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White Zetsu’s ability to mimic people’s appearances has wrought confusion and distrust within the Allied Shinobi Forces. Naruto arrives to assist, and using his sensory powers, he identifies all the disguised White Zetsu clones, changing the tide of the battle.



The episode I've been waiting for


Sad that we have to wait another week for you-know-what, but I am still excited!


Here we go boys, a little sad we didn't get 322

Cash Caleb

It’s finally here 😈😈

Jarryd Thompson

Only 2 more months till the greatest two man teams in all of anime history


One more week ladies and gents….. just one more week.


any chance of 322 at least uncut? x))


heartbroken no dance boys


Damn they cucked us with waiting one more week sadge


Well no 322, time to get my Pitchfork 🔱🔱🔱 😂😂


Is this what NTR feels like?


seriously I have to wait another week wtf am I paying for 😓 it’s Christmas common.



Brendin Ivey

We deserve a triple drop before the end of the year 🥺

Christian Callahan

How are they going to make us wait another week for the most anticipated episode lol

Johnny Blue

If you're expecting something else that isn't on the schedule, that's on you.


I'm kind of disapointed that there was no 322 today...

Jesse Palacio

Wack no triple drop canceling my Patreon




Let’s pray they won’t wait until 5PM next Wednesday! 😱


blue balling us ehh?


We’re dancing into the New Year!


Daddy's home


Literally…everybody last week was asking for a 3 episode drop and they were definitely teasing it in their replies only to not drop it lol what a joke


You guys will love the next episode!!!


Been a minute since we saw Nahid, how's he doing? Is he coming back?


i really heard something not good, they said that is it for today, which mean next ep is different set i am afraid someone is missing next ep like i thought 2 months ago

Fred Carmichael

Damn i really thought they would do it this time


Well damn rly teased us for nothing


Skip 304,305 and just go to the good part. Y'all haven't seen anything yet. Now the real war begins. Madara is home.

Corey Richards

Great Reaction Happy Holidays


Ladies and gentlemen, we are on the Precipice of F*ckery


i highly doubt anyone will miss the next episode

John Vick

I mean i like them thinking about it but i have to say , that the males in this group come up with the most absurd and ridiculous theories . Every time . And they confuse everybody else who maybe got a more logical thinking and theory.

Aidin the SEX GOD McDickens

Oh shit I didn't think we were this close! But then I remember only half of Shippuden is actually Canon.

John Vick

at 21:57 Wtf Are they talking now ???? They have never seen Tobi get touched ??? Minato touched him, hit him, separate the nine tails from him... wtf.... do the have fish memory??? And Tobi had to use the Izanagi to surive the fight vs Konan.


oh my god next week is so hype

Chris Hauser

You guys will just have to be confused for a bunch of episodes.


Im so mad we have to wait one more week to see their mouth’s drop to the floor. They probably gon have a similar reaction to when pain destroyed the village 😂


The next ninja war is breaking out, right here in the comments. Please be patient everyone, people are busy during the Christmas period. We will get the episodes next week, don't panic


You can’t fool us. We all know you drop the next episode in a few hours.

John Vick

Yeah they have not done a 3 or 4 episode thing for so long... they could have done it for christmas at least.


I trust that Hunter made the necessary edit on episode 322 where the animators made a giant screw up


Damn we should’ve had an extra episode because of Christmas 😂




Watching how confused they are is adorable

Zachary Longworth

Honestly reading through these comments makes me wonder if John Vick is one of the Normies trolling as their worst type of fan


You missed the Sound 4 fight... It was between Shikamaru, Choji, Neji, and Kiba vs them.

Quinton Campbell

For so many years (not really) I've waited for this moment. Month after month of paying this amazing subscription, to see the look of confusion on your Normie faces 😈 and at last, it's time to DANCE!


The next episode is the reason why I became the Normies Patreon.


Cant wait for 329...Gonna be epic :D


I've never seen so many mixed emotions in a comment section🙈👀😂

Insannne Surpassing

MADARA UHICHA !!!!!!!! YES HYPE Let T he REAL War Begin , and LET the REAL Reaction that we have been waiting for since they announced all those years back when they said they were going to start Naruto Episode 1, Naruto Shippuden BEGINS IN the NEXT episodes


Man when they started this series this episode and the next one were the two episodes I couldn’t wait for it’s just insane that they are finally here.


Im sure u guys know who is under the mask since whoever bought the tobi orange mask u cant search it up and buy it without seeing the name of the person behind the mask Edit: nvm i stand corrected I thought they bought it themselves.

Chaos T

Madara Uchiha is one of the best anime character designs, imo.


Get ready to dance next week.


Guys you’ll all be *over this* next week when you get to see the reaction. its not that long. So please chill😭


Nice touch with the countdown.


As much as a triple drop would have been wonderful with some of these comments I'm almost happy there isn't one of out spite. You guys are wild

Corey Richards

It’s just a week guys y’all can wait lol


29th triple drop for last Wednesday? 👀 those need to come back


Sometimes I'm not really proud to be a member of Naruto community. Just what the hell is this comment section?


You re sooo not prepared for what comes next, the real shit begins


Or two more weeks since they're off for the holidays lmao


People all salty in the comments but it might just be a surprise unannounced Christmas Day drop. Jk lmao no

Michael Diaz

It's cool when people say we're gonna dance all vague like. But now it's starting to get to be too much that you're kinda skewing the moment by making it too pointed out. Just like the "You don't know pain" remarks they were annoyed with getting a little while back.


Wow some of you people need to touch some fucking grass. We get two episodes a week. We've always gotten two episodes a week.

Flex i cute

I suggest y’all go back and listen closely to what Madara said when he bursted out the coffin because that gives a nice hint instead of these outlandish theories that are being conjured up by y’all. Also remember way back when Yamato cloned into Sasori and all that went into that. Then put the pieces together.


Annnnnnnnd the Tobi theories begin lmao I’m here for it and I CANT wait holy shit


Rana’s gonna cry…again 😂 (us too shit😪💔)

Michael Diaz

Not trying to diss cuz I like Rana... but idk how she ends up being so popular when she embarrassingly with zero chill just says shit like "YOU SEXY FUCKING BEAST NNNGGHH" about a cartoon teenage kid. But I guess in fairness, people do get so thirsty for all the girl characters. lol That doesn't make it better. It just means you ALL need Jesus or whatever equivalent. lol


You know that feeling when your girlfriend is about to give you a happy handjob then as soon as it's about to happen, she stops on PURPOSE .... Well, YOU GUYS JUST JOINED THAT CLUB, CONGRATULATIONS.

Michael Diaz

ALSO... Rana: "Hey guys. Unlike us, you don't have to wait for the next Naruto episode. You can head on over to our Patreon RIGHT NOW!" ME: *looks around* I AM on Patreon.... is this some kind of sick joke!? You know what people are asking for. LOL

Michael Diaz



Can’t wait until next week or the week after for your reaction!!!! Gonna blow your mind!!!


Holy shit, we are finally here

Adam Ilioff

One thing to point out is Tobi has changed his voice multiple times in the past. Remember when we first met Tobi what he sounded like.


Einhorn is Finkle.... Finkle is Einhorn....


The fact that some of you are pissed of because you told YOURSELVES that The Normies were gonna gift you an extra episode for Christmas is fucking crazy. SEVEN MORE DAYS PEOPLE……. By the time you open all of your REAL Christmas gifts, it’ll be Wednesday again…..


What is wrong with some people here in the comments? If u dont like the fact, that there is no triple drop (which wasnt even communicated), dont be so rude. And if u cant handle it, just cancel your subscribtion.


LITERALLY, they mad because their own made up shtick didn't come true because people have a schedule and their own lives. Make it make sense


oh damn i thought id have to wait longer for these epic episodes but you just skipped a whole bunch of fillers! NICE!!!



carlos banegas

Nice try Suraj, we are all are expecting to see this tattoo.

Todd Williams

These dudes are so slow are their memory bad , Minato touched him and hurt him tf? He got hurt against Konan too like they’re the only people who can’t figure out the simplest shit man .


You guys are in for a wild ride haha


Man I’m surprised they haven’t figured out tobi. The clues 😭


next week bois


lol I actually already predicted the mystery of tobi and madara even before this episode came so its kinda funny to see their theories haha


i think it's because she's hot that's why people tend to notice her more... i mean there was that time where suraj was taking notes and no one gave a shit... and then rana started taking notes and everyone was like oh shit she's so cute and all hahaha


It's just kind of frustrating, cause they used to do triple drops and then just randomly stopped, and now this is a really awful time to have to wait longer


Super excited for next week, also I can’t tell if that one dude is trolling or being completely serious lmao gotta love Wednesdays


Next episode is the myth and legend Madara Uchiha lol Rena instantly got wet when she saw him 😻


One of the best episodes coming up next I've been waiting all this year for this moment now it's finally here next Wednesday 😂😆


Rana about to fucking salivate next episode, since she was saying how hot Madara is.

Glenn Cabasso

I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait.


You guys are probably gonna get an influx of new patrons for the next episode drop


I’ve been waiting for the Normies to get here. It’s time to Dance!

Jaden Coleman

Next week's gonna go crazy lol


Let’s fucking go baby!!! I haven’t smoke in two month but for next week I might rip the bong so hard. Just to see y’all experience what I experienced.


Can we just get the next episode😫?

NVADR Gaming

Hope yall got your dancing shoes ready..


I’m with you bro. It’s been a while for me too, but it’s the holidays and ep. 322 is coming. Getting stoned would be perfect lol


The war OFFICIALLY starts next week (ep. 322)


The fact there is a countdown now for what we have all been waiting for since the end of the pain arc is hysterical


Hate to be that naruto fan but I need the next ep asap lmao


I literally landed on your comment when she said that lol


Tobi is not Madara, thats what this episode was confirming to you. Now you have a new mystery to discover, who is Tobi behind that mask.


Some of y’all entitled and crazy. Let them breathe, lmao.

Kamina 1

Man so many crack babies in the comments.


One of the biggest plot twists in the show and they overanalyze it so much that they miss the actual plot twist lmaooooo interesting interpretations tho, I will say they were unique guesses


Calm down its just the excitement from the fans, ain't nobody got a gun to their heads

Michael Diaz

Actually, that's what it makes you speculate. It doesn't CONFIRM anything. For all anyone knows at this time, there could be 2 Madaras. It's anime. They do shit like that sometimes. lol


This is when the show actually starts

Darren Metts

I can’t believe no triple


Can't wait to see the dance next week. This is siicck!


The Normies can have whatever theories they want but when I was a 13 year old kid...my theories were way better lol aspirations, body doubles like MU, nobody said maybe it's just another dude lol the imagination I had as a kid made me think there is a change your voice jutsu since that's how many jokes they make of stuff 😂... A jutsu for everything. Who knows I'm not saying there is...but my imagination was better than this normies

Darren Metts

Lmfao nah someone is gonna steal it and post it to YouTube probably watch

John Vick

Its the guys of the group who come up with absurd theories. The guy who does it mostly is the guy on the right from our perspective. The guy who has no glasses. He was also the guy who was thinking that Minato was in the coffin , when Madara /tobi freaked out. I was instantly thinking why would Madara be afraid of Minato lol. I mean literally Madara/ Tobi has many time before that coffin episode explained that the only man who could defeat madara was Hashirama Senju. The man who madara respected the most and hated the most. And still the guy with no glasses from the normies comes up with the most weird ideas. Some how i think the guys dont focus as much as the girls. The guys are the ones who make most of the time the jokes too. The joke so much that they even miss dialogue.


The great dancer has arrived on the battlefield😏


No one: Not a single soul: Rana: “Okay but he is really hot tho 🥵”

Ruben Lopez

Navi: "Rana you think every guy is hot." Me: Sheesh lol it's kinda true tho...


I mean can u blame rana.. madara does look badass 😂😂


I hate this show because the way I'm giggling in anticipation for what's coming is actually really embarrassing 🙃


Anime can be literal and non-literal in the same series so their confusion about the state of Madara is completely understandable. Regardless, their discussion is as engaging as always. And needless to say, the next episode is one me - and clearly many others - are very much looking forward to.




I thought we’d get a Christmas gift wit 322

Rasmus Kjær Poulsen

Can we drop 322 tomorrow as a christmas present? :D Or triple drop next wednesday as a present? :O

Rasmus Kjær Poulsen

One more week and all the cringy dance jokes are over. thank jesus.


Oh it's about to get fucking real!


Where is nahid?


Haha i have to remind myself constantly that this is their first time watching this and that their confusion is justified! I just get so excited because i know what happens haha

No Consequence

Is it me or is Navi roasting the shit outta Rana lately?


next week can't come soon enough


Always a pleasure to watch the pilot episode of Madara Shippuden

Zohnty Luwang

Please triple drop next week

John Vick

they also seem to have fish memory not remembering basic things from the show that got explained. Maybe they should listen to dialogue more and stop making jokes all the time. The girls at least try to understand but the guys just keep making stupid jokes mostly. And then they are confused and then they come up with their own more absurd ideas , confusing the girls too with their weird silly theories, that make no sense. If they actually listened to the show and remember stuff they have heard and seen from prior episodes, then they would not come up with silly theories.


what if we get it for christmas


The king has come


Fuck Jonny Blue


guys pls can we get 3 episodes next week, plsss 😅🤧


So it begins…

John Vick

The normies have now become drunk with power and money. They are now the aristocrats, telling us the average people to eat cake when we have no food to eat. This is what money does to people. They have become hollywood, disrespecting the fans, the consumers, the people who made them big. I call for a revolution. Our political party name is the national oppressed patreon donation people's party.


So you want to dance with me too?


And people said it stops getting good after pain arc lol


yea, thats my issue they spend so much time talking instead of actually reacting in a way that they miss key dialogue and moments it literally makes me so mad. then when they actually go into discussion they don't know anything and can't grasp simple concepts sometimes, it can get a little aggravating. I support them but like come onnnnn normiesss


There are plenty iconic and great moments after the pain arc. The problem is those people try to look down on the rest of the story, just because the Pain arc is arguably the best part of the entire story. Kishimoto in his early drafts of the series, actually planned to end the series during that arc. That arc made Naruto the man he is.


Oh they are so far off, holy shit

King Joe

Are you ready to dance 💃


Tomorrow! 😈


Rana saying MADARA UCHIAH IS HOT! 🔥 is amazing.


they're soo guessing lol.. I love it


Y’all know what’s about to come 👀🔥


What time is it coming out ?


Are you ready to dance?


Glad they cant figure out who tobi is


They give the fillers too much credit

Quinton Teratino

Probably because they decided to watch Kakashi Gaiden right before the first episode of shipudden which is a brilliant idea.


omggg lmao this is great, feels like im re living the show


Will the real Madara please stand up, please stand up, please stand up?