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Alarming rumors about the peace-abiding Duchess Satine of Mandalore prompt Obi-Wan to investigate the secluded planet. Satine wants to keep Mandalore neutral in the Clone Wars, but the actions of a violent splinter group — Death Watch — threaten to push the planet towards war.

Reaction: https://youtu.be/I7N2K6-q1L4

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Marketa is correct, in The Mandalorian they did mention that Mandalore was destroyed (turned to glass they said, whatever that means), and that it was the Empire who did it, so it was later than what we are seeing now.


Death Watch is the group that Din Djarin is from guys they rescued him as a baby.

Chaos T

I wonder what the equivalent to Space Boston would be in the Star Wars universe. Also, I'm excited about the Knights of the Old Republic remake and hope one of the Normies plays it. Answers a lot of questions about the past conflict between the Jedi and Mandalorians.


So a bit of backstory on the Darksaber. I don’t think this is spoilers since I don’t believe they go that deep into it in the show. The Darksaber belonged to the first Mandalorian Jedi. It’s a regular lightsaber but it’s black. I don’t think there’s a specific reason for that other than a mando Jedi needs a unique lightsaber. After the mando Jedi died, the Darksaber was kept in the Jedi temple until clan Vizsla stole it and used it to unify the Mandalorian clans. That’s why the Darksaber belongs to the leader of the Mandalorians.

Chaos T

That lore is from Rebels and would be a spoiler...sort of.

Jermall Keels

After hearing this discussion, you all are going to be so sad in such a good way when you finish this show and I’m here for the ride, Just prepared yourselves.