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Clone Wars 2x20 

Reaction: https://youtu.be/9isH1Wzqk68

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/theclonewars/ (pg. 5)

RWBY 6x12

Reaction: https://vimeo.com/661441388/f7cfb0ef0d




Venom 2 came out on Amazon today. Just dropping that hereeeee..


Where is rwby 6×9


Sdc= Schnee Dust Company

Ricky Faber

SDC stands for Schnee Dust Company


The lead director and writer Kerry Shawcross confirmed Adam as dead. At this point in the writing they had not done any Darth Maul robot revival thing yet. Not quite a direct quote but pretty much what was said.


Volume 9 isn't out yet. But it's doubtful it'll be the last volume.

Eddy Kubus

uhh SDC is the acronym for weiss's parents company, the Schnee Dust Company.

David J Moore

Also, two open chest cavity wounds in the water isn't going to help either. Outside of a revival, he's dead dead.

David J Moore

There are a lot of references to Beauty in the Beast in the Blake, Adam, Yang trio, including this final fight by a waterfall. Also, the primary reason the Leviathan appeared was because of the sharp increase in negative emotions in the city as a consequence of the fight. We see the camera cut over to the city at least one to show how the fight was affecting the citizens.

David J Moore

Volumes 7-9 are unique in that they were able to renew for Volumes 8 and 9 as they were finishing production on V7, allowing them to write across these Volumes more holistically. However, the way things are headed with V9, it would only end there if for some reason they weren't getting renewed (renewals usually happen one Volume at a time).

ThePreator 11

Honestly, Adam's death is probably one of the worst moments in RWBY for me. No true backstory or any real thought put into his character. I hadn't felt that frustrated since Sakura from naruto. It actually kind of took some of the hype I had for the show away. I liked vol 5-6 (some of my fav moments come from them), but I can understand why some fans consider them to be a drop in writing. That said, vol 7 and 8 are absolute FIRE!!! those are the volumes that reignited my hype and appreciation for the series. They're gonna love it!

ThePreator 11

That Mickey cameo was hilarious tho

Rustic Randy

In the end, Adam's character was something we only needed to take at face value. He did not show any redeeming qualities worthy of a full backstory IMO. His part in the story needed an end and he was not important enough to warrant anything other than what we got. That being said, I do feel Adam was a poorly written/handled character and rather than writing him off the crew decided to give him a sendoff worthy of his character thus far. And yes, Vol. 7 & 8 are absolute fire. I feel this series may have found it's new rhythm with these last 2 Volumes.


I hate bumblebee, but damn Adam getting what he deserved was satisfying

Tina L

Oh, I didn't think of the citizens' reaction being one of the factors to the Grimm showing up. I thought it was more due to the relic, but your observation makes a lot of sense in addition to the relic being nearby. Thank you for helping my understanding of RWBY.


Everyday all day Stand with Vic. If you actually look into the case and the allegations you see how most of it was pushed by coworkers Monica, Jamie, and Ron who in trying to push Vic out ended up exposing how horrible they've been since forever but they more or less succeeded in tearing up his career because no one wants to be involved with an actor in a publicized legal battle

DeAnthony Potts

Its a shame even if he won the court of public opinion is tough to remove when its allegations of man assaulting a woman


You're confusing never shutting up with being the victor. To the rest it's called being a sore loser. Now commence further never shutting up. Flail, you bastards FLAIL!

Dominick Sermeno

If you guys want to get others involved, like Mikey or Chris, now really is the time to do it. I would say while 1-3 are cute and fascinating from a " I can't believe basically 15 people working a Youtube salary made this" and then 3 just ends with hype and craziness, and 4-5 are slow and kinda down for various reasons mostly internal stuff, 6 was a good return to form for the show. Even if it kinda loses steam after the Bruswick arc it did a good job of restoring faith in the project and kinda getting the show back on course. All that said....... VOL 7 & 8 ARE HYPE!!!! They are legit great anime MHA, Naruto tier. 7 has the best non-Monty fight and I contend the best soundtrack, and Vol 8 has great dramatic moments and EASILY the best monologue. All in all, best point to jump in for new viewers.

Zen Reacts

For fucks sake Dont start the Vic shit can we just enjoy the fucking show


agreed, all the drama bullshit only drives people away from the show because it makes the fanbase look insane

ThePreator 11

Vol 7 and 8 really showed just how far this series has come. I remember getting introduced to this show through Death Battle, and it has been quite the journey. Can't wait for vol 9!

Zen Reacts

Its also been fucning years already. Its like calling an ex, just fucking dont


Blake really is like Spider-Man in this episode


Man this comment section is rougher than I expected. So I'll just say my piece and dip. Is RWBY perfect? No. But it is not as bad as all the Adam stans make it out to be. Adam was an abuser and honestly a piece of shit. Yes he had a tragic backstory but the way he manipulated not only Blake but the White Fang is frankly disgusting and is meant to show you at his core he is a psychopathic narcissist! He literally gaslighted Blake to stay with him and used the White Fang as his own personal army to get what HE wanted. Even in his character short he says "It's time I get what I deserve" Not what the Faunus deserve what HE deserves! Also If you don't like Bumblebee that's fine, you don't have to. In reality though a majority of people that do hate it (And Roosterteeth for having Blake and Yang together) are homophobic. Yes, Yang mentions "Cute boys" in volume 1 and Blake dated Adam, and had an attraction to Sun. So clearer either Blake and Yang are Questioning/Bi/Pansexual. They literally set the two of them up as far back as volume 2! Then again I guess it's hard for Heterosexual people to pick up on that. Monty Oum always wanted representation in RWBY and had much if not most every major plot point planned before his passing. RWBY is the reason I became a Patreon after watching you all for years. Keep up the amazing reactions and please ignore the toxic AF fan base.

Makenna R

I can’t wait to see you guys react to the final episode and finally season 7!!! Thank you guys for sticking through this series, it has its charm haha I recently got my roommate into it and she was skeptic at first but after the last few seasons she’s told me she can’t stop thinking about it 😂😂

ThePreator 11

Ouch, that came off a bit aggressive. I'll admit fanbases can be toxic but no need to replicate the behavior. Also, no need to generalize people who like Adam or wanted more from him as "stans" who hate the series in general you know. At least for my case, I'm not blind to what Adam did. My issue was just the writer's decision to make him like that and the effect on his character. For the record, I believe Adam is just ONE of the characters in RWBY who had more to offer or should have been written differently. I only brought up Adam in particular because he's been a plot point these past few episodes. As for Bumblebee, I don't think it's fair to assume people who don't like it are mostly homophobic by default (even if it's true). Personally, I think most of the Bumblebee hate comes from the fact that so many Blacksun shippers had their ship sunk lol. Like, I think there'd be less hate if the WhiteRose or Nuts&Dolts had been the confirmed LGBTG ship instead. Then again I might just be thinking too optimistically, cause there'd be hate either hate. I just don't think we should try to categorize fans by saying stuff like "if the like/dislike this it must mean etc etc". As for what Monty intended, I try to stay away from those debates. Apparently some people say the series still follows his plan, others say he meant for team RWBY to have a sister-like relationship only, and a bunch of other stuff. In the end, it's clearly too difficult to find out what he truly wanted for the series at this point, and it's not like that's gonna affect how RT wants it written anyway. I just wanted to comment this because people are really quick to call out fanbases. MHA for example gets called toxic mostly due to the crazy-shippers, which is kinda unfair seeing as most fans watch it for the shonen action and not the romance, yet we get grouped together with the toxic shippers.


Honestly sorry if it came off as aggressive, I'm just tired and had jaw surgery this morning. It is wrong for me to assume most anti Bumblbee shippers are homophobic but sometimes it really feels that way. I love RWBY and I am very aware it isn't perfect. I know most of the fandom can be great but it is the vocal and obnoxious few that make me sigh and question if I want to stay in the fandom. Honestly I (Being Polyamorous) ship Blake, Yang, and Sun, (and Ilia TBH) but know that society still isn't ready for a mainstream Polyship. Overall I love the show and am only a casually shipper (sucker for a good romance) and even I can admit that Bumblebee shippers can be toxic (A lot of shipping culture is). So while I'll retract my "Most Bumblebee Haters are homophobic" statement I will say that the RWBY shipping community needs to calm down and accept the direction the show goes, they don't have to like it, just accept it and move on. Thank you for your reply.


Actual depositions in the patreon comments. What is RWBY even about lol?


Another good reaction, can’t wait for the finale!

ThePreator 11

Hope your surgery went well. No worries, it's not a stretch to say a lot of Bumblebee hate comes from people who don't like any non-straight ships, it's just better to give people the benefit of the doubt. I also sometimes feel like people only ship Bumblebee so much because it's LGTBG, but I gotta remember that maybe I just didn't see the chemistry between them even if it was obvious to others. And yeah, RWBY haters can be quite vocal to point where it doesn't even matter if they have valid arguments. As for mainstream polyships, does harem anime count? I mean, Blake is essentially a harem protagonist lol. She's got the main heroine (Yang), tsundere childhood friend (Ilia), flirty best boi (Sun), and even (Adam) a yandere who some people go for because media love to romanticize abusive but still in love hot guy types (looking at you shoujo manga). Anyway, I'm a casual shipper myself who loves rare pairs, but in the end I wouldn't let it effect my enjoyment of the series too much either. You're right when who say regardless of how you fell about Bumblebee people should just move on. Plus, I'm kinda interested in who Sun will end up with now.


My dislike for bumblebee is mostly just because I think it's done poorly. All the time? No. But enough that it's distracting. And when so many other things get cut or slimmed down because there is a limit on how much they can do with any given season, every shipservice moment feels like a waste. I actually quite like Saffron and Tera. and if this series had the leeway for finding ones sexuality I wouldn't care about the main cast doing it. Heck even if they wanted to MAKE the time for that, or even reference a character's frustrations at there not being time, THAT would be fine. Cool even. But halfhearted fringe supported debatably fan motivated stuff... it annoys. I'm not arguing against BB anymore, it's very obviously a thing now but I will never say it was done well, and it wasn't because I'm homophobic. I really, really, dislike fan influence going beyond nods or winks. It weakens narrative and wastes time. Recycle that sentiment for people that wanted more out of Adam who had nothing more to offer and never would, and the excuse that if he had been written different is nonsensical because if ANYONE had been written different they could have been ANYTHING. If Cordovin had been written different she could have taken over lil miss's operation, if Ren had been written different he could have been the most jacked professional girl scouteer in the world... it's a meaningless sentence. Based on the writing offered before anyone even HAD opinions on the show, and all subsequent additions, this was a logical conclusion to his character. But they all wrote something different in their heads and are upset at the disconnect. Which I understand but that's nobody's fault but their own and if they're such literary geniuses then they need to stop typing online and start typing offline, they apparently have work to do.

ThePreator 11

When I Adam should've been written differently, I wasn't talking about his entire character. He can still be Blake's manipulative ex, a man blinded hatred and rage, and someone who cares more about hurting humans rather than helping the faunus. Those traits don't have to change. For example, look at Killmonger from Black Panther. This guy was choking out old ladies, killing his girl as soon as she became a hinderance, rejecting every offer of peace T'challa offered, and mostly just cared about hurting the world rather than bringing it justice. Why is Killmonger considered one of the best and most favored villains in the MCU while Adam's one of the most hated and unsatisfying villains in RWBY. Killmonger actually had a proper backstory to explain and show (which is not the same as justifying) why he turned out the way he did. Just like how Cinder got a backstory. It didn't sudenly make her the best villain, but it did develop her character. Killmonger was still smart and tactical despite his hatred. The only time we see Adam making a smart decision is when he refuses to work with Salem because it'd put his men in danger, and he only changed his mind because she threatened them. Killmonger for all wrong doings DID have a somewhat valid point that T'challa learned from. Similar to how Naruto learned a lot from Pain despite who atrocious his actions were. Adam's ideologies and actions didn't do that, he's just supposed to be wrong and nothing else. I don't see why it's incorrect to say that Adam wasn't a good villain. As I said before he reminds me of Sakura. So many people try to justify or make excuse for how they're written, but you'd never tell someone to use them as examples on how to write a proper character. They're both closer to being examples of what NOT to do.


In response to The Predator 11, Oh yeah totally! 🤣 Blake is a total Harem antagonist, Just wish the writers would have the courage to say "Hey what If Blake Didn't have to choose between Sun and Yang" but hey I'll just be happy to see the characters happy. Also 100% agree with you about Killmonger. In response to anyone else. Adam was not a main character, he was never meant to be a main character. He was a minor antagonist at best. While I can even admit I would of liked to see more of his backstory I also really didn't care that he died. Honestly I feel like it would have cheapened his character even more to have him continuously stalking Blake continent to continent? I mean at the most I could of seen him making it to Atlas and dying there. Would that have been cool, maybe see him fight with one of the Schnee's who's company scared him. Yeah that would be cool but at the end of the day that didn't happen, it's not going to happen, let it go. For the Bumblebee side of thing "It was rushed" and It came out of nowhere" are not valid points. I'm sorry if you think that but they just factually aren't. Go back and watch every scene and I mean every scene with Blake and Yang for the first three volumes. Other than Weiss and Ruby (and maybe Jaune and Pyrrha) the duo with the most screen time together is Blake and Yang. Given volume one not many interactions but still it's the shortest volume You still have the Awkward first meeting, their banter during their entrance test, Yang taking Blake's side in the Weiss Blake fight. Volume 2 literally has Yang winking at Blake and saying she wants to have her first dance with her, not to mention the fact that Yang literally cares about Blake so much that she shares a traumatic part of her past with her to get her to realive she is running herself into the ground. I mean yes you could write it off as "'Oh she's a good friend" okay sure fine good friends can be emotionally open with each other (and should) but let's just jump to the real Nails in the coffins of every other ship they could have put Blake in. First Adam, it was clear from the Black trailer that Blake was done with Adam, Yes she HAD loved him but was also smart enough to figure out Adam was using her (and her family name to an extent) and the White Fang. So at the battle of Beacon she straight up told him what a monster he had become. Enough about Adam the less said about him the better. Onto Sun an actual good character with a great arc. Sun started off the show clearly as a love interest to Blake. From the moment he ran past her in volume one at the docs it was clear the two at the very least were interested by each other. Volume 2 roles in and honestly they seemed like an actual couple. Sun nervous about introducing Neptune to Blake (and the rest of team RWBY) , Sun and Neptune "Helping" the girls fight Roman, Sun going to the dance with Blake and that was about it for volume 2. Volume 3 Sun once again best boy even making Blake blush by pointing finger guns at her during his teams tournament match, Grade A shipping moment can't be misconstrued these two are totally a couple. Then well then there really isn't too much sadly. I mean The next time I recall seeing them in a seen together is as Blake reaches out to an injured yang near volumes close. The Menagerie Arc, yeah just gonna bundle this all together because I could honestly write a whole essay on why this was so good for Blake and Sun as characters. It is clear Sun still cares a lot for Blake I mean he literally chases her across remnant (not in a creepy way like Adam though) and want's to help her but if you notie everytime sun says he's there for you he says "Friend" Over and over it is not just once it is throughout volumes four and five, why? It's because Sun can tell Blake Doesn't need a romantic partner at the moment she needs a friend, she is not in the headspace to be in a relationship, she is rattled she is blaming herself for Yang losing her arm, Adam's words "I will make it my mission to destroy everything you love... Starting with her" her being Yang of course. Even when Blake is yelling at Sun saying she hopes the rest of Team RWBY hates her Blake's voice cracks when she mentions Yang. Sun friend zoned Blake, even she admits that she's going to miss him when he leaves, to which he replies "You're with who you're supposed to be with now." Honestly I've already put way to much energy into voicing my opinion on a comment section on the internet. For every level headed person wiling to have a civil conversation (Like, The Predator 11) there will be three or four that will just go "Nuh-hu" and try and use hyperbole and what if's as if they are facts. If you have a problem with something that is inherently not a problem that has no merit or validity to it then I don't know what to say to convince you and honestly I welcome debate and conversation with people that want to talk about the actual show and not their own head cannons of "How it should have been."


So yeah he dead, the writers have confirmed he dead

ThePreator 11

yeah, I'll admit this went one way longer than it should've (mostly due to my comments). Anyway, Happy New Year everyone!


Yeah, this topic is always a huge point of discussion no matter where you go, but the thing is when the world has been cruel to a person, that person then gets to choose his next steps to set the path he wants for himself. His present decisions will always be based on the accumulation of his past decisions. Thus, Adam dying and how it happened has always been Adam's choice. He didn't need a redemption arc. People die everyday remorseless. What I don't understand is why there are some people out there who think he should get special treatment (story wise) just because the world was cruel to him or that he's a more capable fighter than what was shown in this episode (AGAINST TWO, NOT ONE, MAIN CHARACTERS). This fight sequence has been Blake and Yang's best, so it is a point of subjectivity whether the death is justified or not. Also, bad things equally happen to both bad and good people, but a person builds his character with the consistency of his decision making--why does it have to be shown or explained why he needed to die in this specific moment. There is nothing in his "backstory" that shows he's worthy of redemption. It's important for one to understand why his preference is violence, not just the cause he says he is using it for. Blake said "spite" back in season 4. That word alone should have foreshadowed his death--which had always been consistent with his past decision making. He never wanted to fight for the Faunus, he just wanted people to feel the pain he felt. There is a difference and it is unfortunate he never got to learn the difference, therefore, he doesn't deserve that redemption arc regardless of his skills as a fighter. . . OR a BETTER death as some would have wanted for him. *Dafuq* like he gets to have shitty death with all the people he killed lol He took something from Blake and Yang that they will never get back. Don't take other people with you in your pit of misery! Some of you just scare me sometimes, really. 😂

David J Moore

A lot of folks have a lot of emotions invested in these characters and some don't necessarily check themselves when it comes to observing what is good and what is bad about the characters and their relationships. I think Adam is a good example of an antagonist who we understand very little of until the end, and to many it's "too little too late" to care. That said, it's really no different had we known before vs. now. He'd still be the same person, so why does our attitude toward his plight change due to when we learn the information? There are reasons of course, but those reasons are to be inspected. They reveal a lot about the human condition and how our capacity for empathy can be highly circumstantial.

David J Moore

One thing I wanted to note: While RWBY obviously never made it into Smash, they did feature in BBTag Cross Battle. The four girls and Neo are playable characters (and Ruby and Yang are pretty high up in the meta, IIRC).

David J Moore

Just wanna note that not only did I go through a decent amount of the court filings myself, but I have friends in the anime scene who've known about Vic's issues since long before it all blew up here (including cons that had already banned him). I know folks don't want to believe their fav might not be as stand up as they'd like to believe, but there's precedent. I understand you have no reason to believe a stranger on the internet and that's why this argument keeps going in circles. All I can do is tell you that this predates the court situation by years.


Na he's far from a favorite. I didn't even know the guy's name or his work until the case opened. He has a nice track record but he's no steve blum. The thing is that the case was exclusively about what monica and jamie were pushing. None of the fan accusations were actual charges because nothing could be substantiated. If he was being put on trial for something legit, go ahead and let him take the consequences for being an awful person, but it just ended up being a witch hunt out of a personal grudge so to see a guy get taken down on false pretenses, yea I'm on his side because that's BS. This was at the height of all the me too call outs and a lot of innocent guys getting lambasted on lies. We want the bad guys to go down but a lot of that year was nothing but he said she said nonsense


You're sexist and homophobic, it's okay to admit it

Divine Wrath

I think it makes sense clearly their stronger than they were at beacon and we know yang is stronger than Maria in her prime at this point plus Adam wasn’t trying to kill Blake so

Trey Milliner-Williams

They went from getting one shot by Adam in beacon to getting beat down by Emerald and mercury to now yang being able to beat Adam with minimum difficulty. And none of them have been shown to have had any major training in between. It’s horrible writing that further transfers on into other seasons. We do not see anything that justifies these jumps in skill they simply just happen. Meanwhile ORNJ doesn’t get these jumps in skill and instead move at a justifiable rate unlike rwby when they all train the same

David J Moore

Yang had been training most of Volume 4. Blake had been dealing with the White Fang in Menagerie. Adam had the upper hand in V3 where Blake and Yang had already been exhausted from fighting off Grimm. Emerald and Mercury happened because they had the support of several others present, such as Hazel the Tank, Weiss KTFO, etc. etc. Also, this is a fairy tale about fairy tales. Absolutely perfect power scaling is second priority to telling a compelling plot and character arcs. Stan Lee said it himself, when deciding who would win when pitting two characters against one another, the one who wins is the one the author wants to win. Adam was cool, calm, and collected at Beacon. He was rash and emotional here. "Seeing Red" refers to the (technically inaccurate) stereotype that bulls become enraged by the color red and therefore become tunnel visioned. In this case, it refers to Adam's anger (taurus meaning "bull" in latin" and seeing red being a metaphor for rage) as well as the tunnel vision (also symbolized by his literal lack of depth perception) and short sightedness (something Sienna already pointed out is a problem of his) he displays when enraged. The reason he lost is character-driven and emotional, which is a pretty common way someone who might arguably be of higher skill is undermined.

Trey Milliner-Williams

“This is a fairy tail power progression is second” and that’s why the fandom continues to call out their horrible story writing because it makes 0 sense. But hey y’all feel how you feel

David J Moore

As I pointed out, Stan Lee followed the same methodology. So, your argument that this makes RWBY's story writing bad is completely invalidated.

Trey Milliner-Williams

you saying "well Stan Lee said this" doesnt make your argument any more or less valid lmao. people see things differently if you disagree good for you but telling me what Stan said as if i care or will change my mind because of it is pointless.

David J Moore

I think the point here is that its obnoxious that folks like you are out here in the comments of a reaction to a series decrying its writing, where the methodologies you're criticizing are widely used in popular and well-received stories. It's not bad writing; you're right that people see things differently, it comes down to a matter of taste. That said, having people always present to shit on something you like when you're talking about it is not necessary if you don't like it. If you don't like it, why are you here?