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Are you guys happy the show got cancelled? Please let us know in the comments why!



official Patreon seach tools, in addition to Youtube ones, have failed. What do I need to type into the search bar for Light of the Jedi discussion? I'm about to quit the internet.


I didn't enjoy it at all but others did so I'm not glad it got cancelled, I just wish it was better in the first place. Considering it's potential with the perfect core casting


Thoroughly enjoyed it, and I know people who have started anime because they liked it.

Henry Wallace

I liked the show. It wasn't perfect, uneven barey faithful. But it was enjoyable.


I liked the show and can't believed they canceled it already


Making em waste their time on more garbage 🤢


Lol the 'you are black and you are male' line by itself was bad enough to warrant cancellation


I don't care either way. I was just going to stop watching it regardless.


People happy it got cancelled don't know how to let other people like things different to them. It was a really fun show. Different in tone and style to the original but I don't know why anyone would want it to try to replicate an anime. It was its own thing and fun as hell.


Tell me how you screw something up with good source material, you bend it and change it to fit your idealised version of the world.


I didn't like it but I know people who did. So no I wish it hadn't been cancelled. Also there's plenty of shows I do like that had bad first seasons, TNG for example.


Cant say to much about it. Was so bad i couldnt finish episode 1.

Quinton Campbell

I hate that it was cancelled. It never had a chance smh

William Timmins

I haven't seen the show and had no immediate plans to, but I'm sad it didn't have time to grow and evolve and make at least some people happy.

ThePreator 11

This is a closer race than I thought it'd be


Netflix has got to stop with the live action anime. They just suck at executing every single time. Only studio I see making a fire live action anime is Disney but that will never happen.

Justin S Tuisamoa

Indifferent. Was never going to watch it and don’t want Netflix thinking more live action anime adaptations is a direction to go in.


are the ruoronin kenshin movies Netflix adaptations as well? if so, they need to do more of that. not this other crap

n p

Why would someone ever be happy something got cancelled? Do you take joy in other's disappointment? I can understand wanting something not to be made in the first place... but once it's out there, let the people who liked it enjoy themselves.


it is absolutely terrible, please don't watch it.

Ruben Mira Jimenez

I'm disappointed more than anything, i really was hoping the show was good. Also let's be real, there's plenty of worse shows still airing or that had a lot more seasons.


The show was trapped; too imitative of its source material to have its own identity, too altered to inhabit the original identity.

Johnny Blue

I wanted it to be good, but it's not. Glad you guys canceled it early.

Chaos T

I'm in the "I don't know" category. There's things I liked and things I hated. Would I have watched a 2nd season... probably.

Chaos T

To me, this is the biggest problem with the series.


This felt like an expirement before they tried adapting the big boys like Avatar I'm glad they canceled and are going back to the drawing board. Quality matters.

Andrew W

I mean, I'm not watching it myself so I don't mind in that sense, but I'm not actively *happy* it was cancelled because I'm sure there are people who enjoyed it who will be disappointed by the news.


I mean, i don't really care about it being cancelled or not tbh. I watched it, thought it was shit, was not gonna watch the second season regardless, so it being cancelled has no effect on me lol, i'm not happy or sad, i just don't care.




Anything that race changes characters should be canceled.


i never gave it a chance and i don't plan to so i did not vote to be fair.


I never gave it a chance but I would have liked to see them try and make it better.

Daniel Gonzalez

I'm kinda mixed if people enjoyed it that's one thing but its also a bastard-azation (pretty sure I spelled that wrong) of the original that didn't need to exist I'm more worried about the live action YuYu Hakusho


As far as an adaptation goes it wasn’t great, but it was goofy enough to be a moderately entertaining show. I would have liked to continue it just for the ridiculous vibe it created and the slight nostalgia it gives you for the original.

Aidin the SEX GOD McDickens

Live Action Anime doesn't work. But if Studio Ghibli remade Titanic it'd be amazing.


The Ruroni Kenshin movies were distributed by Netflix but made in Japan


No, the show had its own charm, different from the Anime, however the actors really grew on me as their own characters. I loved that Vicious V Fearless main plot. The set design and attention to the gritty lived in detail that was in the Anime was too notch. The intro was perfection, and it is by far the best Anime adaptation Netflix has produced. To bad haters who never gave it a chance led to its cancelation.


I feel like being Happy about a show being cancelled is the wrong outlook. Even if you think the show sucked. We should be sad that something that could have been great, didn't turn out so well. Idk, just feels wrong to celebrate something failing. It's almost like people wanted it to fail and they're glad they are right.


I wished Netflix would at least give viewers closure to the open ended story. A 6 episode season 2 would've been enough.


We all knew it was going to happen, but I think the issue is that so many people compared it to the original. For people that didn't see the original I think it had its own charm to them based on the people I talked to. Even as someone who watched the original, I still found myself enjoying it when I didn't look at comparing the two.i think the actors played their roles really well and would have loved to see another season.


The question is, did you guys really like it or did you fake your excitement.


As soon as I saw how faye valentine looked I hoped it would be cancelled. Terrible costume


Didnt even need to see the live action to hope it gets cancelled. No need to make live action remakes of animation.


Live action is an insult to anime, in general.


Wasn’t happy but I was done after the 1st episode. I was shocked some people that loved the original like it. But the “fans” that were mad bc Jet was black or Faye’s titties and ass weren’t hanging out were gross. My biggest problem was the production quality. And the usually good actors were so over the top campy. It gave Power Ranger meet CW.

joe liptak

I was ok with it until the ending.

Matthew Cronin

I thought the show had a lot going for it and could’ve learned from the critiques

Juan Alcantara

While not perfect it was entertaining to watch and was looking forward to more, also Jet’s actor nailed his performance.

Pepperoni Pony .

If you're going to attempt to remake a work of art you are de facto submitting yourself to a harsher critique of your attempt as it will be compared to the original. Having seen the original I can never really experience the remake on its own merits. It may very well be above average for live action fare on Netflix, but compared to the anime it just misses the mark. I wouldn't blame fans of the original for not being open to a reinterpretation of something they love, nor would I blame those who enjoyed the live action and are sad to see it go for finding something enjoyable from their endeavor. At best this should just serve as a cautionary tale for groups seeking to replicate catching lightning in a bottle. It's miraculous to see it happen once, but to try and recapture that same lightning, that takes some real stones. Hopefully Netflix will learn from this and we can look forward to some more thought out anime related content from them in the future.

Bryan Matola

Not everything needs a live action reboot, and the things that do get a live action reboot tend to have bad writing and good effects. It’s not like it’ll ever live up to the anime’s fans’ expectations anyway.

Nikolai Stoykov .

React to last 2 eps of re anime’s climbing silver series!!! :)


Honestly I believe it is a shame that past Netflix-Anime adaptations have done soooo much worse. Which leads to this one, which did so well at truly adapting the feel of a Space Cowboy Jazz with the mood and 60s vibe the anime had. It truly was enjoyable! But just like Firefly (a show that drew heavy inspiration from the OG anime) cut ✂️ short 😥 and on a cliff hanger at that.


I would've liked to seen a 2nd season. Even though I didn't much care for S1, there have been a lot of shows that got off to a bad start but managed to get better. I can see a glimmer of what they were trying to attempt and who knows maybe after S1 given the chance they could've spent time re-evaluating what they wanted the show to be and listen to some of the critiques and worked on them. I don't think it needed nor deserved all the bashing it got, but hey it became a hot topic on the internet which means it HAS to be either a 10 or 0, there is no in between on the internet lol

Brandon Holmes

Wasn't the worse show i have ever seen but it just wasn't for me. Didn't like how they change up some of the characters.

Deavon Harper

Personally, I haven’t seen it, nor do I plan on watching it, however, I know that some people enjoyed it, that is why I was disappointed to hear it was canceled.

Benjamin Donahue

Mostly no. I only had 1 real problem with the show and that was Vicious, being some whiney, afluent, emo, bitch vs a psychotic ex Soldier turned hitman. Nothing against the actor, just purely how he's written. I also didn't have a good impression of Ed but she wasn't around long enough to say yay or nay totally. And to be fair Ed is a near impossible acting challenge. The character as a whole does not translate to live action well so I can't see anyone acting that way and being accepted. On the other hand ther was a lot more stuff that I did like and some that I thought made it better than the original. In the end though they're basically out of the source material and I don't think they would have done better so on that side I'm at least ok with it being cancelled


its cool, but i liked the og show better. if i recommend new people to cowboy bebop, WATCH the anime first

Cam Fuse

Yeah I agree with this Vicious was the one thing I didn't like about the show, but I definitely liked a lot more than I didn't. Honestly I think that the interactions between Spike/Jet/Faye are better in a lot of ways than in the original. I also agree that it probably only worked so well because of the source material, if it had a second season it could have easily gone really bad (or good!).


The 3 actors were perfectly capable, and I was all for adjusting/changing the story, but the writing was horrendous and the cinematography was god awful. It was like watching a worse version of old 90's commercials where every had to be "extreme" and every shot was a dutch angle, with the awkward super close up with a wide lenses. Who watches Beakman's World and thinks that is an immersive form of modern cinematography? The sets had a BBC feel if they had about 0.01% the money and a random college student, not a film student, doing the shots... everything looked incredibly cheap and definitely shot on Earth. They straight up went to a normal ass suburb at one point. And I feel so bad for the little girl cast as Ed. I get anime hair is impossible, but idk who decided that flattening the top (to the point of making Ed appear balding) and really just cutting the worse bangs in existence was a good idea. Poor thing got so much hate for doing something a terrible showrunner and director told them to do. Cowboy Bebop live action isn't bad because it isn't like the anime... it is bad in general. The lack of quality to the deviations is just a bonus slap to the face. You are totally allowed to like it, but i refuse to encourage that type of film making.


The creator himself warned that it was a bad adaptation.


Y’all should react to Cobra Kai it’s an amazing show that you will love


I thoroughly enjoyed it as its own thing. I thought the main cast (Spike, Jet, Faye) had a lot of chemistry and I thought their interpretations of the characters were fun to watch. If I want to watch a 1 to 1 replica of the anime, then I'll just watch the anime. By no means did I like everything about it (I'm looking at you, Vicious...) but I certainly don't think it deserved cancelation, especially not after only 3 weeks. It had potential to grow and improve. And for that reason, I am disappointed.

NC Hawks Fan

They would've been better off naming it like, "See you later space cowboy..." And calling it a reimagining of the original.


yes, why? the people makeing it had no respect for the original material, nor for it's fans, you can read on the internet how much contempt they had for the fans of the show, even the actress playing valentine was an ass to everyone when we did not like the costume change (it's like canging the batman costume into an orange color with green wings, it would not be batman any more, it would be a diferent character ) and when they said that they can't use her original costume becasuse of some bs reasons they were flooded by a tsunami of girls cosplaying as fey, proving that her costume is very much a posibility, also they had some characters backstory changed, some of there motivations for there actions also changed, also the fact that some1 read the name jet black, and the dumbass was thinking "oh i guess that character is black?" is extreamly disrespectful and of cours there is the jap audiance, witch after watching what they did with there beloved characters they were... lets just say they had a very negative plesure, and live it at that in fact the most recent pools when asked what is the anime that they want the most to be a live adaptation the top was: none, they want us to live anime alone and stop fucking with it, and to be honest i also changed my mind about movie adaptations for both anime and games, i no longer want them, live them alone


? what do you mean? it is the 2 forms that japonia is abriviated JP or JAP, depending on the country that writes it, they are both the same thing, the same way some things have descriptions for an item written in english it sometimes it's marked as US or USA, or if they are an item from europe they are marked as EN or UK for said language, if you see something else in thous abbreviations that my post did not intend to than that's on you buddy not me

David Dotting

"Jap" is a racial slur towards Japanese people and culture in the US circa WW2 and onward.

Prodigal Sun

I don't get why ppl crapped on this so badly. Yes we all loved the original source material and no, it can't be exactly like the anime. SMH.

Kyle Edmond

Why is it people would rather see others fail than improve? Y'all remember Agents of Shield Season 1? It's wasn't the greatest but they got a chance to take feedback and create a better show for it. Shame Cowboy Bebop wasn't afforded that chance.