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Let's discuss the importance of... Lucid Dreaming !! Has anyone ever lucid dreamed before? 



Yessir...I lucid dreamed once and I know it's gonna sound stupid but I noticed I was dreaming while I was in a corner store that just didn't look right. So I like closed my eyes and thought of myself flying and I was then I proceeded to "steal" some candy flew out of the story and woke up


Yes, Chris is wrong. It goes Michael Jackson (HUGE gap) > Upper 1 > Upper 6 (big gap) > Lower 1 > Lower 6


Where are they watching this from? Crunchy roll jw

Prune Chips

Yes, many times lol. Killing yourself in a dream is much easier after the first time.


Awesome reaction! And if it makes you guys feel better, the next episode won't be for two weeks XD

Pepperoni Pony .

I still try lucid dreaming from time to time and the best method that's worked for me is similar to what Christopher Reeves' character in Somewhere in Time did, using a mantra before sleep to hold onto a strong specific thought.

carlos banegas

Am I missing something or was their not a group reaction version of this episode?