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Hi guys! As we're wrapping up season 2 of Witcher, please let us know how much you enjoyed this season compared to last! Are you going to watch season 3? Have your opinions on some characters changed over season 2? 

Have you watched the animated series or played the games? And would you recommend any of it to The Normies? 



100% would recommend playing the Witcher 3


Animated movie*


Season 2 while great and introduces a bunch of cool places and things ultimately felt like it progressed no where. I know they plan for 6 seasons or whatever but still wanted a bit more progression

david soliz

Can't wait for season 3

Richard A

Highly recommend both Nightmare of the Wolf and the video games. As a heads up the video games take place after the novels so there might be spoilers for those want to react to the series blind.


I feel like the problem with the witcher is that it’s not a normie (lowercase n) show. If you’re entrenched in the game lore, you’ll probably enjoy it. Otherwise it’s 50/50


Witcher 3 is one of the best RPGs ever created and I would highly recommend it.


It's been my experience that non book/game players have actually liked this show more due to the pretty substantial changes the show has made from the books.

Isaiah Cox

I wish I would’ve played the games cause I am completely lost this season


This is a tough one for me. I think both seasons have their strengths. I liked the storytelling in season 1 much better, but season 2 had overall better production when it came to the sets, costumes, acting, and monster designs. I like both and have been trying to figure out which season I like better overall since S2 came out and I still haven't come to a solid conclusion. If I had a gun to my head I guess I would pick S1.


Both seasons have their own specific strengths and weaknesses. Like I think S1 had on it's won a lot better or more impactful moments, but S2 had obviously a far more coherent overarching plot. There wasn't a lot that was irrelevant to that plot so it rarely felt like we were wasting time, even if it took a bit for those pieces to become relevant.


As a fan of the books and the games (that did justice to the books surprisingly well unlike the show) I choose neither. Idk why the showrunner decided to change so much in the characters and in the story so early, especially since she pledged not to (throwing Game of Thrones example), but some of the reasonings behind certain decisions are alarming. But after hearing them call the show's audience teenagers who value emotional impact instead of logical reasoning I doubt I really want to know. So to the Normies I recommend to get acquainted to the books and the games. You most likely won't see even half of what the universe has to offer in the show.


straight to jail with the producers of the show that have taken this source material and twisted it into a CW show,

Mantas Pilibaitis

Highly recommend Witcher Nightmare of the Wolf


The writing was pretty bad in season 2 and they completely butchered Vessimir's character. Other than episode one of season two, season two was a let down. Everyone is still looking for something to fill the GoT void so The Witcher with it's high budget and C tier writing is the next best thing I guess.

Andrew W

I thought Season Two was more consistent than Season One, but ultimately I preferred S1, slightly. Yennifer's storyline in S1 was *great*, Geralt's was good, and Ciri's was . . . well, pretty bad. In S2, Ciri's plotline (now joined with Geralt's 95% of the time) was way, *way* better, but Yennifer's seemed weaker. I would say all three were good, but the season as a whole seemed like a lot more setup than pay-off. There was no 'more than the sum of its parts' dynamic to S2. To quibble over a specific point: I get that the Wild Hunt is apparently a big freaking deal in the books and/or game, but if the climax of this season was going to be the Baba Yaga-type character getting free and joining the Hunt, I really think they should have done a lot more to build up their significance / impact *in the show itself*. That moment felt underwhelming, which I think is part of why the season as a whole didn't feel as impactful to me as the first one did. I still liked both and am looking forward to Season 3.


I enjoyed it! Watch nightmare of the wolf


Season 2 was definitely better. Also where’s demon slayer?


I wanted two more episodes...I feel they rushed alot of stuff in 7-8 but still a solid season


Really enjoyed the season. Loved the reactions. I’m going to watch the animated movie. I would like to see you guys react to it as well!


I haven’t read the books or played the game. I don’t have much invested into this, but I really enjoyed the show! Keep watching please!

Kamina 1

Full eyebrows Ciri alone make season 2 better than season 1.


Enjoyed this season a lot. Noticed a lot of people are getting upset over things not be exactly like the books or the games(not canon also).While I do agree the Eskel thing wasn't the best idea, I didn't really mind it either. I have to give them with the 16 hours they had to fill season 1 and 2 they did pretty well. The books and games didn't have such a time restriction. Games 2 and 3 alone have about 70 hours of dialogue. The book around this time period is about 320 pages. It's why when adapting you usually try to stay in the universe but go for a different storyline because it'll get picked apart by people who don't understand its an adaption.


You should definitely check out Nightmare of the Wolf


For me it was more or less on par with season 1 - I just enjoyed them for different reasons. The stories in season were better, but the Ciri/Geralt realtionship was amazing, and seeing her grow and mature was great.

Jon Forsythe

Season 2 was better. I haven't seen the comics, nor read the book, nor played or watched the video games. But I have read the wiki entries for the books so I already spoiled for myself certain things. I hope your editor saves a certain Normie's theories on a certain S2 episode because I think they might be on the nose with everything. Though the tv producers might adapt the books in a different way; and I kind of hope they do?

Pervy Sage

Are you guys doing Peacemaker?


It's totally a personal taste thing, but I'm not a huge fan of chosen one/child of prophecy stories and I much prefer the first season's series of short, monster-of-the-week stories and how the plot sort of played second fiddle.

Chaos T

I enjoyed the season but can understand why people don't, especially the book readers.


I've read the books, played the games, watched the cartoon, I probably even have the Witcher cocktail napkins* laying around. I am eagerly awaiting season three. The Brotherhood seems like the worst idea: "let's get a bunch of long-lived Machiavellian schemers together, I bet they won't totally turn on each other." I absolutely love the casting for Djikstra (and Mads Mikkelson's brother Lars playing Stregobor, of course). *I made that up.

Tim Xi

Season 1 was better, but I’m glad more people that didn’t like the first season like the 2nd one. Also interesting that my favorite episode of the season for both seasons was the opener episode

Monkey D. Luffy

i like season 2 more because season 1 wasnt done very well in my opinion the time lines kinda ruined the story and made it hard to follow


Can't wait for season 3!

Dylan Carpenter

I really enjoyed both seasons, and I like them each for different reasons, but if I have to pick a favorite, I'd go with season 1. Things I liked about season 1: I actually prefered the split timeline story telling they used in season 1, but totally understand that it's not very practical to repeat that season after season. Season 1 also had more/better action sequences. Nothing in season 2 was quite on the level of Blaviken, or the Striega, or the courtroom, or the dragon's lair, or Sodden etc. The fight in the temple was pretty good, and the finale at Kaer Morhn was good, but other than that the action in season 2 didn't stand out quite as much. Things that I liked about season 2: Ciri's story was far more interesting than it was in season 1. Much more interested in her learning about herself and training to fight for herself and not just constantly running away as the damsel in distress (I understand she's a child, but still). More monsters were shown overall, and the CGI was great, so that was cool to see. The story stayed interesting throughout each episode, whereas with season 1 there were a few episodes that didn't feel as interesting as others (admittedly probably due to the split timelines, but I still prefered that style). All in all, both seasons were strong in some ways and weak in others. Both seasons were great, high quality television. Neither season left me dissapointed. I will absolutely watch as many seasons as they put out.

Matthew Bankston

Who cares which was bettter, just enjoy the show and story. AND MICKEY, FINISH THE GAME!!!!


For me season 1 was better


It's like choosing between dark haired Rana or light haired Rana. Can't. They are both amaaazing.


Season 1 is better to me, Yennifer not having magic this entire season was awful

Chris D. Jones

Idk cause season 1 makes season 2 so good (wild statement I kno)


I don't actually know which season is better since I feel like Season 2 has higher Highs and lower Lows but Season 1 has overall for me the higher average rating


I might be in the minority but Season 2 was straight garbage. The Kaer Morhen scenes were great but I just wasn't' invested in Yen's story or anything to do with Fringilla and the Elves. It felt poorly written. Like there was drama only for drama's sake rather than as consequences for character's actions.


The anime is great y’all should for sure watch it. The games are awesome I think Chris and Mickey would enjoy the play through no doubt!


@Guido so write a story better than that please lol.


This is true but are the games technically canon? I like a lot of the lore the games add but they aren't written by the original creator so the tv show might go another way. Not necessarily a spoiler.


Animated movie is great and the 3rd game is absolutely a must-play. I wouldn't worry too much about the game spoiling anything since the games are arguably not canon, but do be wary that they might mention cannon things that have yet to pass. Is that really a spoiler, though, or does it just make the show function more as a prequel since the game is so much older?

Aman Yadav

do reaction to netflix animated movie and play witcher 3