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Happy Friday, Normies! We have a special surprise for you.....

You 3x9 

Reaction: https://youtu.be/92cnD6BDt0o

Uncut: https://vimeo.com/651747166/f1842e7c84

You 3x10

Reaction:  https://youtu.be/GWY4I7SKs30

Uncut: https://vimeo.com/652539859/94242c0dd1




You're making me so happy right now!!!!


Let's go!

Shanice British

Yasssss. Christmas came early I see. Y’all just made my day. LFG 🥳🥳


No, YOU double drop. I had too, I’m sorry.


Let’s gooooo! Glad y’all dropped em!!!

Lorenzo Baxter

Joe didn't have anything to do with the murder of Delilah or Candance. That was all Love. Same with Natalie. Joe just helped cover Natalie up. Those others were all Loves insanity. And Joe killing Ryan was premeditated, not impulsive. He just had to improvise. But I feel no sympathy for Ryan. He was trash. Nothing more. Some of the kills Joe did was some Punisher type kills that are justified cause he killed some fucked people.

Jim Watkins


Jim Watkins

If Joe had let Candace go, she never would've met Love. If Joe had respected Delilah's boundaries and not meddled in her life she never would have met Love. If Joe hadn't obsessed over Natalie, Love would have never killed her. Don't get me wrong, Love is responsible for what she does, but all those people died also because of Joe and his psychotic obsessions.

Lorenzo Baxter

That's flawed logic. By that logic, it's actually Joe's moms fault because she gave him up for literally saving her life by killing an abusive piece of shit. She made him feel like he did something bad, like he was a lost cause. So by your thinking it's actually all on Joe's mom that all of this happened.


they cant stop killing people, jesus


@Jing Wei they said its on the list for anime they'd like to react in the near future so fingers crossed 🤞


This is why y'all are GOATED 🐐

Shanice British

No Joe meant he’s gonna find marienne cause that’s where she told him she would go if she got her daughter to Paris 😂 Can’t wait for season 4 & Marketa please stay I share the same thoughts you do on this mess.


Where is episode 8?


Click the little tab at the bottom that says 'You' and it should be the third post down

Joab Taylor

Just subbed again so I can carry on watching in patreon ❤️