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Clone Wars 43 (2x21)

Reaction: https://youtu.be/9WG-aIcgd-Y

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/theclonewars/ (pg. 5)

RWBY 6x13

Reaction: https://vimeo.com/663441508/9a3aee30b4



Chai Tea

So hyped for y’all to see the Atlas Arc 🙌


Yes there will be a volume 9 and likely a 10th.


Guys Papa Schnee is not the "King" of Atlas! I think you forgot what Role General Ironwood has :D


Yea I think you guys mixed up who is in charge in Atlas. Ironwood has 2 seats on the Atlas council for being headmaster of the huntsman academy and general of the army. Papa Schnee is just a rich asshole who owns the worlds largest dust company. Also it was Hazel's sister that he blames Opzin for her death. He doesn't have a daughter.


RWBY vol 7 hype lets gooooo


I'm surprised no one picked up on the wicked witch allusion given the flying monkeys. with that said I cant wait until they see the witch

Benjamin Donahue

Would absolutely love it if you binged every RWBY season as a movie reaction


Y'all aren't ready for volume 7


Good catch on the animation 'hiccup' when Cordovin was attacking with her mech and the drill arm. They deliberately lowered the frame rate during that drill attack as an homage to Monty's favorite Gurran Langan (sp).

David J Moore

Interesting that you find Cinder compelling, much of the online fandom will disagree. There are definitely layers there, but I will note that Salem also has layers. Much of her behavior is a consequence of her life prior to Ozma. She was a lonely prisoner her entire life up to that point. That means minimal socialization and many other crippling traits. When Ozma died, she was alone again. When the Gods cursed her, she was a lonely prisoner again. She never learned to take responsibility for her actions because she'd never had the chance to fail and learn from failure. She blamed everyone and everything but herself for the state she was in after the Gods had left Remnant. Yes, true, the Gods and her Father were largely responsible for the awful things that happened to her in life, but that didn't give her the right to act how she had, and the results of those actions were her own fault. There's a lot to unpack in her story.

luke nwagbara

all in all if rwby was realistic they wold be villians. and thrown in jail

David J Moore

Villains? No. Thrown in jail? Maybe, sound about right for people who screw up trying to do the right thing getting punished while the terrible of society get away with being terrible.

Björn Petersen

Hey guys so we know already that a lot of characters in RWBY is loosly based on a fairytale. Hazel at the very end blames Ozpin for killing his SISTER, not his daughter. Her name was Gretchen. Hazel and Gretchen = Hansel and Gretel like from the fairytale. And the monsters are all called Grimm after the Brothers Grimm who wrote many of these gruesome fairytales back in the old days. Snow White, Rapunzel, Sleeping Beauty and many others. Disney watered them down bc the storys were much darker in the og version. Just a little knowledge drop. See you soon