks on discord kinda blow it out of proportion. If you’ve ever seen a movie trailer, it’s basically the same thing. It only looks like spoilers if you have context/know what’s gonna happen


Cant w8 for OP16 :)


The hiddenly village using abuse these guys but they turned out due to their circumstances

Benjamin Donahue

Getting too specific might be considered a spoiler, but suffice it to say changing, and deciding fate are not the same thing. Though I get how they're similar enough one could argue they are.


Hmmm, now that I know they're taking next week off, maybe I should watch this then so I can still have my fix next week... 😅😄

Michael Diaz

I like how you're like "This is ep 335 I can't see the title cuz I only see the Japanese portion" and then actively you guys go to see the title so you can say it. I remember Suraj saying something about a list? I'm guessing you're not avoiding episode titles unless the list tells you to do so?

Michael Diaz

I was gonna agree... but at the very least in real life they are the same. Because "changing fate" would merely mean that you were on one path and then changed it to another, thus changing your fate. Since that fate hasn't happened yet, you're technically deciding which fate you'll end up with. lol

Michael Diaz

Interesting take on the Tobi story thing tho. At this point I already believed Tobi because you all thought Itachi was an evil bastard and when Sasuke defeated him you were like "Yeah fuck Itachi!" Then Tobi came in like "Actually he was a good guy". NOW you see Itachi again and he's like "WAT! Sasooks gonna destroy da leaf!? OH NOES!" and telling Sasuke he made a mistake trying to lead Sasuke down the right path. At this point, if they gave more info, it'd be like some new twisty info rather than "Finally we confirmed the truth" which we shoulda already accepted by now. lol

Michael Diaz

Also RTTV laughed at finding out what Kabuto meant too. But you have to remember this is Japanese culture and he's literally wearing a Kabuto as she's deciding his name. You know... like what the Shredder wears or basically what Darth Vader wears. It's a samurai helmet. A lot of Japanese names are based on words. Naruto literally means like Whirlpool or something. Uchiha means fan. I mean... what's so funny about helmet? Of all the things that made Kabuto a loser throughout the show, it wasn't his cool sounding name. lol

Michael Diaz

That's A message of the show. Also Kabuto is claiming to control his own fate tho... lol


Yeah, you can say whatever you want about Kabuto but he is an OG. Also his backstory is so fucking sad. I know some people didn't like that we got his backstory after all this time suddenly but I really liked it - seeing the life of a Shinobi spy through Kabuto and Itachi's perspective was really interesting.


Respect on the power of research. Orochimaru apparently really figures some stuff about.


21:01 uh actually pretty sure orochimaru was motivated by his parents dying real early in his life (i think from war?) and finding a rare white snake skin which third hokage told him represented eternal life or something


Kabuto is like: Hey, you want a new daddy?! :D

Misael Matute

Kabuto is just another victim of the shinobi world.... He always made it seem like he wasnt like all the other Orochimaru's victims being manipulated, but in the end he was always being manipulated, even now that Orochimaru is death.

Adrian Bisutti

how do they not remeber that they can't kill him or else you cant stop the reanimation jutsu

Naffy moc

suggestion, 344-346 should be watched together whether you drop it at same week doesnt matter. but it should be watched at the same time/together. the 3 eps are like one movie tbh. also it would be useful if theyre refreshed their memories of the things that were said between konan and tobi about nagato, and the akatsuki, when she died. i tried to make it as non spoilery as possible. lol


About Kabuto's name, it's not like it's that odd considering the oriental setting. A lot of the names in Naruto have "lame" meanings, at least from a western pov. Kakashi literally means "scarecrow", Itachi "weasel", Kushina "comb", Minato "harbour", Iruka "dolphin", Hiruzen "garlic mountain" and so on.