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What if Suraj was in the StarWars universe? Would he be strong with the force? Which side would he choose, darkness or light? Which planet would he be from? What would be his motivation? Who would be his archnemesis? 




I dont think a jedi should make that many lost references tbh lol


I think suraj would own a cantina or something like that. A place where he can talk to people and make jokes. He'd probably stay out of the war until the war in some way, came to him (injured soldiers, bounty hunters, etc.) If he were force sensitive, i don't think it would be very strong, probably more like being good at guessing stuff, winning coin flips or something similar. I imagine it would be more of an unconcious thing

Matthew Cronin

I think Suraj would be on the light side if he had the force. And he’s definitely from Coruscant.


Suraj could be a pilot of a passenger ship and meet a lot of people and help them out. Probably around corescant


Telos IV restoration project. Ithorian side. You don't know what that means, but it's high praise.


Jar jar Binks 2nd cousin who eats bananas

Chaos T

Suraj would probably own a bar that allows droids.

justice barnes

Every clone trooper ever 🤣


I would say Suraj will be one of the clone troopers that soon deserts the republic after so many of his brothers dies


Suraj would be Jedi Knight turned Bounty Hunter.