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Uncut: https://thenormies.com/hawkeye-7/

Reaction will be on YouTube later this evening :) 



John M

I was a bit mixed on this finale. The pacing felt a bit off but the action was good. And it sets up Maya for her own spin-off in a way reminiscent of the comics. Without question, the big guy will be back.

The Normies Staff

I agree the big guy will be back but I'm not sure how Maya will survive this final encounter with The Kingpin. I don't know anything about Maya at all but I'd love a spin off to get her full backstory. One thing I know for a fact, Wilson Fisk ain't going out like that haha -Spidey


Maya shooting Kingpin for killing her father happened in the Daredevil comics almost exactly like it did in the show. Fisk survives in the comics and is blind for a while. Can’t wait to see him in the Echo show!

eric lemieux

well good news, because maya is getting a spin off titled Echo. it was officially announced in the disney plus day marvel video :)


Agent 19 = Mockingbird

Chris K.

Wondering where we gonna see them next, Kate on Ant-Man 3 maybe? but they already shot that... maybe shes meeting Cassie to form the Young Avengers in a post-credit scene. Yelena should be on a team with her, their chemistry is AMAZING.


If they go by the comics, Kate will probably be in the upcoming America Chavez show or the Marvels movie.

Josh Lomax

So a few things, in the comics there's an identical scene with Kingpin getting shot in the head, but he survives but his temporarily blind. Pretty ironic with him being a Daredevil villain. Also in the comics, Clint and Kate share the mantle of Hawkeye for a while. Lastly, Agent 19, who Laura is revealed to be, was also known as Mockingbird. Her real name in the comics Is Bobbie Morse (yes from AoS), and she was Clint's ex-wife. I'm guessing they made Laura Agen 19 since they retconned AoS out of the MCU chronology, so Bobbi doesn't exist as far as we know.