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On a scale from 1-10, what rating would you give Dune? Let us know in the comments! :) 


James W.

After watching the YT version of this react a few times it was dope to see the uncut. The deviations they made really don't matter. Liet doesn't need to be a man at all and Sharon Brewster handled the role very well. I love all 3 Liets that have been done on film/TV and I legit think she is the best one. Though there are some things from the book I would like to have seen more coverage on; like Paul's relationship with each of the tutors, Gurney, Thufir, and Dr. Yueh. An overall better accounting of the various houses and organizations just so the weight of the betrayal was more clear. This movie is so good I have little doubt that Denis will be able to cover what is needed in the next film. Worst case, it will make folks read the books. Just teh Frank Herbert ones though, at least the first 3. Skip those Brian Herbert and Kevin Anderson ones, they might as well be bad fanfic.



Kk Napier

4 being nice

Quinton Campbell

I gave it a 7. From everything I've heard about the story of Dune, I didn't feel the hype . And the last 20 something mins were about 15 min too long



Darrell Henry

An 8, could have been 20 mins shorter but I was into the new universe and it made me want sequels.

Wally Boyd

I would give it a 9, as someone who adores the book (and most of the sequels). I love that they remained very loyal to the plot of the book, unlike the previous attempt(s) at adapting it. That said, I can absolutely see how those who haven't read the book would find it a bit slow and lackluster, because the main bits of conflict come in the second half of the book. Hopefully, that means the sequel will be even better!


Fir me there is visually and then like plot/characters. Visually...10 Character...6

Alex sh

How do we follow along? The movie isn’t out of theatres yet


Never heard of Dune before this but I give it a 9/10. Dune is pretty much what I thought The Expanse should have been. With Dune, it actually felt like they were on an Alien planet. I understand The Expanse doesn't have the budget Dune does, but I still couldn't help but feel let down by the weak presentation of none Earth planets of The Expanse.


Definitely a 9. We need more movies like this, people!


A 9 for sure. You guys definitely need to watch it on AMC Dolby or similar. IMAX was ok but the blacks and contrast lacked it also looked a bit blurry at times. Sound was good but Dolby has that extra kick.

Tejan J Salaam

I give it a 9, only reason i took off because I read the book and there were a couple scenes that i really wanted to see acted out but they were unfortunately cut, probably do to money issues but overall still great

Trey Milliner-Williams

3 it was actually so boring imo. i kept falling asleep watching it.


I feel so stupid for asking but it has been a while since i watch content from the normies. Does anyone know where nahid is?


A 9 for me


he left. He has his own chanel on youtube now called nahidwatches. They all parted on good terms

Chaos T

They're not really comparable because they achieve different things and The Expanse isn't supposed to be about going to different worlds. The Expanse didn't promise anything other than what it presented.

Chaos T

8 for me. Loved a lot of things about it but it's incompleteness is my biggest issue. This film could be looked on more favorably by me in the future depending if Part 2 sticks the landing.


@ChaosThieery I know very well what The Expanse is about. That doesn't change the fact that Mars and the other planets and places they visited looked very lackluster. When they aren't on one of the main ships, the show really feels cheap in the set design department. Whereas Dune had a healthy balance of politics and Sci-Fi, the later seasons of The Expanse made Sci-Fi an afterthought for any thing that wasn't protomolecule related and focused on politics.

Rime Pendragon

Is it just me or are the people who know Dune are talking to much about things that could be spoilers ?

Chaos T

I don't agree at all. Mars and asteroids are lack luster looking to begin with and most of the show aired on the SciFi channel. Obviously the budget isn't going to be the same as a block buster film. As for your second point, we must be watching a different show.


@ChaosThierry Well, I don't think we should further turn Dune's discussion into a discussion about The Expanse, so agree to disagree I guess.


8/10 if you watch it on a normal screen but a 9/10 if you see it in a theater. Gives the movie a whole different experience and feeling that I had to add a point for that alone


I have not read the books, nor seen the prior film so I have absolutely 0 knowledge of “Dune”. Given that context, to me the movie was about a 5. I just kind of felt “meh” about it because to me it didn’t feel like too much of significance happened. It felt incomplete and I recognize that is because it literally isn’t complete, but as a result it doesn’t work for me as a movie. Visually there were some amazing shots and effects but I didn’t get much out of the story and characters. So, yeah, a 5 from me sadly.

Big Mike

A very strong 9, give me more please

Erich Bomke

9/10 for me. The first thing I said when the movie ended was "I could easily sit here for another 3 hours and keep going"

Robert Quill

you guys should check out the series Foundation from AppleTV which has a similar aesthetic and its based on the novel written by Isaac Asimov

Erich Bomke

I do agree that there is some skirting the line, but you are talking about source material that has been around for almost 60 years with two adaptations already created. Its like mentioning Uncle Ben dying to someone that knows nothing about Spider-Man. In this case its probably relatable to Lord of the Rings in time its existed as well as scope and impact.

Erich Bomke

My issue with Foundation is that its too much of a roller coaster of quality. Starts great, 2 episodes later its trash, 2 episodes later its fantastic, and then back down again. So it rides that line of being a 7/10 because it has high highs and low lows.




9.5 for sure. Only a .5 off because a second film is atleast 3 years away, and I want all 15 movies now before I turn into an old man.


9.6 This is just the start yall...

Kevin Luna

8 really solid base, felt a little dramatic sometimes

Chaos T

I believe you were referring to a conversation that I had with someone who deleted their comment. I apologize if anything said spoiled stuff. However, what was talked in the about in the conversation is an issue that Villeneuve discussed in a couple of interviews prior to the film's release. Without going into too much detail, he changed some stuff about The Barron and they're changes that were probably needed for a 2021 audience because Frank Herbert's portrayal of him is a product of it's time.


8.5/10 but I saw it in theaters and regret not watching it in IMAX. I know nothing about DUNE except that it has sandworms and that spice is super important. I wish it was marketed as a PART 1 though. I didn't mind but I know a lot of people are judging it for being an incomplete story. I really enjoyed the world building and curious about reading the book now. Visually, it was a masterpiece. Almost as good as Interstellar's visuals for me.


10 amazing setup