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We waited for Shang Chi to hit Disney+, and the wait was WORTH IT! Simu Liu and Awkwafina kill it in another great addition to the MCU! 

Reaction: https://youtu.be/JkuFX4bTNFg

Uncut video above


Kelly Parks

This movie could be instantly improved by dropping the first ten minutes of pure exposition. It should have started with Sean/Shang going to work, having fun with his friend, then the bad ass martial artist reveal on the bus is both a nice surprise *and* draws you in wanting to know what's this guy's story.

Christophe Kanaa

I litteraly don't think so because almost eveyrone knew it's a martial art movie. Starting with the villain was actual really great for the movie. It also adds to the "legend aspect", like a fairy tail.

Kelly Parks

I disagree because it wasn't story -- just info. Just exposition. Yes, it's a martial arts movie and yes the bus scene was spoiled by the trailer but the story doesn't begin until we meet Shang. For comparison, check out the excellent sci-fi/action film Boss Level.


This is why I refuse to watch movie spoilers. I mean movie trailers. I stopped after the Batman vs Superman trailer ruined that not only would Wonder Woman would be in it but also Lex and Doomsday. Had no idea Doomsday would be apart of the film. Would have been such a fucking great surprise. So, now I only watch the teaser trailer at most and haven't watched a trailer since 2016.

Night Shade929

Do yall ever plan on watching venom or the venom and carnage movie?


They watched Venom back in September. I assume they'll watch Let There Be Carnage when it's out on streaming. https://www.patreon.com/posts/early-access-55802537


i think marvel has gone past the stage where they would expect their major viewers to not know what the movie they are about to bring out is about,since the movies come from comics that are already very populer


absolutely the worst marvel movie so far in terms of plot.

Chaos T

I disagree. The exposition dump was necessary and visually it set the tone for the film. We knew already going into the theater the movie centered around him and there wasn't going to be a shock that he was a martial artist.

Chaos T

One of my favorite MCU origin stories.

Kelly Parks

Opinions vary. I'm of the filmmaker school of thought that exposition dumps are both boring and poor story telling. And it wasn't necessary at all. All that info was re-mentioned later on anyway. I want to be entertained by a good story, which doesn't start until you're ten minutes into the movie.


Hmm, how did you feel about the first 5 minutes of the pilot of Firefly? (if you've seen it...) Also arguably an exposition dump.

Kelly Parks

Of course I've seen it. Firefly is awesome. And by the first five minutes you mean the flashback to the Battle of Serenity Valley, full of great action, dialogue, and no explanatory narration at all? See the difference?


lol one comment says the worst the next one says my favorite lol

Champion Bescos

As a mixed-Asian who is unrepentantly a nerd and equally fascinated by martial arts, comic books, and eastern myths alike, who is also approaching his thirties, plus is someone who lost a parent recently and is a sucker for father/son dynamics… this film couldn’t have had me more in its demographic. Like, it was tailor made for me and I wanted it to succeed. Worse yet, the potential for the film to be genre warping and truly original was there, but then the execution was just utterly disappointing. Issues ranged from a truly underwhelming protagonist with superficial flaws and flacid character growth (his murdering of his mothers killer was not fleshed out enough nor was I convinced it was a flaw, contrary to leaving his sister), comedic relief that missed more than it landed, a waste of a surprisingly decent villain and a legendary actor, cinematography that was form over function by being overly stylistic and CGI that was rushed and over abundant, both of which really took away from the actually good martial arts work put in, plus we got unearned power ups for Awkwafina and some illogical skills and convenient character growth for the sister all in the name of having these ‘strong’ female moments while trying to make you forget that they lazily fridge’d the mother character who was the strongest person in the whole story purely for the PLOT to even happen. Yeah, not quite as progressive as they would want you to think. And then there’s that mess of a finale. It’s not a bad film, no. But I (personally) found it utterly forgettable in the grand scheme of the marvel universe and for superhero films in general. But.. it seems the majority think differently, hence why people also loved the MCU’s spider-man films regardless of quality.

Ernest Moran

look for 88rising for the awesome tracks

Kelly Parks

Yep. I'm a fan of the MCU so I had to watch it. It had its moments but the whole experience was a bit of a chore and I have no desire to watch it again (as opposed to quite a few other MCU movies that I've watched multiple times).


Oh I would totally watch your reaction to Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. Also, if you haven't seen "House Of Flying Daggers", that is great too.


This reaction would've been a lot better if not for Damarian constantly bringing up random comic facts every 30 seconds.

Kelly Parks

You should totally react to George Pal's 1951 sci-fi classic "When Worlds Collide".


Fucking what? Lol. I don't think this movie's plot was amazing or anything but there's been FAR worse ones imo.

Chaos T

I can think of a lot of exposition dumps that have amazing story telling like Lord of the Rings or 2001. In my opinion, that rule applies based on what story a film maker is trying to tell. It's very difficult for fantasy and science fiction not to have an exposition dump because the concepts aren't based in our known reality. I don't need an exposition dump in a cop drama where as I might need it for a film where I'm supposed to take for granted blimps and machine guns being a reality in the High Middle Ages. I appreciated the beginning of this film because it added nuance to the "villain" of the story. From the first 10 minutes I could tell he loved Shang's mother which gave reason for his actions later in the film. He's probably the best one off villain the MCU has had.


Are you guys actually gonna survive not watching spiderman no way home till it's out on streaming???💀

Chaos T

I would also argue boring is rarely a legitimate criticism and it tells more about one's attention span than anything about the film. I can give you a huge list of movies I personally find boring yet also recognize as great films.

Chaos T

House of Flying Daggers is one of my favorite films.

Jesse Collins

Shang Chi became my favorite Marvel movie, just because Martial Arts. Also it's cool to see YouTuber Andy Lee from Martial Club get the role of being the Death Dealer (the dude with the white mask)


I don't if they gone wait for it but sony and disney made a deal to bring all sony movies including spiderman movies starting 2022

Kelly Parks

The word you're forgetting (and that I thought went without saying) is "subjective". You liked the opening ten minute exposition dump and I didn't. Those were our personal, subjective experiences and neither is right or wrong. Don't assume ill intent in the things people say. My not liking something you did like isn't a personal attack. Just a difference of opinion. And speaking of opinion, "I would also argue boring is rarely a legitimate criticism" is (in my opinion) nonsense. A movie's one job is to entertain. If you're bored that means (for you) it has failed.

Kamina 1

I enjoyed this one quite a bit. But that may have been because i had zero expectations, and didn't watch a single trailer lol


Damarian ruined this reaction


Damarian ruined the reaction

Tony Gan (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-29 16:40:57 There is an all deleted scenes on YT, recommend to you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jF4twv3BsCk&ab_channel=ChildLogicLabs
2021-12-29 15:56:41 There is an all deleted scenes on YT, recommend to you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jF4twv3BsCk&ab_channel=ChildLogicLabs

There is an all deleted scenes on YT, recommend to you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jF4twv3BsCk&ab_channel=ChildLogicLabs