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Clone Wars 2x14 

Reaction: https://youtu.be/qr776TVlJME

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/theclonewars/ (pg. 5)

RWBY 6x11

Reaction: https://vimeo.com/659966265/9611c20d08 

Money Heist pt ll 5x10 

Reaction: https://youtu.be/F-nUn6cCiyc

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/moneyheist/ (pg. 6)

Cowboy Bebop 1x5-8

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/cowboybebopla/



Reynaldo Urena

The Brand on Adam’s face is the intials: SDC for Schnee Dust Company, so it’s a little bit of a hint that he was an abused Faunus worker for the Schnee Dust Company; as many Faunus laboring under the SDC usually are mistreated in this world

Nazavian Tatem

What tier do I have to be to start watching volume 7 and where do I find it


Man, until today Bumblebee (Bumbleby) + Adam fight scene is still one of my top favorite fight scenes! Both, individually and together. I have probably seen this sequence more than 20 times now lol (especially the continuous version, it might still be on YT)

Dominick Sermeno

My favorite part of the "Bees Vs Bull" fight is that you can clearly see that Adam steps it up a notch when he fights Yang as opposed to when he was fighting Blake. Suggesting that even though he fought Blake hard, he was holding back. Even the "death blow" look at where his sword would have landed if she didn't "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu" away; it would have been by her pelvis...not a kill shot. He wanted to maim and wound her, not kill her which is in character. Also the confirmation of his semblance being very similar to Yangs. If aura is a manifestation of the soul, and a semblance reflects one's self it hints that Yang's Spirit and Adam's spirit are alike. Which might be why Blake is drawn to both of them. But whereas Yang takes the damage meant for others and uses that to power her, Adam uses other objects (in this case his sword) to take that damage for him, while he receives the benefit. Subtle lore/ character combos that I don't think RT gets the proper credit for.


Th letters are. "SDC"

ThePreator 11

Yeah. I understand people have different views on Bumblebee and and Adam as character (CRWBY wrote him poorly), but that doesn't change the fact this is one of the best fights in RWBY to date.

ThePreator 11

I still think it was a bit late to show his scar. They could've hinted at his backstory in earlier volumes rather than try to make people empathize with him this late in the game. In this regard, I think Cinder in the later volumes was handled better. RT really missed out in either a great villain or epic redemption story.

ThePreator 11

I like how I can't tell whose semblance is better. Sure Adam doesn't take the damage, but relying on an object can backfire. Meanwhile Yang is like a one-shot KO but can't afford to miss.


Yup. At least, with their fight scenes we don't have to "agree to disagree" lol I love that.


They already watched the short in the 6x1 reaction.


This is the only tier for rwby. Volume 7 ep 1 should be out next Friday.

justice barnes

Fun fact Pre Vizla is voiced by Jon Favreau who plays happy in the avenger/Spiderman and the director of the mandalorian

Zen Reacts

What are you talking about theres still 2 chapters left in this volume


I love Suraj's smile. wtf

Reynaldo Urena

Completely agree, I didn’t like what they did to his character, Adam Taurus had such a cool design and character song, he had a lot of potential

Lexy Keller (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-25 19:41:52 Hi! Are we getting You 3x10?
2021-12-25 19:39:09

ThePreator 11

Same. He could've either been the Killmonger of RWBY if he had been written as a proper villain, or they could've made him a Gaara/Zuko type and given him an awesome redemption. I still really enjoy RWBY, but it shoots itself in the foot sometimes with how characters are handled (you know who from vol 8 for example).

David J Moore

Something I think the show is trying to illustrate is similar themes across the heroes and villains but showing you how people's capacity for empathy (both the characters and the viewers) is skewed by what they know and what they don't know. As a result, they need both characters who we see much of their struggle and characters where we don't. The truth is that everyone has a reason for why they do what they do and often times people's scars drive them to become worse people in isolation. These are all recurring themes.


Just added to todays (Monday) links of the day! Sorry for the wait :(

ThePreator 11

I'll be honest. I truly think that wasn't CRWBY's intention and it just boils down to poor writing on Adam's part. That said, what you said is an interesting concept in itself.