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Hey guys!! Thank you for the hype on this series. Here are two uncuts for your viewing pleasure. Reaction links will be added as they are available! 

Arcane 1x4 

Reaction: https://youtu.be/_yMyHgsn3v8

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/arcane/

Arcane 1x5 

Reaction: https://youtu.be/KOa_eiHXuG4

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/arcane/

Arcane 1x6 

Reaction: https://youtu.be/JAf41F4LYRs

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/arcane/ 




What a treat! Time to rewatch.


Thank you!! Also love the website so far, it's much easier to browse through content. Can't wait to see what other stuff you guys put on there in the future!

Albert venegas

I can’t watch for some reason


Well, I was about to be productive but I guess that's gonna have to wait for a few hours.


Can You Upload The Cut Version I Don't Have Anything To Watch The Uncut With

Egor Kireev

I guess sleep can wait a little)


Won't let me watch

Albert venegas

When it takes u to the other page, click on unlock with patreon and sign in… ig it’s their actual website and not patreon I think


Yeah I did that still it doesn't work 😕


yeah everytime I go to the website it says im not connect even though I connected it and confirmed the connection through Patreon

Albert venegas

Did u click the orange “unlock with patreon” button or did u press something else to log in?

Miguel Estrella

sweeet, just watched the episode 4 reaction, time for ep 5 rewatch :D


Love uncut


feels bad that the conversations are not part of the the uncut :(


I need them edited versions need some discussions in my life


4 is on its way. 5 isn't going to released until Thursday according to the website schedule.

Sincerely, the Best.

So is episode 6 coming tomorrow for us and then episode 5+6 for only youtube watchers on Thursday? No rush and keep the good work! Just want to know the schedule right.

Akash Pandya

Ok Ive been trying to get this to work on 3 different browsers, i am logged in and i am a patron... it won't let me unlock this is so frustrating


Episode 6 uncut will become available as soon as the editor is done. So either close to the end of day tomorrow, or early Thursday morning


Thank you for reacting to this series even though I voted against it. I'm loving it. Vi vs Jynx is just so heartbreaking but goddam is it great story telling


Just FYI, Imagine Dragons were already animated in the Enemy music video that came out before Arcane. https://youtu.be/F5tSoaJ93ac


Where’s that OF??


Hey guys couldnt get it working on Chrome or Edge but the Patreon integration to the normies website immediately worked for Mozilla Firefox. Hope this helps


Worked for me in chrome, edge, firefox. Maybe some plugins f-ing up? I can see that if they(plugins) inject their js on the page to do something with layout (adblock\grammarly) it can mess with a thing. Than simply new browser works just because there isn't any plugins, and chrome\chromium can consistently not work on different machines because plugins (and browser settings) sync.


Look, it even worked for me in tor\firefox, which has very restricting settings by default.


Can confirm the website doesn't work with adblock active. There aren't any ads so best to just turn it off for thenormies.com

Eddy Kubus

Damn no full screen for mobile so I can do PnP mode.


Wait when was 6 added, I'm missing out lol

Benjamin Donahue

I think Jinx is always hearing Milo's voice because he was the one who first called her that so now it's his voice she hears when she is reaffiming her identity as Jinx. Also don't know anything about LOL but I also guessed that the Night fly guy is Little man. We will see. Lastly I think your off a little about Hiemerdinger. He didn't really put Jayce in his position. At every turn he was actually against Hextec with the exceptions of when they voted to make him a counselor and give the Progress Day address. Neither of which were his idea he just saw no reason to oppose


when will last 3 eps be updated? can't wait to see your reaction to this masterpiece


Hi, Not sure why but when I click on refresh it's not working, I can't view the content in the uncut reactions.


try other browsers, it worked for me on google chrome