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Please walk us through your reaction to this scene...? We need to make sure we are OKAY. We were aghast. AGHAST!!!



Joshua Swanson

I didn't really care. I wasn't as attached to Adam as many other fans were. I. Fact, many fans were outright obsessed with him. It was really weird. Personally, though, I think he served his purpose. I don't the purpose itself was fully realized, as Yang's PTSD and the BMBLB development wasn't as good as it could have been, but it was sufficient.


incredible, iconic, amazing


I think Wess not being there to see her family's company branded on Adam's face was a missed opportunity for the Faunus plotline. That said, I was never expecting Yang and Blake to actually kill Adam. Really made you realize these heroes ain't gonna stay squeaky clean. I also like that it wasn't painted as a triumphant moment but a painful one, no matter how awful of a person he was.

Trey Milliner-Williams

my reaction to Adams scar: Understanding of his animosity towards humans and his drive. The fight: really nice animation but doesnt make sense from a story perspective as Adam dwarfs them in skill and neither of them have received any training that would allow them to go toe to toe with Adam. I mean yang beat him with pretty much 0 difficulty. Adams death: these are supposed to be heroes? he was unarmed and out of aura yet they still figured killing him was the call? I feel like the writers just had nothing else for him so killing him was what they chose to go with. All in all this and the Jaune scene with the mysterious woman were the highlights of this season imo.

Hayden Smith

Brilliantly executed end to the best fight in the series. Not only is the choreography throughout this whole fight incredible, but it has so many little details to be analyzed with respect to how it portrays the arcs all three characters have been on since the end of Volume 3. And it all builds so well to this final moment where everyone is just scrambling to grab a weapon and Blake and Yang manage to get there first, and then after its done all the emotion of everything they've been through finally hits and Blake and Yang as they finally collapse and comfort each other. Best fight in the show, one of the best scenes in the show, and a great wrap up of the intertwined arcs that all three characters have been on for three Volumes now.


Adam was my favorite villain so far in the franchise. He had what every villain needed: badass abilities, a sympathetic origin story with virtuous motives that became corrupted over time, and a final defeat that felt satisfying and justified (apart from no longer having him in the show anymore). I have to admit, for me, the scar wasn't too shocking. The fact that he hid his face the entire time we'd seen him made me think he had some kind of mark/scar under there. The Schnee Dust Company was a nice tie-in. But the big moment was when he ACTUALLY got run through. Death in RWBY up until that point had been mostly implied/less in your face. Roman Torchwick was eaten by a Grimm, so nothing gruesome there. Vernal was killed more outright, but not so explicit. Then we get a close-up of two blades going into Adam's chest and back. And the look of shock on his face when all he can muster to say is "Oh..." Like "Wait...I lost?" Then like a lot of people, I'm thinking "Well, no body, no death. Maybe he'll come ba-- oh, he just fell off the ledge, smacked into another ledge, and into the water. Yep, that's pretty dead." As a villain? Come on, the guy was just perfect! The whole time he has this toxic ex boyfriend feel, making him appropriately menacing and, I'd wager, familiar to a lot of people. When we first see him, his abilities make him waaaay better than anyone on team RWBY, and then when we see him fighting Yang and Blake at the end, we get to see how much they've grown and improved. Finally, right at the end, the perfect taunt from a villain to a hero: "Moment of truth, Yang. You think you're faster than you were at Beacon?" Adam was a great villain, the kind part of you wants to root for even though you know you shouldn't. And as Star Wars taught us, the best villains are the ones who began with good intentions and laid that path straight to Hell.


They did what they had to do in order to protect their team/friends. Adam already maimed Yang just to hurt Blake, there is not telling how much further he would've gone in order to bring Blake more pain. They didn't want to spill blood but they had no choice.


So a couple of things, the correct term isnt hero, its huntsmen and huntresses. 2nd thing this wasnt huntsman/huntress work, or hero work for that matter. This incident was personal. Adam has gone through several stages as a character, and we have identified/related Adam with 2 main things. 1 is being a pro faunus / anti human and 2 his connection with Blake. Adam has murdered the head of the faunus, countless other faunus, abandoned them, and put himself above his people and the movement, I highly doubt Adam returns to the newly formed White Fang. Since then his main priority has been being obsessed with Blake, and so since Vol 3 we've seen him show different displays of affection for Blake, yet still went for the head in Vol 3. We are in Vol 6 and he still wants her dead and is still stuck on whatever relationship he had with her. So yes I believe you are correct in your assumption that they had nothing else for him, the only idea I can think of is a redemption ark, and if you can picture Adam having 1 of those, then thats very uh... interesting. Now something this show highlights is that our main protagonist usually take on fights they are not in the position or odds to win. The reason I feel this is different is because our crew is good at teamwork, as Adam stated he was left alone, Blake and Yang had each other, which I feel once you disarm Adam, then you can claim the victory for that fight, whether you think they should of won or not. Now they gave the option and a final chance to leave them alone, its been too many seasons, too much blood, and too much delusion. Is the idea to lock him up after beating him? Adam could maybe run away like he did in Vol 5. The point is its a cycle, and theres no signs of change, theres usually some indication that Adam has potential to change, but there were literally 0 signs of that, no remorse, no self reflecting, no hesitation, no questioning, Nothing, and just like his character there is nothing left. you go ahead and let someone who is hunting you walk away and knowing he is stronger? You'd be looking over your shoulder. I personally dont see Adams character continuing, but thats just me.


I was actually surprised cuz I didn't think they would actually kill him it felt like he was gonna be left for dead and eventually he'd come back but when he hit the rock I was like oh hell naw he ded


He needed to go. The whole Whit Fang plot line is done now. Adam had no place in this story going g forward. I'm glad those 2 got to kill him


I was not a fan of this hole plotline. Adams character was just a disappointment. They did nothing with him. He was just the angry ex, really? How amazing it could have been, if the storylines of Adam and Weiss were intertwined. Weiss wants to save the name of her familys company and Adams face is branded with that companys name. How have they never met? Such a missed opportunity. I never understood why they included Illya in the story when you already have a character like Adam, who represents the extreme side of the Faunus. So this was for me the point where RWBY as a series wasn't as good anymore. It gets a bit better in the next volume, but then they ruined the only character I really liked again...


Ik I may be in the minority here, but I loved this scene. I think it was wonderfully executed from the choreography, music, emotion, everything. Adam was never the best character, and I think his death scene was more impactful than his character was alive. In fact, the whole White Fang plot was poorly executed, so I'm glad it (seemingly) ended here. AND I think this moment really cements Blake and Yang's relationship.


One of the best late game Rwby Fights. And one of the best character deaths. People like to harp on his last words being 'Oh.' But it really is that simple. Adam has always had an ego and arrogance to him. The charging bull never considers that they may bot trample their opponent. Likewise I can't see Adam actually believing he would lose this fight. His opponents were weaker than him and scared of him. He had the upper hand up until the very end. But if the simple explanation doesn't make since to some then think of it this way. This whole time ever since Adam discovered Yang he has been comparing his relationship with Blake to Blake and Yangs. Blake ran away from their relationship and never came back. She did come back for Yang though. And that's what he doesn't get. He doesn't get Blake's feelings for Yang. It's the unasked question he asks in his fighting. Blake stabbing him is his answer. He knows Blake and knows the one thing Blake isn't willing to do (barring indirect/unconfirmed instances) is kill. She wouldn't do it back on the train in her Trailer and it's why she left him. But she was willing to kill someone she knows and cares about to protect Yang. And thus the question 'Why did you return to her and not me' gets It's answer 'Because she is worth killing for.' And his response is a simple shocked 'Oh'. Not just because he is dying. But because he finally is seeing the disconnect between the Blake he knew and the current Blake. But hey maybe I'm just over analyzing.

freshyjazzy12 .

Regardless of how anyone feels about Adam, I'm just gonna say the sheathe of his sword is a Shotgun. Yet, right before he died they had him frantically rushing to try and grab his sword like it was the only weapon he had, and without it he had nothing. But his sheathe was a shotgun. So honestly just for that reason, and a few other things, his death seemed quite stupid to me but it needed to happen, they already dug his character a grave and I didn't wanna see it go to Cinder levels of annoyance.

Reilly Martinez

I didn't expect him to die, but I was totally okay with it. If he didn't, he'd just keep stalking them around as they got stronger, and he'd become less and less of a threat. Either he died a threat or he lived to become a light nuisance. The only thing I didn't like following the fight was all the creepy people thinking that Adam was a hero and saying Yang and Blake should've died. Yikes.


Adam as he was portrayed was a good villain. Could his storyline have been more impactful, yes of course but they would’ve had to keep going with the White Fang plot line. and it would’ve been put on the back burner since Blake reunited with the rest of her team or it would’ve taken away from the next storylines about Atlas or whatever is next. I didn’t expect them to kill Adam, but it was a definite conclusion. Adam could’ve left them alone or ran off but he didn’t, he let his his obsession with making Blake pay, & his rage at being “beat” blind him to these options. Adam had to die cause he would’ve been a constant threat to not only Blake, but everyone else traveling with her. I mean Blake summed it up when she told him that he stalked her across an entire continent. Adam also returned to the White Fang’s headquarters & killed a bunch of their members because they challenged him and called him out. He let his own goals turn him against everyone he had in his corner. So he was by himself.

stanley drury anderson jr

I really liked Adam and a lot of people didn’t think he could be redeemed but I 1000% disagree sure he was stupid and extremely misguided but you could also kind of tell he was hurt and clearly had SCARS mentally and physically

Pepperoni Pony .

I think they just dropped the ball with this. Not sure why they took what was, up to this point, a pivotal villain and driving force behind Blake's narrative and just give it such a lackluster end. This season altogether was a very mixed bag for me. I'm not sure if there were changes on the directorial/creative side or if this is where we entering into story beyond what Monty had plotted out or what, but it lacked the cohesion that earlier seasons had, for me, at least. The best comparison I can make is the second and third Matrix movies. They have the same essential cast as the first, but it practically feels like two different franchises to me. The first had a satisfying narrative that hit on all the strong points and the next two seemed to be pulling new shit out of their asses every five minutes and then just discarding it, a long chain of cool scenes and neat ideas without that strong narrative to back it up and make us care about things. But just my opinion, don't crucify me XD

Michael Diaz

It wasn’t just that. He is responsible for his actions and the way he spoke was a real turn off. He was delusional and enjoyed hurting others too much. He became abusive and manipulative in a gross narcissist way. So he had no redemption because he was now only capable of driving himself to such a result as being killed. It’s sad and tragic, even mildly understandable. But redeeming isn’t the right word.

Michael Diaz

I actually disagree. This was a climactic end to this PART of her journey. Going from being a loner to opening up, to revealing more about her past and why she is the way she is, and having this abusive tie to an obsessive ex, but also slowly replacing him with someone more healthy. And not only is she able to overcome it, but she’s not alone anymore. But it isn’t really the end of her story. Because now she’s a new her and has to learn how to move forward from this point. She will have a few hiccups along the way and maybe still carry traits over that lead to perspectives others don’t have. Sometimes something they should consider and sometimes something she is held back by. So, personally, that’s how I took it. O:


My opinion of this scene is just meh. It happened and I'm neutral to it. Honestly I'm more shocked by how many people get up in arms to defend Adam. Like seriously I get it, he had a cool design so everyone automatically assumed he would be an awesome villain. However he wasn't and I think the show runners did the right thing by killing him off. He had no redeeming qualities, he was a f!@#ing scumbag, and any attempt to shoehorn in a redemption arc would have been even worse writing.

Matt Ragusa

I do feel like they wasted Adam as a character. There was clearly a lot of backstory there that we never really got. It seemed to me that Adam's life was filled with nothing but pain and misery which is what made him into the spiteful person he is. Blake was really the only good thing that ever happened to him.


They set it up in a way that Adam made me really uncomfy especially towards the end so it was really relieving and a bit satisfying initially, but it did feel like they wasted a lot of potential by boiling all of his actions up to basic spite and obsession in the end. He clearly had a past that could be explored to make him more complex, but they just didn't explore that. Part of me is glad they didn't since it makes him impossible for people to sympathize with, but it's also kind of frustrating?

Pepperoni Pony .

I think Adam at least deserved a better executed ending. It just felt really rushed for someone who was a major villain to just go poof. Also, if someone were to start watching Attack on Titan in season 4, they might say the same things about Eren Jaeger. Perspective is everything, but now we'll never know.

Liam Skoda

He was a petty, narcissistic domestic abuser and got exactly what he deserved.


Haven’t watched any of your RWBY reactions so I’m just reading some of the comments here and I’m genuinely surprised by what some people are saying, like I was expecting a full on shit show


People still care about this show? Thought it died off a long time ago.

Björn Petersen

RWBY has its ups and downs like most shows but overall i love it. And i´m glad that the community seems to feel the same way.

Joshua Krienke

Adam’s character had potential but they wasted him. I’m also sad because he’s so much fun to watch fight.

Carter Skjerven

I was disappointed because Adam was one of the few good villains we have.